Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 743 What is there to talk about with a zombie?

Chapter 743 What is there to talk about with a zombie?

She replied, "Lu Nanqi."

Wang Qingming took a sharp breath, and looked at her with strange eyes.

Lu Nanqi had a panoramic view of his changes, "What's wrong, is there a problem?"

"No, no, no..." Wang Qingming shook his head hastily, his expression excited, and he felt relieved in his words, "I didn't expect you to be the legendary Seventh Sister, and it's really lucky to meet you here! "

"Who mentioned me to you?" Lu Nanqi asked.

"I have stayed at the Changshan Base in M ​​City, and that boy Zhao Jinzhong always mentioned you, saying that he fought you for [-] rounds, and boasted that he could go to heaven. He is quite capable, but I believe that he can fight against him. You are more capable, otherwise, he would not have run out from the peace base, not the self-supporting sect." Talking about his past life, Wang Qingming gushed, "It's a pity, after the flood broke out, the base was forgotten, and many people I want to pull him down, the zombies are not enough to deal with, and they are still fighting inside, so most of the people died, I just want to be safe, and tell him that he is not willing to return to the peace base, so I drove out by myself..."

Zhao Jinzhong, after this kid escaped, he didn't die, and even established a base!
But he is really capable.

It's a pity that he turned against her later, if he could win over her well at that time, he might be another powerful general.

Lu Nanqi said, "Of course it's impossible for him to come back."

Because coming back is likely to be a dead end. After all, in the later stage, he had some ties with the people on Xi Lingzhi's side.

This is a bit long story, anyway, he is not here now, Lu Nanqi is even less willing to mention it.

Wang Qingming saw some clues, and smartly did not continue to ask, but said, "The base has finally been established, and it is really impossible for him to let him go. It's just such a chaotic situation. If he can leave, I hope he will leave." Let’s go, as the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you won’t have to worry about no firewood.”

From his heavy tone, it can be seen how bad the situation in M ​​City is.

Compared with them, the peace base in Nancheng is naturally hundreds of times better.

The car drove another way, and the distance between the zombies seemed to be less than ten meters away.

Wang Qingming started to panic, "If this goes on like this, something will happen."

If he hadn't planted her, maybe the time could have dragged on for a little longer... The idea just came up, and then thinking of Lu Nanqi's identity, subconsciously still had hope, looked at her and asked, "Is there a way to avoid the zombies? "

As soon as the sound fell, there was a sudden vibration on the roof of the car, and the car body immediately became much heavier.

Wang Qingming was taken aback, the steering wheel turned crookedly, Lu Nanqi went over to hold the steering wheel, and the car barely stabilized.

Still in shock, the door of the back seat opened suddenly, and a shadow swayed in.

Lu Nanqi saw You Qianchen's face in the rearview mirror, with a pair of dark eyes staring at her in the rearview mirror.

"Coincidentally, you can meet them outside." His voice was cold and sarcastic.

"Who are you?" Wang Qingming glanced at him in surprise, completely unaware that You Ganchen was a zombie, and even admired his ability in his heart.

"Her man." You Qianchen looked at Lu Nanqi's side, and sneered, "Sure enough, I can't leave. It only takes a long time to hook up with other men."

Wang Qingming had an embarrassed expression, "Don't get me wrong, I passed by here and saw her alone, with so many zombies behind her, if she stayed, she would die, so I forced her to go with her."

"Don't talk to him." Lu Nanqi kindly reminded, "Otherwise you will regret it."

The atmosphere between the two was very uncomfortable, and Wang Qingming couldn't ask any questions, so he chose to shut up.

You Qianchen snorted coldly from behind, "You'd better stop."

"Parking is death, there are zombies behind, how can you stop!" Wang Qingming looked at him in surprise, with a hint of a fool in his eyes.

It seems that the skill is not bad, but there is a problem with the brain.

What kind of international joke is he being asked to stop in such a dangerous situation?
Lu Nanqi said, "Drive your car well, just ignore him."

"I told you to stop!" You Qianchen shouted, furious.

Lu Nanqi turned his head and looked at him coldly, "You Qianchen, I want to go back to the base!"

"You want me to use violence to solve it?" You Ganchen's gloomy words were full of threats.

Lu Nanqi laughed, "You Ganchen, to be honest, your supernatural powers have disappeared, too."

Her face was full of confidence, but in fact, deep down in her heart, she was not even half sure, and most of all she wanted to set him up with words.

You Qianchen changed color when he heard it.

Lu Nan laughed heartily, "Without supernatural powers, what kind of violence do you use to solve problems?"

Now is the best time for her to kill him.

You Qianchen saw her heart at once, "Do you want to kill me? Don't forget, there is a group of zombies following behind you. Are you sure you have the ability to kill me?"

Lu Nanqi didn't hide any thoughts in his heart, facing his sarcasm, he said instead, "It's a big deal and we all die together."

Her tone was very indifferent, and Wang Qingming who was listening was breaking out in cold sweat, "You two have something to say, life is not easy, don't make fun of life."

"What is there to talk about with a zombie?" Lu Nanqiyu was not surprised and kept dying.

Something seemed to trip the car on the road, Wang Qingming's steering wheel slipped again, his jaw dropped in shock, "What did you say!"

Lu Nanqi pointed to You Qianchen in the back seat, and emphasized again, "Congratulations, the male passenger behind you is Mr. Zombie."

"Are you kidding? It's not funny at all..." Wang Qingming smiled, but the expression on his face became uglier than crying, "He can talk, you lied to me, right..."

The gloomy You Qianchen suddenly bared his teeth, and his originally pitch-black eyes immediately turned red.

Wang Qingming cried out in surprise, and his whole body was completely restless, "H-he-he...his eyes have changed color!"

The car was driving crookedly in his hands, so frightened that he even slackened his foot on the accelerator.

"Concentrate on driving!" Lu Nanqi grabbed the steering wheel and said in a deep voice, "Step on the gas pedal!"

In just a blink of an eye, the zombies had already caught up with their car, and the trunk was hit by the zombies with a loud bang, and the flesh and blood zombies nearby became even more frantic. Chasing them became even more exciting.

"Step on, step on..." Wang Qingming's face was white with fright, but he instinctively obeyed Lu Nanqi's words, stepped on the gas pedal hard, and tried his best to drive the car.

You Qianchen folded his hands leisurely in the back seat, and snorted coldly, "Coward."

Wang Qingming was terrified. It was the first time he saw a zombie who could talk, and this zombie looked like a human. If he hadn't heard what Lu Nanqi said, even if he was eaten, he might not be able to speak before he died. will know this.

A zombie sitting in his car, how could he not be afraid?

But looking at Lu Nanqi who was still calm, he soon calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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