Chapter 541 I Was Careless

"Well, rest where you are, and wait until dawn for all matters." Lu Nanqi said.

Hezi had been in a coma for a long time, Lu Li was worried that his treatment was not enough and Hezi's injury would be slow to heal, so he specially gave him more time to heal.

Regardless of the injury or not, there is always no harm in the healing ability left in the body.

By the time Lu Li put away his hand, it was already an hour later.

Although the injuries on Hezi's back were healed, he still showed no signs of waking up.

In his deep sleep, he also kept his brows tightly locked all the time, as if there was a huge trouble in his dream, and he couldn't even be at peace in a coma.

Lu Nanqi sat casually on the sofa next to him, his eyes tightly locked, all the while falling on Hezi who was in a coma.

After Lu Li treated him, he took a set of clean men's clothes from her and changed them for Hezi along with Meng Lun.

Lu Nanqi couldn't keep staring, so he shifted his gaze.

A group of people make do with rest in the dilapidated house.

In the street outside, in all directions, the neighing of zombies could soon be heard. From far to near, they approached them, and soon rushed towards the direction of the fire.

The sound of explosions completely attracted the zombies, and they surrounded the fire, refusing to leave for a long time.

Mu He glanced out the window, only to see those zombies wandering around the fire in dense numbers, so many that it made one's scalp tingle.

"It's a good thing we went into the house first, otherwise we would have been caught by those zombies." He sighed, and when he returned, he didn't forget to close the windows.

The downstairs door has been destroyed, for safety reasons, so they temporarily rest on the second floor.

Meng Lun also got up to close the door, and dragged a table against the door, "Let's make do for the night, it's safer to stay together, if you are tired, rest first, and I will watch the night."

Zhang Ruihuai took out the quilt from the space and distributed it to everyone.

The men huddled together to rest.

There were only the three of them as women, and Tan Jiatong shrank on Zhang Mingyue's body in fear of the cold.

Lu Nanqi didn't intend to rest, but was still sitting on the sofa, staring at Hezi lying on the only bed.

"You...did something happen tonight?" Chen Xiaochen asked coldly.

Lu Nanqi remained silent.

Wu Feng asked: "Why did the basement suddenly explode?"

Obviously, his way of asking questions is much more sophisticated than Chen Xiaochen's.

Lu Nanqi opened his mouth, "The basement was originally used for firearms trading. While we were planning, we overlooked one point. Those crawlers who stay in the basement for a long time will definitely be contaminated with gunpowder. When these things catch fire, they will naturally It was out of control. I deliberately left two boxes of grenades below for detonation. I thought that the creeper would burn itself before I started it. I was careless and didn’t think of this.”

"Looking at your serious expression, I thought something happened to Hezi and you down there." Wu Feng said half-jokingly, it seemed that it was just a casual sentence.

Lu Nanqi pursed her lips again.

Wu Feng cleverly changed the subject, "Although you didn't think of this, you were self-defeating and saved a lot of trouble. The worst thing is that those crawlers were not killed, and we who were waiting outside had to act. Nothing happened, isn't it better, then what else do you have to worry about?"

"The zombies haven't been dealt with yet, so why not worry?" Lu Nanqi said casually.

Wu Feng is the kind of person who is easy to fool.

But who is she, what she doesn't want to say can be fooled by a few words.

As smart as he is, he stopped asking questions one after another, but shut up in a timely manner.

(End of this chapter)

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