Chapter 509 I will bear it alone

If you don't believe it, it's just another scene.

Tan Lei is the most straightforward, "It's easy to say, I'll go right away."

"Don't worry, since he belongs to you, we will bring him here no matter what." Du Bing also said: "Just tell us the news of Changtian to you in advance, and we should help you this time."

Zhang Mingyue looked at her suddenly.

in advance?

In a blink of an eye, my mind has turned back and forth.

Lu Nanqi: "..."

After going through so much trouble, in the end, Zhang Mingyue still knew that the news came from her...

She sighed deeply: "It's not too late, let's act."

After the words fell, he suddenly heard the sound of messy footsteps coming from the front.

The light from Tan Lei's flashlight shone through, and Zhang Mingyue immediately exclaimed, "Rui Huai!"

The person who was running towards them was Zhang Ruihuai.

And behind him, a group of people were also chasing closely at this time. They released their abilities at him. Within a few steps, Zhang Ruihuai was hit by the ice ability.

He was seriously injured and couldn't deal with those people. The only thing he could do was run.

However, he staggered and fell to the ground.

"Rui Huai!" Here, Zhang Mingyue exclaimed again, breaking away from Lu Nanqi and running towards him.

Lu Nanqi was faster than her, the wood element in his palm was thrown out, and his figure also jumped out at the same time.

Huo Ping followed closely, followed by the group of people behind him.

Tan Lei's loud voice rang high in the sky, "Hey, it's all our own people, a misunderstanding, the people in front of you should stop quickly."

But that group of people seemed to be born without ears, and they only dealt with Zhang Ruihuai.

Lu Nanqi rushed forward, and the green vines stretched out, rolling Zhang Ruihuai's body to her side, while other green vines attacked those people, blocking their invasion.

At the same time, Huo Ping also released a fire ability to stop them, and then stopped those people with his body, "It's my own!"

Those people stopped hesitantly when they saw Huo Ping, "The leader told us to catch him, Brother Huo, don't make things difficult for us."

"He is not the murderer of the brothers." Huo Ping promised, "I will explain this to the leader. If there is any problem, I will bear it alone."

"This..." Those people still hesitated.

In just a few days, seven or eight brothers had already died in the base.

Therefore, they are bound to catch the brother, and anyone who is suspicious must not be let go.

The boy was acting suspiciously. During the two days of their secret observations, they could always see him walking through crowded places in the base regardless of the weather.

Even after the smoke bombs appeared in the air tonight, he also left the villa.

They chased it so far and found that the place he was going was the direction of the smoke bomb.

He must be meeting someone!

After confirming this matter, they decided to arrest people.

Originally thought it was possible to catch them all in one go, but ended up getting involved with Huo Ping.

Because the leader didn't forgive him for what happened in the laboratory last time, this time, he still wants to intervene?

Do father and son really want to break up?
"He's just a child. I think you don't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately." Huo Ping said in a low voice, deliberately accentuating the last four words.

The faces of those who were still hesitant suddenly changed.

Their duty is to protect people, but they don't know when killing people became their job.

"You have to think clearly, let people go, what will happen to you after you go back."

"The worst thing is to be locked up, and the worst thing is to be kicked out of the base." Huo Ping said, as if talking about a very ordinary thing, as if it had nothing to do with him at all.

That's all he said.

(End of this chapter)

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