Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 744 Let's go, I'll give you a chance to escape

Chapter 744 Let's go, I'll give you a chance to escape

It can be regarded as having been in the Tao. If you really have no brains, how can you live in such a dark end of the world until now.

Thoughts swirled in his heart for a few times, and Wang Qingming figured it out. Although this man is a zombie, he seems to have special feelings for Lu Nanqi, so he shouldn't go to the point of killing him.

Thinking of You Qianchen's sarcasm at the last moment, Wang Qingming blushed.

The car jolted violently again in his wandering mind, and the steering wheel spun uncontrollably. By the time he thought of turning the steering wheel urgently, it was already too late.

With a loud bang, the car crashed into an obstacle on the side of the road, and died forever.

In an instant, they fell into the tide of zombies.

The moment the zombies rushed to the window, Lu Nanqi closed the window in time.

Seeing the zombie that was about to jump on her, it hit the glass all of a sudden.

They don't have wisdom, they only know how to hit blindly. The glass, which was clean at first, was soon rotten by zombies.

Judging by the momentum, there is a great determination to smash the glass!
Her side had time to close the window, but Wang Qingming's side was not so lucky.

The moment the car hit, his head also hit the steering wheel, and before he could react, the zombie's hand had already reached into the car.

He wanted to close the window, but the zombie was stuck by the window and couldn't close it no matter what.

He was even grabbed by the shoulder by the zombies, so embarrassed.

Lu Nanqi pulled out the dagger from his waist, leaned towards Wang Qingming, and plunged the knife into the head of the nearby zombie, and then said coldly, "Close the window!"

Wang Qingming pushed the zombie out fiercely, and successfully closed the window when the rest of the zombies were about to pounce on him.

As soon as he turned around, he met Lu Nanqi's face that was a little closer. His heart felt hot, and the blood rushed to his face, and his whole face flushed red.

For a person of his age, it seemed that he was quite incapable of asking a person as petite as her to rescue him.

"Thank you, thank you..." Wang Qingming turned around in embarrassment.

Looking at the crazy zombies outside through the window, thinking that he might die here, his face collapsed immediately, "We are surrounded, what should we do..."

Lu Nanqi looked at the bloody zombies whose heads had been hit by his window, and calmly said, "What should I do? Is the cold salad good? Dig out their crystal nuclei and make a cold salad. It should taste good."

Wang Qingming: "..."

He shook his body, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

Why is this woman so unruly?
No matter what time, I still have the mind to joke around.

If they don't want to escape, they will die here!

You Qianchen raised his eyebrows, sarcastically, "I keep saying that zombies are disgusting, but in the end, you still need to rely on zombies to upgrade your abilities."

"Why do people become zombies, don't you understand?" Lu Nan refused to admit it at all, "It is because of disgusting monsters like you that the world has become so chaotic."

You Qianchen's face was livid, "You think I like being a zombie!"

"Although you can't choose what to be, you can at least choose whether to harm the world or not!" Lu Nanqi's dark eyes were filled with light, "Zombies are called zombies because they have no thinking ability, but you are different, you At least there are more options than them."

He is lucky enough, except that his identity is a zombie, the rest are almost the same as human beings.

You Qianchen's heart ached, so what if he had a choice, it didn't change the fact that he was a zombie.

And zombies will always be cast aside by the world!

"Choose, what to choose?" You Qianchen sneered, "Choose to help human beings and deal with yourself?"

Lu Nanqi turned to look at him, "If you want, You Qianchen, I can guarantee your future with my life."

"For me, can you still fight against people all over the world?" You Qianchen naturally wouldn't believe it easily.

She fooled him so many times, and she said she wanted to get along with him earlier, but not long after he left, she ran away in a blink of an eye.

If he hadn't come back in time, she might have escaped by now.

Such a cunning woman, how could he believe her words?
"I'm not capable of targeting the whole world." Lu Nanqi looked serious, "But as long as you are willing, You Qianchen, I can protect you with my life for the rest of my life."

There is no fancy flickering, only sincere staring.

Her words were like water drops, falling into his peaceful heart, causing ripples.

As they looked at each other, You Qianchen turned his gaze away first, as if fleeing.

The surrounding zombies were still neighing, he slapped the glass window with an irritable palm, and let out a ferocious growl, which made the zombies outside cower back a few steps.

He said, "Lu Nanqi, I won't believe you."

Never want to believe her nonsense again!

The zombies were shaken away by him, giving them room to display their abilities.

Lu Nan Qichao Wang Qingming shouted, "Get out of the car!"

"Are you sure you want to get out of the car at this time?" Looking at the zombies outside, Wang Qingming hesitated.

Lu Nanqi didn't give him a chance to think at all, opened the door, jumped lightly, he was already on the ground, and ordered, "Is there a car on the side of the road? I'll deal with the zombies. Go and see that car Can the car be used?"

Wang Qingming hesitated for a moment, and walked towards the car silently under her sharp eyes.

Her firm eyes can strangely give people the power of stability.

Lu Nanqi drew his sword and faced the zombie.

You Qianchen also jumped out of the car at this moment, and moved closer to Lu Nanqi's side, looking a little annoyed, "You don't want to die, you dare to be tough!"

"At least I won't choose to wait for death quietly." Lu Nanqi protected Wang Qingming, and killed the zombies in front of her, splashing her with the fishy ink liquid.

The blood-stained battlefield is full of smoke and dust.

"Fool!" You Qianchen accompanied her.

Without the ability, he can no longer control the zombies, and the way to scare them away is just to be the same as a zombie.

But this didn't last long. The retreating zombies slowly paced up after a while.

Wang Qingming checked the car quickly, and said pleasantly, "It can be used, but there is no gasoline, which happens to be in my car."

The three of them retreated back to the scrap metal car, took all the things in the car, and switched to the car they were looking for.

The zombies were restless, and You Ganchen let out a low moan like a lion's anger in his throat, his eyes glared fiercely, and he confronted the zombies like a rainbow, and then said to Lu Nanqi, "Let's go, I'll give you a chance to escape!"

Lu Nanqi looked at him, but said, "Let's go together!"

Zombies without intelligence, in addition to cannibalism, will also eat their own kind.

No matter how good You Qianchen is, without his abilities, he is still just an ordinary zombie.

The momentum may shock these zombies, but after a long time, it will definitely be at a disadvantage.

If he stayed alone, he might really die.

"I won't go with you!" You Ganchen yelled, and threw the backpack on his shoulder to her, "Food."

(End of this chapter)

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