Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 742 Is there a supernatural power?

Chapter 742 Is there a supernatural power?

No, she is not wrong, the human heart is inherently selfish.

It's just that she is so bright, she is too dazzling.

So when so many people passed by, he only chose to ask her for help.

He also wanted to judge all problems rationally, but looking up at her heart, he couldn't control her anyway.

Wherever she was, he couldn't help but want to get closer.

This seems to have become an indispensable habit in his life.

If one day this habit does not exist, it is really hard for him to imagine what else he can do in the future?
Amidst Lu Nanqi's questioning, You Qianchen left the room without saying a word. He didn't know where he went, but he probably wasn't there anymore, because Lu Nanqi got up from the bed and accidentally fell, and he was in a panic. He lay on the ground for a long time, but You Qianchen didn't come into the house.

His ears are so good, if he heard the movement in this room, he must have rushed in to find out. It can be seen that not only is he no longer outside, but he is still in a place where he will never notice every move here.

Far enough away that she would have plenty of time to plan her escape.

Lu Nanqi sat up from the ground, relieved his strength, and finally stood up and walked out the door.

Starvation can't really do anything to her, what makes her feel weak the most is that she can't sense any supernatural energy in her body.

It would be hard for her to accept that the leader could still use the wood-type power to confront You Qianchen now that she has become exactly the same as an ordinary person, but this did not hinder her determination to move forward deep in her heart.

It took a lot of effort to open the door.

Suddenly, several rotten heads approached her face.

Without You Qianchen's mental control, their actions are all based on the temptation of the smell of flesh and blood, which makes it easier to deal with.

But she was just like an ordinary person at this time. Not only did she lose her powers, but her strength was also much less than usual. She didn't kill the zombie directly with a single stab.

Fortunately, he was experienced enough, and after a few tricks, he successfully dealt with these zombies.

Unrecognizable low-level zombies, she still didn't forget to dig out the crystal nuclei in their brains, tried to feel their energy with the palm of her hand, but found that she couldn't feel anything.

The originally alluring crystal nucleus was now lying in her palm, and to her, it was no different from a beautiful stone.

The crystal nucleus is certainly precious, but in the eyes of ordinary people, it may be a kind of currency after the end of the world, no different from money.

How could she have thought that one day, the crystal nucleus would become so worthless in her hands.

Lu Nanqi tried several times in succession, but she got the same result. She felt infinitely frustrated, but she still chose to escape from the room.

The ability disappeared, but she still had hands and feet, so she couldn't sit still like this.

Whether it's just her own ability disappearing, or everyone's ability disappearing, she must figure it out!

After escaping from the house, I found that it was a deserted village, the surrounding was quiet, and I could not feel the survival of any living things.

She ran out of a random path and quickly reached the main road. The surrounding houses gradually decreased, and finally saw the shadows of zombies in twos and threes on the main road.

Not knowing where she was at all, she could only walk forward in one mind, hoping to see some road signs so she could identify the direction.

On the deserted road, a dilapidated car suddenly rushed up, followed by so many zombies that it made one's scalp tingle.

Lu Nanqi's footsteps stopped suddenly, she couldn't use the supernatural power, and if she continued to move forward, she would die!

Subconsciously dodging to the side, the car in front was getting closer and closer, stepping on the accelerator and rushing forward, the direction it was coming from was her side.

With a curse in her heart, she was forced to run back.

The car behind quickly caught up with her, thinking it would roar past her, but when it reached her, the car slowed down a little.

The car window rolled down, revealing an extremely embarrassed face, and shouted anxiously at her, "Get in the car!"

save her?

Lu Nanqi was quite surprised, after all, how long has it been since the end of the world, and the man's car looks like it will be scrapped at any time, it is so broken that it can no longer carry any excess power.

Without any hesitation, she assisted and ran for a short distance, then jumped suddenly, buckled the window, and slid in through the co-pilot's window with her strength.

The man looked at her in surprise, as if he didn't expect that she was quite capable, the car speeded up again, and he said, "Are you alone?"

Lu Nanqi nodded and asked, "Do you know where this is?"

"You don't even know where this is?" The man looked at her strangely, and seemed to regret saving her, "This is Xingqing Village."

Seeing Lu Nanqi's still incomprehensible expression, the man went on to say, "Do you know Huangyan Town? Go down, it's Nancheng. I heard that there is a peace base down here, where there is food and drink. I want to go there."

After the end of the world, all connections were cut off, and because it was frozen for half a year, that is to say, even the roads were cut off.

It hasn't been long since the snow has melted, how could he know about the Heping Base, and even know that there is food and drink in it?

"Who told you?" Lu Nanqi asked.

The man was pleasantly surprised, "Do you know the Peace Base?"

Since this is Huangyan Town, it is not far from the base. Huangyan Town is on the outskirts of Nancheng, and it will take half a day to get there all the way.

However, Lu Nanqi glanced at the fuel gauge of the car, "You can't reach the peace base with that little fuel."

The man judged from her words, "So, you really know the exact location of the peace base."

Lu Nanqi said, "I'll go there too."

"Great, let's go together." The man was happy, "Don't worry, I still have gas in the back of the car, but there are too many zombies, so I don't have a chance to stop and refuel. The gas in the trunk is enough for me to drive for another day."

Lu Nanqi stared at the rearview mirror, the zombies were always more than ten meters away from them.

This distance is actually dangerous, and it is possible to be overtaken by zombies at any time.

She looked back and asked, "Is there any supernatural power?"

The man nodded, but soon he looked pained again, "Today is suddenly gone, otherwise, I wouldn't be in such a mess now!"

Lu Nan raised her eyebrows. So, it's not that she has the problem alone, but everyone?

Or maybe it was just a coincidence, and what the outcome is is open to debate.

Seeing that the zombies were getting closer, she frowned and reminded, "Press the accelerator to the bottom, don't hesitate."

"The fastest, this car has been with me since the end of the world until now, and it's almost scrapped..." The man sighed, and soon cursed again, "Grandma, there are too many zombies, and I'm so nervous along the way like a lunatic." I can't give up, I thought the situation would get better when I got closer to Nancheng, but I didn't expect it to get worse and worse. Hey, how is the Peace Base? It's as good as the food and drink in the legend? I'm really worried that someone is lying to me , because there are too many zombies."

Before Lu Nanqi could answer, he added, "I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Wang Qingming."

(End of this chapter)

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