Chapter 780

But later, she stopped coming to see him, and many things were done by others.

He lost hope even for those few minutes.

Waiting is suffering, a person is lonely, and time makes people feel helpless.

He can best understand her inner feelings.

Therefore, he didn't want to see her walk through every second of the future alone.

His voice sounded floating, and he spoke like an oath: "After I die, I will turn into a ghost to accompany you, so that even if you walk the world alone, you won't be so lonely."

Lu Nanqi interrupted him: "Bah, bah, can you talk, why do you say these unlucky things all day long, I have heard about your fate from Xiaobao, you will be a hero in the future, so even if you are now If you want to die, I can also tell you clearly that you will definitely not die."

"I'm like this now, can I still be a hero?" Chen Xiaochen laughed at himself: "Don't comfort me, I'm not a three-year-old child, can I believe you just a few words?"

Not only is he a dying person, even if he can pass through this test safely as she said, it still won't change that he is a cripple who can't move his lower body.

Such a useless person can become a hero in the future?

Heh... I know she wants to comfort him, but her measure of consolation is too low.

But he still couldn't help being happy, glad that she was willing to spend her time trying to make him happy.

"Whether my words are true or not, just survive and verify the facts yourself, why are you in such a hurry to deny my words." Lu Nanqi smiled slightly and held his hand.

The power awakens the totem flower table on her arm, and the strange flower grows from her arm, climbs up his body, and slowly surrounds him in a cluster of flowers, the faint green light surrounds him, penetrating into his body bit by bit middle.

His complexion gradually improved, and the color of the strange flower was receding bit by bit until it finally became dull.

Her forehead was sweating a little, and she didn't withdraw her hand until Chen Xiaochen's complexion completely improved. The strange flower in her hand completely lost the luster of life, turned into ashes in her palm, and fell everywhere.

Wherever the ashes went, green branches immediately appeared, bursting out new little life, and soon grew on the wall and the ground.

Chen Xiaochen looked at all this strangely: "It's such a powerful flower, doesn't it seem like it has taken root on the ground, even if it turns into nothingness, it must let itself play its greatest role."

Lu Nanqi wiped the sweat from his forehead, let out a sigh of relief, and hurriedly took out hot spring water from the space for him to drink, and then said: "I only know that strange flowers and this water can cure the virus, as for how to solve it, I will But I don’t know it at all. Although the strange flower has made you feel better, it hasn’t detoxified you, so you still have to drink this water.”

"Understood." Chen Xiaochen smiled softly, "When did you become an old lady? You thought I was long-winded before, but now I see that you are even more long-winded than me before."

"If you're in good health, you'll be embarrassed." Lu Nanqi raised his hand and slapped him on the forehead, as if he had returned to the past, and a bright smile appeared on his face, "Have a good rest, don't be silly, I'll come see you tomorrow. "

When she left, she took his mind with her.

The expression that was still happy at first suddenly became depressed.

Thinking of what she said before leaving, he smiled faintly again.

See her again tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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