Chapter 840 Daughter
"I, I can't feel where she is. But!" Fearing that he would not believe her like Meng Lun, Chen Xiaobao hurriedly grabbed his hand and said hastily, "But, I can really be sure that Seventh Sister is still alive." The breath seems to be very close to us, but also seems to be far away from us, this feeling is very strange, I am too stupid, I just can’t say why.”

The little face was pulled into a ball, full of annoyance.

Seeing that Huo Ping didn't express his opinion, she hurriedly pulled him to the top of the mountain, "Let's go to the top of the mountain where Seventh Sister disappeared. You should go and see again. Although Seventh Sister disappeared suddenly, on the old tree on the top of the mountain, strange The flowers are always on, and if Seventh Sister is really dead, these strange flowers will definitely disappear too. Doesn’t she have a space? Maybe she hid in the space again this time.”

Yes, when everyone thought she was dead, he still had hope.The strange flower is still there, and she also has space. When Xuanguang disappears, she also disappears. This does not mean that she no longer exists.

Huo Ping drove Chen Xiaobao to the top of the mountain, stretched out his hand to her, and looked at her expectantly: "Look, when will I see her again in the future?"

Chen Xiaobao's small palm covered his rough big palm.Close your eyes, the supernatural powers will open, and wherever you go, there are shadows of his life, but you don't see Lu Nanqi at all.She was anxious, and probed further, and almost read his whole life, but there was no one she wanted to see.

In the end, the power was exhausted, and she lowered her hands baldly, and shed tears before saying anything, "Before, I clearly saw that Seventh Sister was still alive, and she even created this Seven Star Island, surrounded by mountains and rivers, isolated from the outside world, and made a success here. Fantiandi, let everyone live a life of peace and contentment. But I don't understand, why, why didn't I foresee her existence in you?"

Huo Ping's dark eyes deepened, with pain like a knife: "You said this is called Seven Star Island? Well, it will be called Seven Star Island from now on."

Chen Xiaobao burst into tears fiercely, and said in a hurry: "Although I didn't predict Seventh Sister, but I saw that there will be a girl next to you in the future. She looks very much like Seventh Sister, almost the same appearance as her."

Will it be their child?Could it be that Huo Ping's gloomy eyes returned two points of tenderness.If it is their child, it means that she is still alive, still in this world!

"That must be Qiqi and I's daughter." He was sure, his whole body was covered with tenderness.

After returning in vain, he seemed to have hope.

A few days later, the base was officially renamed Seven Star Island, and his residence was moved out of the base and built next to the old tree on the top of the mountain.The wooden houses are old and simple.He handed over all the duties and didn't care about any matters at all. When he was free every day, he drove around the base. When he was tired, he sat in the house and looked at the old tree that was always emitting a faint green light.

The base is completely supervised by Niu Weiyuan, and Jia Baihang and Tan Lei are helping him.All the people worked in peace and security, and performed their own responsibilities, and Qixing Island became more and more prosperous.The radio station broadcasts out every day, and people from outside are welcome to come in.One after another, people really came to join them.

The terrifying virus disappeared along with the zombies on the day of the Great War.

Even those who still had the virus in their bodies, their bodies all improved miraculously.

Those who were destined to die did not die, and those who did not deserve to die disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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