Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 779 You have such a good relationship

Chapter 779 You have such a good relationship

You Qianchen was happy in his heart, and couldn't help but stepped forward to hold her hand, "I'm happier to see you like this than to do anything else."

Lu Nanqi said ashamedly: "You Qianchen, thank you during this time, thank you for your tolerance, and thank you for your concern and care, and also, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for always venting my emotions on you during this time, and I'm sorry for always being kind to you. You are sneering and sarcastic, in the future, I will be good, we will work hard together, and when everything is over, we will leave here together. Didn’t you say that you want to take me to see the beautiful scenery of green mountains and green waters? When everything is over, I go with you."

"Really?" You Ganchen was flattered, never thought that one day, she would accept him so easily, even though it was just a proposal from him, it was already a great improvement for him.

She was willing to listen to him, which is enough to show that the relationship between them has taken a big step forward.

Well, all his hard work is finally starting to pay off!
"Well, I'll wait for you, and we'll leave as soon as this matter is over." You Qianchen embraced her in his arms in ecstasy.

But Lu Nanqi broke free from his embrace, took two steps back slightly, and distanced himself from him: "Don't be silly, go back quickly, no matter what you do, you have to wait until the antidote comes out before you can act." .”

"Yes, yes, I can't waste time." You Ganchen jumped up like a child, happily left the room, and hurried back to the research room.

Chen Xiaochen leaned against the bed, looked at You Qianchen who was happy to leave, with envy in his eyes, the intimacy between him and Lu Nanqi, and his immortality.

He followed You Qianchen's figure with his eyes, and sighed softly: "You two have such a good relationship."

"What did you say, our relationship is not good?" Lu Nanqi approached him, tucked the corner of the quilt for him, looked at his thin cheeks, tried hard to hide his emotions, his moist eyes still overflowed The taste of pain: "After you recover your body, we will go to the beautiful place that You Qianchen said, together with Chen Xiaobao, Meng Lun, my mother and Lu Li. If the scenery is really beautiful, everyone Let’s settle down together, and never run to strange places again.”

Chen Xiaochen smiled: "You said earlier that you were going to wander the world."

"Yeah, but I can't bear to part with you guys. When I think about being separated from everyone, I'll walk the world alone. Although I'm chic, I prefer to stay with you." Lu Nanqi smiled happily.

Being alone is too lonely. She is not afraid of death or injury, but she is afraid of living alone. Thinking about a life without anyone to joke around with, it seems that even living has lost its meaning.

"You will never be alone." Chen Xiaochen said seriously.

There will never be a shortage of followers by her side, so even without everyone, he believes that she can live a prosperous life.

People who don't want to live alone are often just afraid of inner loneliness.

No matter how powerful she is, she is still human.

All people are afraid of being alone.

He has been isolated here for such a long time, and the only thing he can do every day is to look out the window and wait for the dark, and then look out the window for the dawn, and then look forward to seeing her figure appear in a certain time in the room.

A whole day of endless waiting, just for those few minutes to meet her.

Even if it's just that, he's willing.

(End of this chapter)

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