Chapter 710 Playing With You
Shi Wanwan hesitated.

Lu Nanqi was not tolerant enough to give her many opportunities, and almost at the moment Shi Wanwan hesitated, he stepped forward to take back the bow and arrow in her hand.

Shi Wanwan panicked and called her, "Wait!"

Immediately, he raised his arms, and two green vines came straight out of his palms, and rushed into the minds of the zombies downstairs. With a sudden lift, the two dead zombies came to Lu Nanqi's feet .

Seeing the supernatural power she suddenly offered, the people around her also looked over for a moment.

It turned out to be a wood type.

You must know that Lu Nanqi is also from the wood department, because she is powerful, so they will always admire people from the wood department more than people from other departments.

I always feel that wood-type supernatural beings are more mysterious than others.

It's just a pity that the last days have been so long.

It seems that there is no one else who they have really seen who is strong in the wood department except their seventh sister.

I don't know if her wood element is also very powerful, or is it just as ordinary as others?
Lu Nanqi raised her brows in a subtle way.

No wonder even if he was taken as a prisoner, he never showed his true abilities.

It turned out to be of the same wood type as hers.

no wonder...

Shi Wanwan was embarrassed by her, knowing that her abilities were not even a little bit better than hers, but at this juncture, it was not the time to show weakness, so facing Lu Nanqi's scrutiny, she straightened her body , "You said that as long as I kill the zombie, I will release him. Now, please fulfill your promise to me."

"Naturally." Lu Nanqi pursed his lips and ordered, "Meng Lun."

"Seventh Sister, are you sure?" Meng Lun did not suggest that she let her go, after all, the situation is so chaotic now.

Although not afraid that they will escape.

But it's hard to prevent them from behind their backs, playing tricks on people like them, and plotting against them.

Lu Nanqi said: "Nothing will happen, don't worry."

Meng Lun had no choice but to go down, and quickly brought him up, just like Shi Wanwan before, as soon as he came up, Lu Nanqi handed the bow and arrow to Yu Hui, and simply said: "Your woman rescued you, But I didn't promise her that I wouldn't lock you back up again, now, you have a chance to kill the three zombies below, not only will you not be locked up by me, but you can still walk around the village normally in the future."

Of course, it depends on whether the battle can be calmed down in the end.

Shi Wanwan rushed forward in a panic, "Lu Nanqi, you're kidding me!"

Lu Nanqi smiled, "Tricking you? Since what you promised has been done, why do you say that?"

Yu Hui didn't take the bow, but turned his gaze to Shi Wanwan, frowning.

Shi Wanwan lowered her head while being stared at by him.

Yu Huijing stood for a while, without further ado, walked back and said, "Then you should keep locking me up."

"Hey, don't go!" Shi Wanwan hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed Yu Hui's hand, "I wonder if you're stupid, I finally let her take you out, and you can go back if you say so."

She pulled Yu Hui to the edge of the roof and handed the arrow into his hand, "Didn't you learn archery before, as long as you shoot three zombies, you will be free in the future, I believe you will be able to."

"Do you believe it?" Yu Hui only felt that her words were as unreal as in a dream.

She hated him so much, how could she say what she believed in him.

What's more, she begged them to release him?

No matter what Yu Hui thinks, it feels illusory.

There are so many grievances between them, how could she be willing to plead for her.

The possibility of the sun coming out from the west is greater than this.

(End of this chapter)

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