Chapter 591 Body Response
It's okay to tell the truth, but only if she understands everything.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence?"

"Do you really think so?"

"Otherwise, what do you say is the reason?" She asked back, "What important connection can you tell from the two?"

Huo Ping was silent.

She smiled, even the smile hurt, and she began to frown again, "Look, you can't tell why."

Knowing that she didn't want to say it, Huo Ping didn't force it, left his fingers from her chest, continued to button the rest of the buttons for her, and then changed her pants.

Her legs were nailed by icicles, leaving a lot of blood.

The icicles had already melted away, leaving an obvious hole in his leg.

When Huo Ping pulled his pants lightly, she snorted in pain.

He didn't dare to move anymore, looked at her with a frown, was silent for a while, picked up the dagger, and carefully cut off her pants.

Even if it was just like this, Lu Nanqi would break out in a cold sweat.

"Now, I am a real useless person." She laughed at herself, with a miserable expression.

"A real useless person won't make fun of suffering like you."

The dagger went all the way to his leg, afraid that the knife would hurt her, so he stopped halfway and put her flat on the boat board before he dared to continue.

"Any brat can hack me to death with a single knife. Such a person is not worthless, so who is worthless in your eyes." She smiled softly, clenching her teeth because of forbearance.

Without Huo Ping's heating, she suddenly returned to the howling wind, and her body began to shiver again.

"Even if you are really useless, I will take care of you."

While speaking, he had already taken off her pants neatly, took the cotton yarn next to her, and began to treat the wound on her leg again.

"Are you taking care of my eating and drinking like an old lady like now?" Lu Nanqi lay flat on the boat deck, under the light of the flashlight, he could clearly see the snowflakes falling from the sky.

Densely floating in front of the eyes, and then fell.

She was dazzled and disgusted.

Even if he is really willing to take care of her for the rest of her life, she is still willing to simply end her life.

What's the point of a person who only lives in bed.

"Even if I really want to take care of you, I know you won't give me this chance, and God will not allow you to become like this." Huo Ping's tone was serious, "So, you will definitely get better."

She is such a strong person, how could she be willing to lie on the bed for the rest of her life.

Just thinking about it is already scary.

Lu Nanqi stared at the snowflakes fluttering in the air, but did not speak.

The sudden silence made Huo Ping look at her suspiciously.

She talked a lot tonight, and she answered every question he said.

This is very good, so that when he is changing her clothes, she will suddenly faint, and he will not know it at all.

It's just that he suddenly became so silent, can't he hold on?

His heart tightened, "Qiqi?"

"Still awake." Her voice was two minutes lower than before.

Huo Ping speeded up his hands, packed everything for her, pulled her back into his arms to keep warm, and then covered her with a heavy coat.

Lu Nanqi sighed in satisfaction, "The fire element is really good."

Huo Ping hugged her tightly, "You don't know how many people envy your wood system."

It's not that she is envious of her wood element, but she is envious of her wood element's abilities that are different from ordinary people.

Just like her space department, no one envies her.

The weak are always used to and like to look up to those who are stronger than themselves.

He is a fire element, so no one envies him?

(End of this chapter)

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