Chapter 754

As he said this, the four people beside him also hurriedly stretched out their hands.

"So are we!"

Lu Nanqi looked over one by one, Yu Hui, Shi Wanwan, Wu Shan, Huo Ping, and Wang Qingming.

"Gold, wood, water, fire, earth..." She murmured, startled inwardly, and had a strange thought.

Turn the mind and restart the supernatural power in the body.

In an instant, the silver light flashed again, brighter than the day, shining brightly like stars, and quickly brought them into another world.

The bodies of the five people opposite immediately reacted again.

The heat burned them, making them all red-eyed.

Lu Nanqi looked at them, and explained slowly, "If I guess right, the heat in your body is related to me. In order, it's metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, but I don't understand one thing. I'm also wood. It overlaps with Shi Wanwan again."

"What's the powerful connection here?" Wang Qingming was curious.

Lu Nanqi shook his head, "I just found out about this, and I still can't figure out what's going on inside."

Shi Wanwan raised doubts, "But, haven't everyone's abilities disappeared? Why does this happen?"

"Will the ability be restored?" Wang Qingming followed closely to speculate.

A group of people around tried to use their abilities, but unfortunately they didn't recover.

Lu Nanqi tried it here, and the strange activation was successful. A green vine was raised from her palm, and the green vine came into everyone's eyes.

It was clearly heard that the people around took a deep breath, and someone was surprised, "Everyone's abilities have not recovered, but Seventh Sister's has recovered!"

Lu Nanqi said to the five people in front of him: "Try to activate the ability."

All five of them were able to sacrifice their supernatural powers, but when Lu Nanqi withdrew their hands, their supernatural powers disappeared at the same time, and they activated them again, but they couldn't activate them no matter what.

"How could this be?" Shi Wanwan was not calm, "Our ability followed Seventh Sister? Our ability can only be used when she activates it?"

Yu Hui followed up and said, "But only the five of us are like this. For the rest, even if Seventh Sister activates the ability, they still don't respond."

Living in the base for a period of time, I heard everyone call her "Seventh Sister" every day, and gradually, they got used to calling her like that.

Huo Ping said in a deep voice: "That's why Qiqi said that our ability is related to her."

It's just the connection among them, but no one understands it.

Several people looked at each other and looked at each other.

Lu Nanqi raised his hand and folded an indoor flower, and put it in Huo Ping's palm, "Try to use the power again and see."

Huo Ping tried it twice, but he was indifferent, but the flower lying in his palm turned red strangely.

From the outside, it looks like it is being burned by a hot fire, but it is not destroyed.

Lu Nanqi picked a flower for everyone. Although none of them could use their powers, the flowers in their palms all changed color.

Like Huo Ping, it turned into a color that matched their abilities, slowly turning in their palms, still giving life.

Looking at the screen, I feel more and more weird.

Lu Nanqi couldn't help moving his hands, and picked a flower as well.

In her hands, the originally pure flower slowly gathered the colors of the five palm flowers.

The five colors gathered together harmoniously, emitting a dazzling light in her hands.


The light spread out from her palm, slowly surrounding her whole body.

There seemed to be a wind under her feet, and the momentary flowers and green vines swayed with the wind, and the petals fell off automatically, floating around her, lingering around her body with the five-color light.

(End of this chapter)

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