Chapter 709 Test the strength
It is impossible for Yu Hui to take her out of here.

Shi Wanwan could even imagine how tragically they would end their lives when they escaped from Lu Nanqi's grasp one day and then fell back into her grasp.

She is not stupid, and because she knows the powerful relationship among them, she can't act rashly.

She can't let Yu Hui have an accident for her!

But it's not a solution for Yu Hui to keep it closed.

Perhaps the only sensible way to choose now is to try to lobby in front of Lu Nanqi.

This woman is smart and sensible enough.

If it was for the sake of the overall situation, Shi Wanwan believed that she would seriously consider her own words.

"They?" Lu Nanqi really asked.

But it was just two words without beginning and end, and then he kept staring at her.

Shi Wanwan was stared at with no idea, so she could only pretend to be calm, "There are zombies in all directions, so you are afraid that he and I will take the opportunity to escape?"

Lu Nanqi knew that she was provoking her on purpose.

The reason was just to let Yu Hui out first.

Under such circumstances, if she was allowed to brave the zombie tide alone, she would not be confident that she would be able to break out of the crowd, let alone the two of them.

She was not afraid of them escaping, but worried that they did not have the ability.

At that time, she will have to deal with two more zombies.

"Run away?" Lu Nanqi smiled and said, "Even if you want to run away, are you sure you can take half a step?"

Shi Wanwan blushed when she was told, "At least he can help you deal with zombies together. Don't worry, as long as I'm in your hands, he will never dare to act rashly."

"You are quite confident."

Shi Wanwan's expression was gentle, "Everyone will have a love in their hearts. Aren't you always confident in front of your Huo Ping?"

Isn't this the charm of love, which can always give people infinite power.

"You are very good at manipulating people's psychology." Lu Nanqi turned around and continued to shoot at the zombies with arrows, but did not say bluntly whether to let Yu Hui go.

Shi Wanwan was anxious in her heart, and tried her best to maintain a calm face, "Aren't you also, in this respect, I think you are better than me."

Lu Nan Qisan shot out arrows and dragged the zombie's body upstairs, "The man who wants to save you come out?"

Shi Wanwan clasped her hands vertically by her side, and after a while, she nodded, "Yes."

"I remember, your man just died not long ago." Lu Nanqi's mouth twitched.

Slowly digging the head of the zombie at his feet, the small dagger turned around in the zombie's head, stirring up the brain that had already deteriorated everywhere.

Shi Wanwan looked so disgusted, she had a sad smile on her face, she didn't know if she was laughing at herself, or she was scared by Lu Nanqi's actions, "My man is more than just the one who died."

Lu Nanqi looked up at her, but didn't speak.

He lowered his head and carefully stirred the zombie's head until he took out all the crystal nuclei in his mind, wiped his body clean and put them into the bamboo basket next to him, then slowly stood up.

Without further ado, he handed Shi Wanwan a bow and arrow, and said, "Go, shoot a zombie and show me."

Shi Wanwan didn't understand her intention.

Lu Nanqi said: "Isn't it the man who wants to save you? As long as you kill a zombie, I'll bring him up."

Shi Wanwan's eyes lit up, "Really, as long as I kill a zombie, you will let Yu Hui out?"

Lu Nanqi shrugged indifferently, "If you don't think it's credible, you don't have to listen."

Shi Wanwan lowered her eyes, struggling a little.

She can't shoot arrows.

What Lu Nanqi said was that as long as she kills a zombie, Yu Hui can be released.

To put it bluntly, I didn't want to test her real strength.

(End of this chapter)

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