Chapter 542 We Should Go Down
A group of 13 people nestled in a small room like this, huddled together to rest anywhere.

Fortunately, Zhang Ruihuai took out the bedding from the space, allowing them to barely spend the night in the cold night.

When it was dawn in the morning, the rain outside had stopped and turned to snow again.

The temperature seems to be much colder than yesterday.

A group of people huddled together, still awake from the cold.

When they woke up, Lu Nanqi was already awake, with a thin body in front of the window, watching everything outside the window.

I don't know when the rain stopped at night, and then it turned into snow again. I only know that the snow must have been heavy.

Because at this time, the window is completely white, the streets are covered with snow, and all the buildings are covered with a layer of misty white, which makes people unable to see everything in the distance.

Lu Li rubbed his cold hands and stood beside her, "Sister, didn't you rest all night?"

Lu Nanqi's eyes were still outside, "There are more and more zombies, and the snow is getting bigger and bigger. Tell everyone to get up and get ready. We should go down."

"But." Lu Li looked at Hezi who was still unconscious on the bed, "He hasn't woken up yet, so we can't just leave him here alone, it's too dangerous."

Lu Nanqi turned his head and looked at the bed, "Do you want to bring him with you? Do you want to protect him or fight zombies? Don't forget, everyone in the village is still waiting for us to go back. Is it because of him alone? People give up everything?"

"But, after all, he was injured because he saved you." Lu Li persuaded, "At least one person will stay here to take care of him, and the rest will go down to fight the zombies. When everything is over, we will come and take him away, how about it?"

"Who will stay, you?" Lu Nanqi asked back.

Even if he is willing to stay, she will not agree.

Hezi left too many unknowns for her.

Maybe everything is dangerous, and she can't be insured.

"Why don't I stay and take care of him?" Tan Jiatong volunteered, "I don't have any skills except my speed ability and my fighting ability. I'm afraid I will bring you more inconvenience if I follow you. Don't bother me, why don't I stay here and wait for you to come back."

"Are you sure?" Lu Nanqi asked.

Tan Jiatong nodded firmly, "I can't help you much, staying here is the best choice, you go, don't worry, I will take good care of Hezi."

Lu Nanqi's gaze on her body couldn't help but deepen again.

It wasn't like this when she first came to her.

Although her ability is not good, she has always been active, and even if there is danger, she is still going forward.

Since when did she become so greedy for life and afraid of death?

Or, it's not a change at all, she has been like this from the beginning.

It's just that it's finally no longer pretending.

"Sister, that's it. Sister Jiatong stays to take care of Hezi, and we go down to dig up zombies," Lu Li said.

Lu Nanqi gave Tan Jiatong a cool look, and expressed her decision in silence.

"Get ready and come down." She ordered, and she went downstairs first.

The others hurriedly ate their breakfast and followed her closely.

The crowd finally dispersed gradually, and Tan Jiatong, who had been stuck beside the bed, finally let out a breath of foul breath.

She still doubts her...

What should I do, go ahead?
Tan Jiatong's heart is in a mess, for some reason, it's just that she's very imaginary.

She quietly poked her head out to the window, and Lu Nanqi's figure walked farther and farther away in the street until it finally disappeared.

While exhaling, she turned back to look at the man on the bed, and the thought of leaving became more and more intense in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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