Chapter 735 Return 1
You Qianchen was completely annoyed by Huo Ping.

If you don't drink good wine, you have to go to the sewer to make mud.

How could he let go of such a good interest so easily.

You Qianchen, with a ferocious face, gave an order, and all the monsters attacked at the same time.

Those who climb on the ground, those who fly in the sky, and those who climb rocks in the walls.

In less than a minute, from the outside, the base has already changed.

It seems to have fallen completely, and all I can feel is feeling.

The giant eagle screamed arrogantly above the head, the wild animals jumped into the base crazily underground, and the dead plants on the walls even penetrated into the base from every opening, directly attacking the people in the house.

Huo Ping gave an order, "Fire!"

In an instant, You Ganchen fell into the circle of fire again.

The giant eagle struggled crazily from being roasted, but because he was afraid of being killed by You Qianchen, he could only endure it on the screen.

The fire was as fierce as a volcano erupting suddenly around him.

The giant eagle persisted for a while, and finally fell down, dying.

You Qianchen still dug out the crystal nucleus in the giant eagle's mind to absorb the energy, and then quickly put on a new giant eagle riding under him, grabbing the giant eagle's head fiercely with his big palm.

"Kill that man in the house for me, otherwise, you will be the one who will die next!" He pointed at Huo Ping, aggressively threatening the mount under him.

The giant eagle was so frightened that it flapped its wings several times before rushing towards Huo Ping like crazy.

Before getting close, several people in the room lifted the flamethrower and violently sprayed fire at You Ganchen and the giant eagle. Soon, the third giant eagle fell down again.

You Qianchen finally realized that he can't mess around.

Huo Ping was so confident, it was obvious that he had prepared for him in advance.

Could it be that Lu Nanqi's death really inspired his fighting power?
You Qianchen couldn't figure out, how could Huo Ping remain undisturbed under this kind of attack from all directions without dead ends.

Could it be that he really wants to abandon the entire base and let the entire base destroy itself, so it doesn't matter?
But if he was going to give up the base, why would he stand here and fight him now?
Countless times, the giant eagle under the mount could not hold back and fell under the fierce attack of Huo Ping's fire.

You Qianchen learned the trick this time, no longer only facing Huo Ping, but mobilized the beastmen below. They still have no thinking, and only obey the master who controls them. When the master tells them to open the door, they follow suit up.

Dense animals collided around the base, shaking the ground, as if there was an earthquake, and all the houses would collapse at any time.

But it seems that there is always a lack of heat, no matter how they collide, they can't meet the requirements You Ganchen wants.

He wants the house in the base to collapse, he wants to completely destroy the base that he hates, and he wants everyone inside to become like him.

Become the walking dead.

Even become his puppet!
Thinking that such a group of high-ranking people would all kneel at his feet in the future, I couldn't restrain my excitement.

No matter how powerful he was in life, he was nothing after death.

The most regretful thing is Lu Nanqi's death, he didn't catch her and make her surrender under his feet.

"You stay in the base, I'll go out." Huo Ping instructed Jia Baihang, and then walked straight out.

Naturally, Jia Baihang would not let him go foolishly, knowing how dangerous the situation outside would be, how could he let him go.

He tightly held Huo Ping's hand, "Don't be stupid, you will die if you go out."

You Qianchen outside immediately laughed wildly, "He's right, brother Huo, you should think clearly, after this trip, you will never have the chance to return to the base. If you are afraid of death, you should stay in the base well." Let’s just live in the base. My proposal is so good, 100 people will be sacrificed to me every day, think about it, so you can at least live in peace for a long time..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Huo Ping had already disappeared before his eyes, and soon appeared at the window on the second floor.

The gates of the base have been sealed, and there is no way to get out. He can only get down here.

A group of more than a dozen giant tigers from the goblin were fighting the animals. Huo Ping jumped down from the window.

You Qianchen, who was originally in the sky, also landed on the animal, and confronted Huo Ping face to face.

"Brother Huo, do you really have the heart to watch the base you have built so hard be destroyed like this?" You Qianchen still wanted to fight psychological warfare.

Huo Ping remained indifferent, "Don't talk nonsense when fighting, or are you afraid?"

You Ganchen is a zombie, knowing how powerful he is, he is qualified to deal with Huo Ping, but if there are people in the entire base, he can't guarantee whether he can handle it, after all, the helpers he can summon are just these If he wants more, it's not that he can't be summoned, but that his psychic power level is not high enough.

Summoning so many birds and beasts at once to deal with this base, to be honest, is already the limit, he will naturally be worried, if all the people in the base attack out in a fit of anger, his big team will definitely be injured .

It is because of him that he has repeatedly stimulated and frightened Huo Ping. It would be best if Huo Ping could simply agree to sacrifice a hundred lives to him every day. It is conceivable that his team will become How grand and magnificent, at that time, let alone Huo Ping's base, even if it is a place bigger than the Peace Base, he will not have to be afraid of breaking into it.

But all of this was just his dream, because Huo Ping never thought of compromising with him from the beginning.

But it doesn't matter, after he kills Huo Ping and no one maintains the base, it won't be a mess.

He can kill Lu Nanqi, but he can't kill a man who is weaker than Lu Nanqi!

"Then take your life!" You Qianchen yelled loudly, and jumped up from the back of the animal. Teng Fei's body jumped three feet high, waving his hands, and there was a strong wind around him instantly, blowing the ground lightly. Things were flying around, and even the zombies couldn't stand and hear them. The wind was tossing around, and they were trampled on the ground by the goblins, and rotten blood splattered everywhere.

Huo Ping sat on the little goblin's back and stood still, like a mountain standing firm. No matter how You Qianchen acted in front of him, his side would be as stable as Mount Tai.

When You Ganchen was enough to be a demon, he shot a large group of blazing animals abruptly. In an instant, You Qianchen and the few animals led by the fire immediately retreated in embarrassment.

You Ganchen's handsome appearance was burnt and disappeared, and the hem of his clothes was burned by the fire, so he had to take off, revealing a huge and strong body, with many bite marks and knife wounds on it, but the scabs had already scabbed, and it looked like it should be very An earlier injury.

(End of this chapter)

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