Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 556 Everyone Will Die There!

Chapter 556 Everyone Will Die There!
"The time I was in the small town was not in vain." Wu Feng said: "Although I can't compare with your power level, but now I have caught up with the others anyway, barely two levels behind, and it is almost Level three, really underestimates people."

"Oh?" Lu Nanqi raised her eyebrows, she really didn't expect that the upgrade was fast enough.

I'm afraid that after leaving the base, he has been struggling to upgrade.

It can only be said that he was lucky, and he was seeing a small town with a lot of zombies, otherwise, with his first-level ability, if he went out, he would suffer.

"Don't believe me?" When Wu Feng said, he immediately took out an icicle from his palm and threw it towards the wall.

The icicle broke through the wall, and actually went through it directly. A small hole appeared in front of their eyes, and it was particularly eye-catching under the projection of the light.

"Don't be in a hurry to prove anything to me, just follow if you want, but a word of warning, don't think this is fun." Lu Nanqi said, getting up and leaving the house first.

Wu Feng shrugged: "I never think anything is fun."

The others followed Lu Nanqi and left the house one after another.

Less than an hour after returning to the village, a group of people set off again.

Hezi was finally left in the village, standing on the shore, looking at Lu Nanqi's fading figure, his gloomy eyes completely lost their light.

Tan Jiatong stood with him on the shore, although she also had a look of disappointment, but only a little bit, compared with Hezi's deep frustration, she could even be said to be calm.

Hezi squatted on the shore, looking at the direction where Lu Nanqi and the others disappeared, and had no intention of going back.

Tan Jiatong had already withdrawn her looking eyes, and was looking down at him, "Regret it, why don't you just leave with me, why do you insist on staying by her side? There are so many capable people around her, one more you is not too much, It doesn't matter if you are missing, do you think that if you work hard for her, she will remember your kindness?"

Hezi turned her head suddenly, stared at her fiercely, and made a sound with a neigh in her throat.

He could vaguely hear the general idea, as if he was scolding her to "get lost".

Not only did Tan Jiatong not leave because of his words, but he became even more sarcastic: "She won't come back, everyone will die there, and you will never see her again."

At her words, Hezi stood up abruptly, threw her to the ground with lightning speed, strangled her by the throat, and murderous intent shot out from her dark eyes.


"Go to hell..." He growled, as if saying these words.

Tan Jiatong was unprepared, and fell straight to the ground, her head collided violently with the ground, causing her to faint directly.

Although Hezi wished to kill her immediately, but thinking of the arrow that Lu Nanqi deliberately missed before, he knew that Lu Nanqi must have a use for saving her life.

The anger in his heart was unbearable, but in the end, he took back the hand on her neck, squatted back to the bank again, and continued to look in the direction of the river.

Quietly looking forward to the safe return of the person in his heart, quietly waiting for the person in his heart to reappear in his sight.

After an unknown period of time, the unconscious woman beside her made some movement.

Tan Jiatong slowly struggled to sit up, raised his hand and rubbed his painful head, with a confused and innocent expression, "What's wrong with me, why am I lying here?"

Hezi took a look, gave a cold snort, and then looked away.

(End of this chapter)

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