Chapter 708 Terribly Huge
Lu Nanqi took out many ropes and bows for everyone from the space.

The thief Lao Sanxing hurriedly led people to bring up the bows and arrows that were newly made in the past few days for the villagers to use.

He promised to work for her, so all his products should belong to her.

Knowing that the third thief stays with the villagers every day, he must have feelings for him, and among the villagers' children, two of them are his little apprentices.

Ai Wu Ji Wu will definitely take better care of the villagers.

Lu Nanqi only looked at it and didn't say a word.

Since coming here, the third thief has been leading the villagers to make bows and arrows for her day and night. In a sense, the villagers are also helpful to her.

Furthermore, seeing how actively they were holding bows and arrows, since they had the desire to survive, she would naturally not stop them.

There is great power in numbers, and at this time, she is also employing people.

They can produce a small amount of power, which is also called power.

The two people on the roof each received a piece of rope from Lu Nanqi, and then tied the rope to the arrow feathers as Lu Nanqi did before landing, and shot at the nearest zombie below. Just two people work together, one shoots the arrow and the other pulls the rope. If the zombies pulled up are not dead, they will make another knife on the top of their heads. After they are completely dead, they will dig out the crystal nucleus.

Action is very slow, but they also cooperate very well.

Looking at their hard-working figures, Lu Nanqi had a smile on his face.

Danger is not terrible, what is terrible is that in the face of danger, many people are more accustomed to giving up their lives and waiting to die, because they feel weak and useless, and the first thing they do is question themselves instead of working hard.

Today, they seem to be shining even from their backs.

Because although they are weak, their hearts are infinitely strong.


Watching them fight, Lu Nanqi also chose a corner, unlike them, she has three arrow feathers in her hand every time, she shoots them easily, and pulls her arm hard, The corpses of the zombies killed by her flew upstairs at once.

Looking at everyone's busy figures, Shi Wanwan, who had been standing in the corner, finally plucked up the courage to stand beside Lu Nanqi when Lu Nanqi squatted down to dig out the crystal nucleus in the zombie's brain, and said, "If you don't worry, You can let Yu Hui and the others come up together..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Nanqi suddenly looked over, and all Shi Wanwan's words were stuck in his throat.

Having seen Lu Nanqi's killing, she felt subconsciously afraid. Thinking of these bloody things on the ground, it was easier for Lu Nanqi to do than killing chickens and ducks. She knew that she must have experienced such things often.

If a woman is not afraid of anything, then this woman is often more terrifying than any demons and ghosts in this world.

Because her heart will be bigger than anything.

Shi Wanwan is a woman herself, so naturally she knows women better.

He didn't take Lu Nanqi very seriously before, but the more he stayed with Lu Nanqi, the more he realized that Lu Nanqi was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

Lu Nanqi's strength is a hundred times, a thousand times higher than what she thought.

They were captives in her hands, and unless she was willing to let them go, they would never be able to successfully escape from her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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