Chapter 701 You are shameless!
Yu Hui's originally furious mood suddenly disappeared with her stern shouting.

Shi Wanwan directed him with a stern face, "Sit down for me immediately."

Yu Hui raised the chair silently, and then sat down obediently.

With a cold face, Shi Wanwan ordered again, "Now, pick up the chopsticks for me immediately and eat properly. If you say another word, you will never see me again in your life!"

Yu Hui was stunned immediately, all emotions disappeared completely, holding the chopsticks, he lowered his head and slammed the rice.

Lu Nanqi crossed his arms and watched all this quietly.

This pair of people is actually quite interesting.

Shi Wanwan wasn't as bad as the first impression he gave her.

Many of her images are actually faked by her.

In fact, she is a very small woman, even very timid, but in order to survive, she has to pretend to be fearless.

Lu Nanqi could tell that Shi Wanwan even liked Yu Hui.

Otherwise, they wouldn't all think of him.

When both of them were full and finished eating, Shi Wanwan waved his hand boldly, "Okay, now you can take him back and lock him up again!"

Lu Nanqi couldn't help but want to laugh.

But according to her wishes, Meng Lun asked him to take him back to the room and lock him up.

This time, instead of locking him in the same room as the others, he was locked in a separate room.

"Okay, we can negotiate now." Shi Wanwan folded her arms around her chest like Lu Nanqi.

The two women just stared wide-eyed and small-eyed.

But in the end, Lu Nanqi won the victory.

Under Lu Nanqi's powerful aura, Shi Wanwan was finally defeated, she looked away, "Just ask what you want to know."

Lu Nanqi was not in a hurry, but got up and took Shi Wanwan downstairs, "Let's go, you have eaten a full three-person portion, at this time, I'm afraid your stomach will explode, go down and take a walk. "

"Aren't you afraid that I'll run away?" Shi Wanwan felt a little unbelievable.

The woman in front of her was different from any woman she had ever seen before.

She not only has a strong aura, she is also very quiet when she is quiet, she is more childish than a child when she is naive, she can really piss people off when she is angry, and when she is ruthless...

She has many faces.

Shi Wanwan couldn't even tell which face was the real her.

And they even went through a lot of bad things.

She even nearly shot her to death.

But she only locked her up for a few days symbolically.

Although the stomach has been hungry for a few days, it is miserable enough.

But things like being starved are too common in the last days.

So her methods are actually not cruel at all.

It's even a bit watery.

Although Shi Wanwan couldn't figure out the real purpose in Lu Nanqi's heart, but after spending more time here, she felt more and more that she actually liked this perverted woman...

Lu Nan's seven words are full of self-confidence, "Do you think you can escape from my palm?"

Shi Wanwan snorted fiercely, "There is a kind of self-confidence called blindness, and you underestimate me too much."

"Do you think you can beat me?" Lu Nanqi looked at her like a fool.

Apart from those two triangular cat kung fus with raising the gun, what else can she do?
Shi Wanwan really said: "Don't forget, I almost shot you to death that day. If your companion hadn't arrived, the hostess here would have become me by now."

Lu Nanqi's laughter overflowed from his chest, "It turns out that your goal is to be the hostess here, and your tone is really serious, but if you really like this place, maybe you can really try to compare with Zhang Mingyue Skills, she is a policeman, and she is also very good at marksmanship, you can really compete, I will definitely be there to watch."

Shi Wanwan was furious, "I'm talking about you, don't always play dumb, everyone can tell, although you said you lived in this place temporarily, but that woman named Zhang Mingyue actually listened to you .”

"So, since you already know it so clearly, why do you still challenge my dignity? It's really stupid."

"Tch, is it possible that you still want to use your weapon and kill me again?"

Although the two were fighting each other, for some reason, Shi Wanwan was no longer afraid of Lu Nanqi.

"It's hard to say. After you tell me everything I want to know, it will be easy for me to kill you again." Lu Nanqi said bluntly.

Shi Wanwan snorted, "You are so straightforward, if I tell you everything again, I would be a fool."

Lu Nanqi said: "If you don't tell me, then you can only die now."

"You!" Shi Wanwan was so angry that she almost turned her back, why is this woman still so vicious!

Lu Nanqi's next words made her so angry that she hung up, "Or arrest you and threaten Yu Hui, I think it will be easier."

"You are shameless." Shi Wanwan was angry.

Lu Nanqi smiled, "I never said I was a good person."

If she was a good person, she wouldn't have caught them, wouldn't she.

Shi Wanwan was finally discouraged, "Okay, what do you want to know, anyway, I have already eaten your lunch, the so-called cannibalism is short-mouthed and soft-handed, as long as I know something, I can tell you."

Lu Nanqi took her around the back mountain, "As long as you know about the outside world, tell me."

Shi Wanwan said: "In fact, I don't know much. In the past six months, everything around me has been frozen, and the days have been very stable. Only after the ice and snow melted, all the disasters began, so I don't know much about the outside world. What's going on, I only know, this way, there are too many deaths..."

She sighed deeply, calmed down, and then continued: "Although the base I'm in is not big, there are 10,000+ people. Because of a flood, the base was submerged, and the leader couldn't take care of himself. , everyone can only think about self-reliance, so many lives, if you say no, they will be gone..."

At the end, Shi Wanwan's voice gradually became weaker.

Lu Nanqi didn't bother her either, and gave her enough time and space.

Shi Wanwan said whatever she wanted, and when she suddenly thought of something, she started talking from there.

When you don't want to talk, just be quiet.

Anyway, it could be seen that Lu Nanqi didn't force her.

Intermittent, the plot is not coherent, but this is enough for Lu Nanqi to think about everything.

The situation outside seemed to be worse than she had imagined.

It is true that the Peace Base has treated the floods and cleaned up the mutated plants, but in other places, there is no one to deal with these things.

The only thing they can do is run away.

But these monsters are everywhere, no matter where they flee, they will never escape from the range of monsters.

Then there is only one ending.

That is death.

(End of this chapter)

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