Chapter 755 Reawakened mind?

It does so entirely subconsciously.

Lu Nanqi didn't know what it was, it was as if there was a voice deep in her heart that kept shouting at her, driving her forward.

She did so, but she became more confused instead.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, plus her.

What will it be?

"This this……"

Surprised voices around them were louder and louder, and they were about to be drowned.

A scene that has never been seen before, it seems that the gods have magical powers and can conjure many things that humans can't imagine.

But this mana was forged by such a thin and small woman as Lu Nanqi.

Why can she do what others can't?
Why did she recover her abilities when others were still incapable?
Others... In short, why is she a hundred times better than others?
Many questions constantly surround them.

At the same time, Lu Nanqi himself was also puzzled.

The doubt in her eyes was no less than any of them.

But it seems that he can see everything clearly.

No wonder she always has dreams, no wonder she is always better than others, no wonder she always wants to find the Seven Star Island that Chen Xiaobao said, no wonder she will be reborn...

In fact, everything was preordained in the dark.

This is her inescapable responsibility.

In the crowd, someone suddenly called weakly, "Seventh Sister..."

Lu Nanqi, who was in a daze, was like waking up from a dream, withdrew his thoughts, and his abilities suddenly stopped.

The surrounding light dissipated, leaving only the flowers in the palms of each of them.

And the scattered petals around Lu Nanqi.

She looked at the person who spoke, "What's wrong?"

Chen Xiaobao came out of the crowd with a small stature, his whole face was strangely pale.

"What's wrong with you?" Lu Nanqi clearly felt that something was wrong with her.

"Seventh sister..." Chen Xiaobao's face was full of fear and uneasiness, she walked towards Lu Nanqi, as if she had exhausted her greatest strength in her life.

It's almost close, and I can touch her hand in no time.

With an anxious face, Chen Xiaobao hurriedly stretched out his hand to her, but the moment he was about to touch her, his whole body fell to the ground uncontrollably.

"Xiaobao!" Lu Nanqi hugged her slipping body in horror, "What's wrong with you? Xiaobao!"

The chaotic voice drowned her emotions.

When Chen Xiaobao woke up, it was already the next day.

Her complexion was always pale, and even though she had been sleeping all day, she hadn't improved at all, and even seemed to be much worse than yesterday's complexion.

When Youyou woke up, the first thing she did was to look for Lu Nanqi, "Seventh sister, where is Seventh sister?"

Lu Nanqi stayed by her side all the time, seeing her cry, he immediately held her hand, "I'm here, Xiaobao is not afraid."

Chen Xiaochen sat in a wheelchair and stood by Chen Xiaobao's other side, seeing her finally wake up, he breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly asked: "Xiaobao, tell brother, is there any discomfort in your body? If you feel uncomfortable, remember to speak up quickly, you know?"

Thinking of seeing her unconscious yesterday, his whole heart is still beating wildly.

"Brother, I'm fine." Chen Xiaobao sat up from the hospital bed, held Lu Nanqi's hand tightly, his words were full of anxiety and nervousness, "Sister Qi, I saw it, I saw it in you!"

"See? See what?"

"I saw it!" Chen Xiaobao breathed out, but he didn't have the courage to speak out, his face was full of sadness, "I saw that Seventh Sister, you are for everyone, and finally..."

(End of this chapter)

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