Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 702 They Appeared Suddenly!

Chapter 702 They Appeared Suddenly!

Half a day is enough for Lu Nanqi to understand everything.

The two walked around the shore, and finally walked back.

Suddenly there was another roar of a tiger nearby.

Shi Wanwan was frightened by the little goblins before, but she faced it with the mentality that she must die before.

But this moment is different.

Not only did Lu Nanqi obviously not intend to kill her, but he also had a good conversation with her.

Maybe one day Lu Nanqi will really let her go.

Since you can live, of course you have to cherish life.

So when he heard the roar of the tiger, Shi Wanwan subconsciously stopped.

Lu Nanqi said: "We are still far away, what are you afraid of, aren't you even afraid of death?"

Shi Wanwan knew that she was just taking the opportunity to laugh at herself, so she couldn't help snorting, "You're not even afraid of death, but if you were to face monsters, wouldn't you be afraid?"

Lu Nanqi chuckled, "At least I won't be so cowardly like you, so scared that I can't even tell the distance of the voice."

Before the smile on her face spread, suddenly there was another scream from a zombie.

"What happened?" Shi Wanwan's expression changed.

The smile on Lu Nanqi's face stopped abruptly, and when Shi Wanwan was speaking, she had already rushed forward, running towards the direction where the zombies were screaming just now.

The goblin's roar and the zombie's scream came from the same direction.

Usually, goblins don't change easily.

Now that it has changed its voice and even heard the roar of a tiger, something must have happened.

Running all the way to the destination, Huo Ping also arrived at the same time.

Lu Nanqi and him looked at each other, and they both said at the same time: "Something happened!"

The little goblin stood on the shore, her back was facing them, and she kept grinning towards the water.

And in the water, there is a dark mass of zombies at the moment.

Visually, it is an innumerable amount.

The flood broke out, and people in many places were killed and turned into zombies.

Many of these zombies are of the first level.

Although the level of zombies is not high, it can't stand the large number of them.

Lu Nanqi urgently took out his walkie-talkie and sent a message to Meng Lun and the others, asking everyone to come to them immediately.

Seeing the dense crowd of zombies, Shi Wanwan's face turned pale, "How many zombies..."

Couldn't be too many, the entire water surface looked crowded, and there were almost no vacancies.

If such a group of zombies all attack the shore, they may not be able to go anywhere under siege.

And these zombies, when Lu Nanqi and Shi Wanwan were wandering on the shore, they didn't see them.

They appear out of the blue!

First, this shows that although they are low-level zombies, they have a very clear deployment plan.

Second, they didn't come forward in a hurry after they surrounded the shore. If they were just ordinary zombies, they wouldn't think so much at all. After smelling fresh blood, their normal behavior would only be a brainstorm. rush forward.

Third, considering the above two points, these zombies are likely to be controlled by a more powerful creature, so after seeing them, not only did they not feel excited at all, they were even as quiet as wood.

If they are really dominated by a more powerful creature, then the latter problem will be more serious.

Lu Nanqi didn't worry about anything else, what he was most afraid of encountering was a spiritual zombie.

Her side is still in the state of lack of crystal nucleus.

If she really encountered spiritual zombies, she would not be able to give enough crystal nuclei for Liao Sponge to deal with them.

so troublesome!
(End of this chapter)

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