Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 554 The Weird Tranquility

Chapter 554 The Weird Tranquility

Lu Nanqi closed his eyes gently, and after a short while, a new green vine crawled out of the water, and the sharp end of the vine was directly facing Wu Feng's eyes, full of threats.

The people around looked at this scene strangely.

Wu Feng chuckled suddenly, and looked away calmly, "Although the night is over, the scenery is just right, don't be so stingy, I'm just enjoying the scenery."

He seemed to be talking to himself, or he seemed to be talking to the green vine in front of him, or he was explaining to the figure that fell into his eyes.

Others didn't understand what he was doing, but the green vine slowly moved away after he chuckled.

Lu Nanqi's original intention was just to give him a little warning, as long as he realized his behavior, she would naturally not embarrass him too much.

Obviously, Wu Feng is still a person who knows current affairs.

Not long after the two green vines were retracted, she felt the gaze behind her again, not just one, but many gazes, all falling on her back, like thorns on her back, which made her feel disgusted.

However, this is not the first time she has seen such gazes. She may be able to easily stop a person, but she cannot stop a group of people.

The only thing that can be done effortlessly is to choose to ignore it more often.

In the eyes of everyone, with the help of the mutated plants, a group of them returned to the village smoothly.

The trip back was surprisingly smooth.

During the whole process, she was preparing to fight the mourning plant all the time, but the fact was that they lived in peace.

Yes, it's weird.

Normally, after that explosion, many mourning plants would definitely be awakened, so she can conclude that there must be a fierce battle on their way back to the village.

But the reality is different from her expectation.

It seems that there has never been a dead plant in this piece of water, and it seems that everything is just a fantasy after she was too worried.

But she knew that everything was not as simple as it seemed to be.

Behind An Ning, for her, is a bigger disaster.

Although she had already returned to the village, her expression was different from everyone's relaxed expression. On the contrary, after returning, she became more dignified.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?" Lu Li sensed that something was wrong with her, and looked at her worriedly.

"Go and tell everyone, get ready, we'll clean up the river immediately." Lu Nanqi ordered, then turned and entered his room.

"So urgent?" Lu Li couldn't help asking, but the only answer was his sister's closing the door.

He sighed slightly, and went downstairs to talk to Meng Lun and the others, and then went to the old house to inform Zhang Mingyue and the others.

As soon as Lu Nanqi entered the room, she immediately dodged into the space. The green dot on her palm had been heating up since she sat on the bamboo raft, and stretched the tentacles on her body straight into her heart.

She jumped directly into the hot spring, using the treatment of the spring water to balance the scorching heat in her body.

Every time something happens, the green dot on her palm will send out different degrees of induction, and each battle corresponds to a different heat.

During the zombie wave in the peace base last time, her body also felt a strong reaction.

Although they came back safely this time, the barbecue-like heat in her body did not diminish due to the smooth return.

Even that strong feeling is no less than when I met a zombie last time.

In other words, danger is still around her, and it is still a danger that cannot be underestimated.

(End of this chapter)

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