Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 700 She is the woman I like

Chapter 700 She is the woman I like
Shi Wanwan and his group were still locked up by Lu Nanqi and the others.

Zhang Mingyue heard about Shi Wanwan's plan to kill Lu Nanqi, originally planned to talk to Lu Nanqi and let them go.

Upon hearing this, I immediately lost the desire to speak.

Even if she said this, I believe that Lu Nanqi would not let Shi Wanwan and the others go.

If it doesn't work out, it may cause a gap between himself and Lu Nanqi.

Know the importance of Lu Nanqi in this village.

She would not be so stupid as to ruin the peaceful life of the people on her side for the sake of Shi Wanwan and a group of irrelevant people.

The reality dictates that she must live indifferently in order to live a better life!

On the third day Shi Wanwan was locked in the house, she finally couldn't stand it any longer, and took the initiative to find the gatekeeper to send a message to Lu Nanqi, saying that she had already decided to tell her everything outside.

When she was brought in front of Lu Nanqi, Lu Nanqi was having lunch.

A table of hearty lunch, full of color, fragrance and taste, made Shi Wanwan look silly.

It's been so long since the end of the world, but she can still get fish?
Moreover, these fish meats are very fresh at first glance.

It's definitely not the bacon she used to scare people a few days ago!
She was drooling looking at it, and suddenly rushed forward, grabbed the food on the table with her hands, and started to gobble it up.

Lu Nanqi didn't stop her, and let her eat.

It was just a table of good food, Shi Wanwan grabbed it everywhere, suddenly, she lost her appetite.

Putting down his chopsticks, he looked at Shi Wanwan with distaste, "The starved ghost reincarnated."

She also complained, but she didn't mean to look down on it.

In the last days, everyone fights for a piece of food.

Besides, she deliberately starved Shi Wanwan, and she only had gruel that was just enough to maintain her body for every meal, so she couldn't fill her stomach at all.

Even if it were her situation, she would definitely gobble it up like Shi Wanwan.

With her temperament, it is possible to climb directly onto the table.

"There are so many delicious things, but my mother is hungry!" Shi Wanwan said dissatisfied.

For this table of food, even if she wanted to shoot her after the meal, she still felt that it would be enough to be a starving ghost for the rest of her life.

What is it that can't live, you can't even eat enough to eat, why are you still alive?

Might as well be dead!
Lu Nanqi asked Mingshu to get up, refilled a bowl of rice for her, and handed her a pair of clean chopsticks.

Shi Wanwan was not polite either, she directly grabbed it with her greasy hands, and tried her best to eat on her stomach.

While eating, her movements slowed down.

His eyes were red, and he cried silently.

The group of people at the table fell silent.

Lu Nanqi looked at her and said, "Eat, today's food is yours, no one will grab it from you."

Shi Wanwan was just sobbing at first, holding back her emotions.

Upon hearing Lu Nanqi's words.

Tears immediately fell violently, and the crying was so loud that the whole building could be heard.

"You said, these foods are all mine, then I..." Shi Wanwan wiped her eyes fiercely, "Then, do I have the right to distribute these foods?"

Lu Nanqi nodded.

Shi Wanwan immediately said again: "Can you call my friend over for me? It's the man who protected me that day, his name is Yu Hui."

Lu Nanqi looked at Meng Lun.

Meng Lun immediately took the order and went to bring the man himself.

After a while, the man named Yu Hui came over.

Seeing Shi Wanwan sitting at the table, he just stood beside Shi Wanwan, looking deeply at her.

Shi Wanwan pulled him to a chair and sat down, "Eat, these are all ours."

Yu Hui didn't move his chopsticks, but frowned, his eyes were filled with worry for her, "Tell me the truth, did you agree to something she shouldn't?"

He is not stupid.

How can there be cheap things in this world.

Giving them so much food for no reason.

In his opinion, Shi Wanwan must have agreed to some unequal treaty with Lu Nanqi.

That's why it was such a sumptuous lunch.

He had already blamed himself for failing to protect her well.

How could she swallow the food she bought.

Do not eat!

"No, she's stupid, she gave it to us for nothing." Shi Wanwan said, hurriedly stuffing a pair of chopsticks into Yu Hui's hands, "Hurry up and eat, maybe she'll regret it later, anyway, don't eat for nothing, Put it in your stomach, and it will be truly ours."

Yu Hui looked into her eyes still worried, but he couldn't see that she was cheating.

But her eyes were obviously red.

He must have cried before he came.

Could it be that Lu Nanqi threatened her?

Thinking of this, Yu Hui lost the mood to eat.

He faced Lu Nanqi and said bluntly, "Anything you want to know, you can get it from me. Wanwan is just a simple woman. She doesn't know anything. You can't get anything important from her mouth." information, but I know, I fight outside all day, many things are clearer than her."

"Want to protect her?" Lu Nanqi tapped on the table with his fingertips, and kept calmly watching the man in front of him.

She remembered that this man had been very calm from the moment he landed.

There were so many people going ashore that day, but what she noticed all at once, besides Shi Wanwan, the only woman in the team, was this man named Yu Hui.

He has an aura similar to that of Huo Ping.

That is to be upright.

It can also be seen from the man's protection of Shi Wanwan these days.

He is a nice guy.

At least be polite.

And not like other men.

Seeing that something happened to Shi Wanwan, she couldn't wait to get rid of the relationship.

Facing Lu Nanqi's question, Yu Hui nodded without hesitation, "Yes, she is the woman I like."

Shi Wanwan's chopsticks froze for a moment.

But soon, like a deaf person who didn't hear anything, she buried her head deeper into the bowl and worked harder to eat.

Lu Nanqi smiled, "If I remember correctly, her man just died."

"That's not her man!" Yu Hui suddenly became angry, "That man forced her to be with him. She doesn't like that man at all. The person she loves has always been me!"

He was emotional, and because of anger, he slapped his palm on the table, and the veins on his entire arm burst.

Lu Nanqi looked at him, not moved by his deep emotion, but sarcastic, "I think she likes that man."

"No, Wanwan doesn't like that man!" Yu Hui was already furious and stood up abruptly.

Because of too much force, they overturned the chair behind them.

Shi Wanwan, who had been eating quietly all this time, suddenly threw the chopsticks on the table with a bang, and snapped, "Yu Hui, shut up!"

(End of this chapter)

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