Chapter 736 Return 2
Huo Ping's fire ability prevented him from getting close, but it didn't mean that his group of stupid dead soldiers couldn't get in.

You Ganchen whistled, and the giant eagles in the sky swooped down collectively, with the same target, and all attacked Huo Ping. When they arrived, the surrounding zombies and plants also attacked.

Seeing that he was about to be submerged in the tide of monsters, and at the very moment of danger, Huo Ping suddenly pulled the corners of his lips and smiled softly.

The smile was very faint, and if you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't notice it at all.

But You Qianchen still noticed that Huo Ping not only smiled, but also smiled calmly, even with a sense of relief.

He had great doubts in his heart.

what happened?

Is Huo Ping eager to die?
I saw Huo Ping looking up at the sky, his indifferent expression gradually turned into softness as time went by.

Out of the zombie's intuition, You Qianchen felt bad inside. Before he could react to protect himself, he suddenly saw countless green vines coming across from the surroundings, hitting his body directly, like a rainbow, Carrying 100% killing.

Where did such great power come from?
You Ganchen was startled secretly, looked around, and soon saw the beautiful figure standing on the top of the tall building, and his heart was shocked again.

Lu Nanqi is really not dead!
This doesn't make sense. He searched the fallen village at least ten times with psychic powers, but he didn't feel any sign of her survival. Only then did he appear in the crowd's field of vision with a cold, otherwise how dare he make such a big fuss.

However, the woman he was 100% sure was dead was standing in front of his eyes alive at this very moment, what was going on?

He was tricked by her?

After much deliberation, You Qianchen only thought of this possibility.

He thought it was because he was capable enough to kill her, but in the end it was not only nothing, but also her way. Thinking of this, he became so angry that he looked at the figure of Lu Nanqi on the tall building, gnashing his teeth. ferocious.

"It's just right, let me give you two a ride, and when you go to hell, you can still be a ghost couple!" He shouted bravely.

Lu Nanqi stepped forward, stepped into the air, and fell down quickly with his whole body. In the middle of the air, the green vines rushed out, firmly planted in the wall, and then used the strength of the green vines to move towards Huo Ping.

Huo Ping sat on the goblin's back and opened his hands to her.

Lu Nanqi rushed over and fell into his arms.

There was a burst of applause in the base, and the word "Seventh Sister" couldn't help shouting.She returned from danger again, not only was she unscathed, but she was even more powerful than what they had seen before. She was indeed the hero in their hearts.

She is a god, a phoenix!

Lu Nanqi sat firmly on the little goblin's back, and leisurely stroked the little goblin's forehead with one hand, "Hey, buddy, do you miss me?"

The little goblin shook her head and refused to let her caress her. With obvious resentment, she complained about what she had done before, and she did not discuss it with him like that.

Lu Nanqi innocently said with a small face, "Don't do this, I have no other choice. If something happens in the future, I will try my best to inform you. Besides, our hearts are connected. Since you have a blood contract with me and you are safe and sound, then I am sure you will be fine, yes. Bar."

You Qianchen was still fighting the mutated plants. The sudden power caught him off guard. He fought seventy or eighty moves in succession, and summoned a giant eagle to fight together, before he managed to settle the mutated plants.

"You're not dead!" His face was livid with anger, "How did you escape my psychic powers' pursuit!"

Lu Nanqi smiled calmly and pointed at him, "I really want to know? Then come to my sister obediently, she will explain it to you word by word."

"Sister, I'm afraid you don't deserve the word!" You Ganchen came with a few wind blades and thunderbolts, directly attacking Lu Nanqi's face, his moves were ruthless and spicy, almost using his greatest power, his purpose was simple, It was to kill Lu Nanqi.

The wind blade came through the air, and Huo Ping suddenly jumped onto the back of the little tiger next to him. He and Lu Nanqi rode one, each avoiding to the left and right. The wind whistled dangerously past his ears. Qi was a step late, his face was blown by the remaining wind from the wind blade, and the bright red blood immediately slipped from his face, dripping on the little goblin's dirty body.

Her side was injured, and a wound appeared on the goblin's fluffy face, but it was covered by thick long hair, and it was dirty at the moment, so no one could see its wound.

"What, do you know how powerful I am?" You Qianchen looked at Lu Nanqi's injured face, he was still a little uneasy at first, but suddenly became full of confidence. As long as he chooses a quick battle strategy, I believe he will If you can take these two people down firmly, no matter how bad it is, you can kill Lu Nanqi again, no matter what, she will definitely not be able to live in this world!

That would be a disaster for the zombie world!
She guards her human beings, and he guards his zombie world. Both rely on their own abilities.

"Sister is really scared, so is this kid planning to let her go?" Lu Nanqi stroked his chest, shrunk his shoulders, and his attitude was insincere, and there was no fear in his attitude, it was completely out of control. With a sarcastic meaning.

You Qianchen put his index finger on his lips, and soon another sharp howling sound pierced the air, and the birds and beasts in all directions immediately launched a new round of attacks. At this moment, a riot suddenly came from the originally quiet base. People with guns took guns, those with knives took knives, and those who released abilities released abilities, all of them ran out with weapons on their shoulders, and joined in this bloody and bloody battle.

Xiao Sha, whose blood was burning with flames, shouted louder and louder after another.

Countless animals have fallen, and human beings have fallen even more.

But the battle of life and death has already begun, who has the ability to stop those determinations who want to get out of the base and live a peaceful and stable life?
The answer is, no one!
Everyone has the right to fight for their own future. This is the most real and passionate life, not Vino's life.

The face is far less scary than imagined, as long as you take the first step, you should know that it is closer to success!
In the end, who will win and who will lose, no one can predict.

But they know that the choice at this moment will never be regretted forever.


The fighting started during the day and continued until the darkness fell.

You Qianchen was finally attacked by Lu Nanqi's green vines and Huo Ping's fire element at the same time, and fled with his pale team.

However, this is not a victory.

(End of this chapter)

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