Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 590 Showing Weakness Is Not My Nature

Chapter 590 Showing Weakness Is Not My Nature
Lu Nanqi let out a muffled snort, secretly gasped in pain, but still held it back.

"In my eyes, you are just a girl." A look of pity flashed in Huo Ping's eyes.

She is not weak, but she forgot, she is only 20 years old!
Not only did she forget her age, she even forgot that she was a daughter.

That's why it doesn't matter.

Lu Nanqi looked at him, "In the eyes of you men, you only use this word when you are facing a weak woman."

She seemed to be reminding him of something.

So, in his eyes, she is still just a weak person?
"No, I only use it in front of you." Huo Ping said.

With the first move, the next move is much more neat than before.

She smiled softly, "Your mouth is still so sweet."

"I just like to tell the truth." He took time to glance at her while he was being bandaged, "My heart will never change."

"I know." She didn't avoid his gaze, "My heart will always remain the same."

"If you hadn't left the base this time, maybe you wouldn't have suffered such serious injuries." He sighed slightly, "I know, I must want to say that there are no ifs in this world."

"Since you know, why waste your tongue."

After the wound on the shoulder was treated, he took the clothes and put them on her carefully, "It's just that I don't want to let go of any chance. If you can return to the base, I will be the happiest one."

Zhang Ruihuai was quite careful, knowing that her injuries were inconvenient, so all he took were open-fronted clothes.

In addition to the serious shoulder injury, there were many small wounds on the arm. Although they had been treated, he was still worried about hurting her.

So when dressing her, be careful.

"Don't be so exaggerated, I'm not a paper doll." Lu Nanqi couldn't help laughing, she pulled the wound again, and she bared her teeth in pain.

Huo Ping pressed her body in his arms, reached forward and buttoned her.

"It hurts like this to be brave." His words are full of distress.

"It's not in my nature to show weakness."

"I just know your temperament, so more often, I hope you don't have this temperament." He sighed helplessly, and buttoned the buttons one by one for her.

From bottom to top, to the chest, he suddenly stopped.

His fingers lightly touched the clearly visible tentacles that were still outside the clothes.

Lu Nanqi's heart trembled, and he heard him ask, "What's the matter with these patterns?"

When he saw these tattoo-like patterns on her body, he wanted to ask.

It's just that I have concerns, so I haven't asked.

"Tattoos, this thing is very common, what's so strange." She said.

Huo Ping knew that this was just her excuse.

It's not like he hasn't seen what a tattoo looks like.

But these patterns on her body are different, as if they were born with her and grew on her body.

It was so smooth to the touch that it was exactly her skin.

"I saw your powers glow when they exploded," he said.

Lu Nanqi lowered his eyes, "You must be wrong."

Huo Ping said to himself, "When they are shining, my body is heating up."

"You have fire abilities, so your body will get hot, which is normal." Her face remained unchanged.

"When I was at the base, my body also had a fever, Qiqi, don't you think there is a connection between this?"


She didn't know what connection it would have.

Up to now, she still has countless questions that she can't figure out, so how can she pay attention to his questions.

Although this problem is also related to him, what should she say, to be honest?
Doesn't that prove her deceit just now?

(End of this chapter)

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