Rebirth in the End Times: Cannon Fodder to Rise

Chapter 877 Little Red Bean - Strong Marriage

Chapter 877 Little Red Bean - Strong Marriage
It turned out that she knew that the purpose of this trip was not to complain, but to arrest her.

Xiaohongdou smiled dryly, "I'm too bored to stay here, so I want to change to another place to stay. Aren't you worried that Bo Han will be affected by this incident? This is just right. Once I leave, I believe everyone will stop talking about it." what."

The idea was immediately refuted by Shi Yun, "That won't work! Some people in the base have already questioned him for forcing Xiaotie away. If you leave again, there may be news that he forced you away again. This will be a fatal blow to his reputation. You think, he is the one who wants to inherit the base. If his reputation is not good, everyone will deny his ability. If he is denied, he cannot be the leader. If he steps down, the base will be in chaos when the time comes."

Little Red Bean was distressed.

It is true to say so, but this is a matter of the Nine Ice Base. Wouldn't it be more inappropriate for her to intervene as an outsider?
She comforted, "Then why don't you talk to Uncle Bo? He has many capable people around him, so he will definitely find a way."

A gleam flashed in Shi Yun's eyes, "I have a very good solution here, as long as you are willing, this matter can be resolved smoothly, so the key is up to you, it depends on whether you are willing to nod!"

Although she is an elder, she is much older than her. Perhaps Bo Zheng has protected her too well. The stable and stable life of more than ten years has allowed her to maintain the most sincere innocence of human beings, so she is not good at hiding. The calculations in her heart, It's all on the face.

Xiaohongdou knew that this matter would not end so easily, if she forced it, it would only make things worse.

She sighed lowly: "I'm an outsider, so it's not easy to meddle in this matter. Aunt Yun wants to find someone to solve this matter. In fact, as long as Bo Han is willing, she can find anyone. A hundred of me are useless. It still depends on what Bo Han thinks about this matter."

"You are indeed much smarter than ordinary people. Before I said anything, you already understood what I meant."

Xiaohongdou smiled wryly, "If I pretend to be stupid, will you let me go?"

Shi Yun laughed, "Of course it's impossible! You are someone I value, no matter what, I will fight for it, otherwise, I will not be willing to die."

"But if you bet on your son's future, will he be willing? Maybe it will only annoy him and create a gap between you mother and child. In the end, the gain outweighs the loss."

Shi Yun said confidently: "He is my son. In this world, the person who understands him best is me. Maybe he will not understand why I do this at first, but I believe that in the future, he will understand me." I will also understand my painstaking efforts as a mother."

Little Red Bean said: "But have you ever thought about what the people of Seven Star Island will think when this happens? Or the result is just the opposite."

"Unless they don't value you, otherwise, what you worry about will never happen." Shi Yun vowed.

It cannot be denied that Shi Yun has some brains, knowing that she is the treasure of Seven Star Island, she will act first.

Think about it, what a great opportunity to consolidate power when the jewel in the palm of Seven Star Island marries the young city lord of the Nine Ice Base.

Anyone who encounters such a good opportunity will not give up easily.

Coupled with the news about her and Bo Han's quarrel during this period, the people in the Nine Ice Base will naturally follow the news and make their calculations more reasonable.

Compared with the future of the entire base, the importance of a little friendship in the past is already obvious, and there is no need for her to examine and consider it carefully.

Little Red Bean said, "But what if I don't agree to your request."

Shi Yun's face showed apology, "Then from today onwards, you can only live with me."

The conversation between the two was quite peaceful, and it wasn't a tearing face, but Xiao Hongdou has lived a life of imprisonment since then.

Bo Zheng and his son were not there. I heard that the three nearby bases united to attack Jiubing. A traitor appeared in the Jiubing base and opened the door to let the opponent's people rush in. Many people in the city had already died.

Xiao Hongdou stayed with Shi Yun every day, so her safety was guaranteed.

But the three bases offered to let them hand her over so that the war could be stopped.

Her days of peace were probably coming to an end.

At night, in the dead of night, she got up from the soft bed.

In the past few days, she has been docile and docile, eating what she should eat and sleeping what she should sleep. Shi Yun is much less protective of her, and the guards around her are also much more relaxed. Watching over her steadfastly.

Putting on black clothes that are easier to hide in the night, she opened the window quietly, and there were two guards standing under the three-story ice castle.

Two vines fell slowly along the castle, before them faintly. When the wind blew, white powder poured out from the top of the vines, and the two guard men fell to the ground instantly.

Another vine was tied to the edge of the window, and with the help of strength, it went down, and soon fell safely to the ground.

The war in the city had just started, and all the supernatural beings were fighting on the front line. After dark, no one in the city dared to walk around anymore.

Bo Zheng and his son were both on the battlefield, and those who stayed in the base were almost all ordinary people.

Everything made her escape easy and simple.

Almost effortless.

Standing on the solid ground, Xiao Hongdou smiled with satisfaction.

Suddenly, Bo Han's playful voice came from behind him, "Climbing the wall so late, where do you want to do something bad?"

Xiao Hongdou almost fell to the ground, her eyes were full of shock, "Didn't you go to stop the invasion of other bases, why are you here now?"

"If I don't show up here, wouldn't it be a blessing to you and let you run away as you wish." Bao Han approached her step by step.

Xiao Hongdou couldn't see his expression clearly, but could only feel the breath coming from him, which was colder than the surrounding ice castles.

No matter how he knew about her going to escape, one thing is certain, that is, he is very angry at this moment!
She followed his footsteps back, and was forced to the icy wall, "Do you want to marry me? Your mother locked me up so that I could marry you! I don't think you want to see this ending."

"I don't want to see this kind of ending, but now, the invading base has put forward a condition that they want you. As long as I hand you over, this battle will be over. From then on, not only do I not have to worry about my mother marrying you I, too, can successfully stop the war, which kills two birds with one stone." Bo Han approached her, imprisoned her under her tall body, and put her hands on her sides, so that she had nowhere to escape.

Xiao Hongdou could disappear before his eyes, beat him with his hands, and then run away.

However, until the last moment, she was always unwilling to reveal her ability.

She spread her hands, "Hand over, hand me over, anyway, I don't want to marry you, if you can get what you want, it just so happens that I can get what you want, that's the best."

(End of this chapter)

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