Chapter 555 Tengtu
The power tree not far away stretched out its branches, touching her body intimately, snuggling up like a naughty child, and the Tengtu, whose soft branches were wrapped around her arms, perched on it.

"You seem to like these patterns very much, why?" Lu Nanqi lowered his head and said to himself to the branches, "It's a pity you can't talk, otherwise I wouldn't have so many troubles, I must know something, yes wrong?"

Branches still just snuggled up to her body and didn't respond, as if they didn't understand what she was talking about.

When Lu Nanqi calmed down the heat on his body, came out of the space, and arrived downstairs, the group of people were already waiting in the living room.

"Sister, it's getting dark already, are you sure you want to go into the water now?" Lu Li confirmed her decision again.

Lu Nanqi said: "This is the best opportunity before the mourning plants attack us."

A group of people gathered around the table, discussing the next plan.

Liao Sponge uses psychic powers to hide their tracks and prevent the mourning plants from noticing them.

Zhang Mingyue led a few more supernatural beings and went with them, just in case they were discovered by the dead plants, and were ready to fight at any time.

Then, Lu Nanqi, Meng Lun, Mu He, Chen Xiaochen and the boatman Liu Zongmin went into the water to dredge the river.

The plan seems simple, but everyone knows in their hearts that going this time must be full of dangers.

Hezi, who was also involved in the plan, was automatically removed by Lu Nanqi.

Not to mention that Tan Jiatong, who only has speed abilities, is even more impossible to go.

Seeing that everyone was busy setting off, Hezi approached Lu Nanqi again: Let me go, I will go with me, and I can help too!
Lu Nanqi did not agree to Hezi's request.

Wu Feng, on the other hand, also came to lobby: "I'll go with you too, I'm good at swimming."

Lu Nanqi took a look at him, he was worried about leaving him in the village at first, and he had to put dangerous things in front of his eyes to be at ease.

Those who stayed in the village were a group of helpless people. What if he took over the village while they were cleaning up the river?
With Wu Feng's temper, it's hard to say anything.

As for Hezi, although she questioned his real identity, she could confidently affirm that even if he stayed in the village, he would not harm the people in the village.

As for Tan Jiatong...with Hezi in the village, she might not be able to do anything big.

What's more, the little goblin is also in the village, and with it staying to protect everyone, it is more than enough to deal with Tan Jiatong who has a little guy.

"If you're willing to help, I'm naturally happy, but are you sure you can do it?" Lu Nanqi set his eyes on his lap.

Wu Feng smiled and said, "You underestimate me too. Even if you don't believe in my ability, then you should also believe in your brother. It was Lu Li who healed me. Could it be that you don't even believe in your own brother's ability?"

Naturally, it wasn't that she couldn't trust Lu Li, it was simply that she couldn't trust Wu Feng's ability.

The people who followed were all carefully selected by her, with relatively powerful abilities.

When we separated from him in the peace base last time, he said that he was at the first level of the ice system.

The first-level ability is not much different from ordinary people now. I am afraid that any dead plant can pull him into the water.

"Don't forget, your ability is only level one." Lu Nanqi kindly reminded, and then said: "Are you sure you want to set off with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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