Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 876 Little Red Bean—He's a Man, He Understands Bo Han's Mind

Chapter 876 Little Red Bean—He's a Man, He Understands Bo Han's Mind

Everyone has their own ambitions, and they force him to stay here. After this incident, I am afraid that the knot in his heart has been lingering for a long time, and any persuasion is meaningless.

On the contrary, facing her all day long will only make him unable to get out of this matter as soon as possible.

It's better to let him get out of here.

A new place is a new beginning.

At least other places, other people, will not know his past.

It is not wise to evade, but sometimes evasion is not necessarily a bad way.

At least she felt that after leaving Seven Star Island, although life was difficult, it was fulfilling and peaceful.

Xiao Hongdou looked at him with a smile, her eyes were gentle, "We are friends, and we are sorry if we don't say sorry between friends. I said I believe in you, but I really believe in you. You should also believe in yourself. Everyone has his own ambitions. If you are sincere If you want to leave, I won't stop it, but if you still want to stay, I'm also really happy. The result depends on everyone's own decision. I don't force you, I just hope you leave with your heart."

Xiao Tie kept his head down.

Xiaohongdou said: "Think about it carefully. It's just that you are injured now, so you don't have to rush to leave. At least wait until your injury is healed before deciding whether to leave or not."

Xiao Tie still didn't speak, thinking it was still difficult to overcome the obstacle in his heart.

Little Red Bean sighed softly.

Yu Ling said, "Let him rest well."

The crowd quickly left the room, and the room was very quiet, leaving only Xiao Tie sitting on the bed alone.

He finally raised his eyes, staring blankly at the palms on the quilt.A strange flower floated out of the palm, exuding a gorgeous light, radiantly nourished by the energy.

Late that night, he suffered from insomnia and couldn't fall asleep because he knew that she was also a night owl and often stayed up in the middle of the night to bask in the moonlight. Overgrown with gorgeous and strange flowers.

On a moonlit night, a hundred flowers compete for beauty.

It is a beauty never seen before.

Lost in his eyes, he approached the deserted house and picked off a flower.The gorgeous light and flowers dissipated immediately, panicking that when he destroyed this charming beauty, he saw her walking towards the wind from the disappearing splendor.

The bright face under the moonlight took away all the brilliance.

He didn't dare to go forward to disturb her, and he was stunned in place, allowing her to leave.

He looked at the flower he had picked in his hand, spent his ability, connected it to his own ability, and integrated it into his body.

I always feel like I'm one step closer to her.

He was kind to her, and she was kind to him, and I always felt that this was liking.

I couldn't help it, seeing her beauty, I couldn't help but get dazzled, selfishness was at work in my heart, and I wanted to take her as my own.

In this way, even if she really does not belong to him, she will truly belong to him in the future.

Things failed, and he was caught by the young city master who was second only to the leader in the base, and there was no room for him to turn back.

The wine sobered up, and the heart was empty.

She was full of thoughts that she would not forgive herself, she would definitely hate him, loathe him, and question him. The apex of her heart plummeted, and she thought that she might as well die. It would be better to die when she was awake, so that she would not have to worry about it. Witness her disgust firsthand.

But Bao Han insisted on tying him up, and insisted on waiting for her to wake up before disposing of herself.

He understood that Bo Han did it on purpose.

A man sneaked into a woman's room in the middle of the night, why?
He is a man, he understands Bo Han's thoughts.

The first time a supernatural person commits a crime, he can be rehabilitated and reformed. His crime is an attempted crime, and he is a wood-type supernatural person cherished by the base, so he has the opportunity to reform himself.

But Bo Han wanted him to die wholeheartedly.

Men also have jealousy, not less than women.

He clearly revealed Bo Han's thoughts.

Once he died, the person who snatched Xiao Nian from him also disappeared.

He could justify himself, as long as he opened his mouth, Bo Han would have no chance to execute him, but he let Bo Han develop him.

Because Xiao Nian will not forgive herself, this reason alone is enough.

However, Xiao Nian begged for mercy for him, she didn't mean to blame him at all, after he made a mistake to her, she still chose to forgive him.

Bo Han clearly heard Xiao Nian's request, and even Yu Ling rushed over.

He said he was Xiao Nian's lover.

Knowing that the words were said to save him, I still couldn't help being happy in my heart.

Regardless of whether Xiao Nian loves him or not in her heart, it is true that she cares about him and cares about him.

But Bo Han still shot the arrow, he wanted to kill him.

In times of crisis, it was still Xiao Nian who saved him.

She treated him so well, if he stayed again, it would be embarrassing for her, how could he still have reason to stay.

Walking is inevitable.

If he doesn't leave, Bo Han will definitely try to get him away.

This ending is probably for the best.
Five days later, Xiao Tie resolutely left the base, and Xiao Hongdou personally sent him off.

Rumors soon spread in the base that the Young City Lord actually liked Xiao Nian, and the two men had a dispute. Xiao Tie felt inferior due to his status as the Young City Lord, and felt that he was not worthy of Xiao Nian, so he chose to let go and bless the two of them .

Coupled with the reluctance of Xiaohongdou and Xiaotie when they parted, many people saw that the rumors became even worse under the bragging.

The two parties didn't take it seriously, Xiaohongdou continued to live as she should, time would dilute everything, she didn't worry or care about these rumors.

Sometimes time will dilute everything, but sometimes it will make one thing worse and worse.

The rumors did not dissipate because of this, but spread more and more, and many versions were spread.

Xiao Hongdou has become a celebrity on the road, and there are always people who like to point fingers at her. Everyone who stays with her will ask about the relationship between her and Bo Han.

People are gossipers, and if Xiaohongdou answers one question, they will ask more questions. If Xiaohongdou doesn't answer, they will say that her silence is regarded as the default.

Any performance can leave criticism.

Words are scary.

Xiaohongdou finally got bored, so she could only walk alone, planning to run away and go to other bases to hang out again.

She was about to bid farewell to Shi Yun and leave, but before she left, Shi Yun found her first, frowning, and complained to her, "Little Hongdou, what do you think about this matter? Everyone is now mistaken for you and the brat. Together, it has spread to the point of no end, hey, I really have a headache."

In Seven Star Island, everyone is used to calling her Xiaohongdou, but suddenly she is not used to being called Xiaonian.

She told Shi Yun her nickname, and Shi Yun called her Xiaohongdou like everyone else.

Everyone in Jiubing followed Shi Yun and called her "Little Red Bean", but Bo Han didn't want to call her any name.

Xiaohongdou felt that she was incompatible with him by nature, that's why her aura was so at odds, and when she mentioned Bo Han, she felt angry.

She said: "Aunt Yun, don't think too much, he won't care about these things after his shame, and besides, I don't care, you are too worrying."

Shi Yun wiped her tearless eyes, "You don't care, so you still want to run away?"

(End of this chapter)

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