Chapter 839 Believe me!
Waking up again, it was already the third morning.

Ming Shu and Meng Lun guarded her.Chen Xiaobao looked around, subconsciously asked: "Where are Brother and Seventh Sister? I want to play with them!"

The two of them blushed immediately.Liao Sponge gave her water and said, "Calm down, don't faint again."

"What's wrong with me, why did I faint? How long have I been asleep?" Chen Xiaobao asked a series of questions, jumped off the bed and put on his shoes, without giving them a chance to explain, the small figure had already ran out of the room.


The base has been rectified, the city is peaceful and beautiful, and all the people have regained their freedom and can move around in the city.The long-lost tranquility, the long-lost green trees, the long-lost clear stream, the long-lost peace.

The crowd walked cautiously on the grass, walking lightly, not daring to make loud noises.I feel that everything is a dream, and there is still such a beautiful place in this world, so beautiful that they dare not touch it easily.Fruit trees in the mountain fields, small bridges and flowing water, half-green and half-yellow grasses are growing here and there, and the sky is vast and blue as far as the eye can see.Maybe just step into the Wizard of Oz and plunge into Alice's Adventures in Wonderland?

"I want to find my brother, I want to find my seventh sister!"

The child's mournful cry woke everyone up.Chen Xiaobao's figure quickly caught everyone's eyes.Ewha's sad expression with rain, fear and fear, a poor child who is struggling in a self-constructed dream and does not want to wake up.

Everyone looked at her with pity, and when they thought of Seventh Sister, they couldn't help crying.It's regret, it's guilt, it's shame, it's shameless to live in such a peaceful and quiet present.That person is no longer there, and it is useless to repent. In this life, I can only suffer from angina.

Because they are selfish, they are guilty.

Meng Lun grabbed Chen Xiaobao who was running around, and handed her an ice-type crystal nucleus, "The only crystal nucleus found near the debris of the plane is ice-type, and it is undoubtedly your brother's..." Yesterday's despair It is well hidden in the bottom of my heart, and I always remember her instructions. She is gone, but her family is still there. That is her eternal concern, and it is also his hope of living in the future. Continue to fight for her mission.

Chen Xiaobao hugged the crystal nucleus and sobbed: "Mother Meng, Seventh Sister is not dead, she really is not dead! Do you believe me?" Afraid of hearing a bad answer, she hurriedly said: "Are you right? "

The child grabbed one of his fingers with his small hand, expecting his answer with hope, but what would he say?Meng Lun looked at her, pain gradually appeared in his bloodshot eyes, he held her hand tightly, "I will protect you from now on."

He didn't believe her, and he also felt that Seventh Sister was dead!Wasn't he the first person who followed Seventh Sister?Didn't he always like Seventh Sister?Isn't he the one who believes in Seventh Sister's ability the most?Why, why did he accept the news so easily?Why do you just refuse to believe her words?
Chen Xiaobao shook off his hand and shouted forcefully: "No, she's not dead!"

"Then do you know where she is?"

It was not Meng Lun who responded to her.The man walked towards her, with her familiar emotions, expectations and expectations in his eyes, yes, the same thoughts as hers.Chen Xiaobao ran towards Huo Ping in surprise, weeping with joy, "Believe me!"

Huo Ping smiled with deep eyes: "Yes, so can you tell me where she is now? I can take you to find her." He probably hasn't shaved or bathed for a long time, and he is unkempt and sloppy. Sloppy, not at all handsome and suave when she was with Nan Qi.She has lost a lot of weight, her bald look is full of loneliness, she is clearly smiling, but she is all gloomy and annihilated.

 The new article "The Strongest Miraculous Doctor: The Evil Emperor, Too Wild" is a sweet pet article, if you think "The End of the World" is too little emotional drama, you can move it over, demon girl + devil = torture and death of a single dog.

(End of this chapter)

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