my pet is boss

Chapter 103 Loyalty is the Best Courage

Chapter 103 Loyalty is the Best Courage
The sisters of the Leng family are all offline, and Shen Fei couldn't find someone to scan the copy of the armory.

Shen Fei tried to look through the friends list, looking for the previous benefactors, and another wave of online power leveling, but found that there were not many people online at all, and everyone went offline collectively as if discussing it.

Shen Fei has no choice, there are only a few places to practice in Tuke County.

The highly poisonous tarantulas in the secluded forest in Fengyun Hills have all belonged to Shen Fei. Since he got the soul stone of Tuktata, Shen Fei also got a new title [Lord of the secluded forest tarantula], which established himself as a leader in the drama. Leadership among poisonous tarantulas.

There are only two dungeons left, Shen Fei can't do it alone.Just the Holy Light Centurion in the armory can make Shen Fei eat a pot.

The 10-second sanction of the Holy Light is no joke.

Maybe, I should stimulate Jax again, let him show his true strength?

Even in the blink of an eye, Shen Fei had already thought up some words to irritate him.The last time the two of them entered the dungeon, Jax didn't have a weapon in his hand, and finally managed to remove a stone shield from the sculpture, completely failing to show his true strength!
Of course, in order to get Jax hooked, Shen Fei had to grit his teeth and spend 5 copper coins at the blacksmith shop and bought two "broken two-handed swords". cheap gear.

Shen Fei had a smirk on his face, Jax absolutely couldn't find a reason to refuse this time.

Fuman finds Jax at the security team.

When Jax heard that he was required to stamp and issue a pass today, the never-speaking weapon master showed a look of fear on his face.

He would rather break into the library alone than sit on a chair and stamp a pass, which is worse than letting him die.

The fear on Jax's face was all caught by Fuman, and he felt extremely contemptuous.

The young master still insisted on stamping for twelve hours. This man was exhausted after working for two or three hours yesterday. Fortunately, he has grown so many muscles. It seems that they are all fake muscles!Appearance is useless, not as useful as the pig raised by Fuman!
Fuman's disdain was like sharp needles, piercing Jax's heart.

He is a majestic weapon master, but a fat cook gave him a contemptuous look. It is unbearable for any warrior with honor and faith.

Jax slammed the table and stood up abruptly, his tone full of anger: "Soldiers can be killed but not humiliated! Let me teach soldiers weapon skills, let me help Shen Fei earn money, and I am complicit, sorry I did not not!"

After passing the pass yesterday, Jax also understood the meaning of the pass.

Originally, it was a good thing that some warriors were willing to go to the dungeon to pay off their grievances, but Shen Fei poured cold water on these warriors, and even set up a threshold that did not exist in the form of a pass.

Each pass is one silver coin, and there are various snacks, drinks and even potions for sale. The amount collected in a day is more than a hundred gold!

This is clearly the use of power for personal gain!
Seeing Jax's awe-inspiring look, Fuman, who was leaning against the door, sneered, it was really what the young master said, soldiers should be more intelligent.

"You think you are a great hero, don't you? It seems that you have seen through everything, and you think you are the embodiment of justice."

Fuman's disdain was even worse, and said: "Do you know that the money that the young master sells the pass is used to improve the lives of the soldiers in Tuk County? You know that the young master raised the threshold for dungeons, but he just didn't want to let this group of arrogant Warriors die in vain. You think the young master is trying to collect money through tyranny, but you know that these warriors who can come to Tuk County are rich people with abundant resources, and this pass can only be regarded as a tax for the rich at best."

"I'm puzzled. As a person who just joined the security brigade, why do you feel that you know everything and dictate the rules set by the young master? Since you choose to join the security brigade, then your current status is not a novice of the Holy Light Sect The instructor, but the weapon instructor of the security brigade. Even a cook like me knows loyalty and gratitude, but you, a majestic weapon master, don’t care about these, even if your weapon skills are the best in the world, what’s the use?”

Fuman stuck his waist in and talked more and more vigorously, why should the young master's far-sighted behavior be pointed out by these short-sighted people.

Jax didn't expect a little follower to talk to him like this?

Of course, what surprised him even more was Shen Fei's purpose behind these plans.

He originally thought that Shen Fei was simply collecting money, but he didn't expect that the money collected was for soldiers to improve their lives.Not to mention that Shen Fei used this method to prevent players from entering the dungeon challenge.

Jax, as the final boss of the armory, can be said to be the one who knows the difficulty of the armory dungeon the best, no one else.

According to the level and strength of the current players, playing a copy of the armory is really a dead end.

Even if you stumbled across him on the training ground, you would never have imagined that there would be a range-of-effect skill like "Weapon Storm".If you die once, you will lose 10% of your experience and money. If you can’t defeat Jax and pass the dungeon, you won’t be able to receive dungeon experience rewards and mission rewards. All previous sacrifices will be in vain and waste.

Jax strode forward and walked straight towards Fuman.

Fuman's voice was trembling with fright, but he was protecting the reputation of the young master, even if he was afraid of death, he couldn't take half a step back at this time!

What's wrong with being afraid of death?
A cook who is afraid of death also knows how to write the word loyalty!
The murderous intent in Jax's eyes condensed into substance, and Fuman was completely unable to move under this murderous gaze.

To be honest, Fuman felt a little regretful this time, if he had known earlier, he should have brought his dead pig here...

"Isn't what you said just now very powerful? Why don't you say it now? You only need to say a bad word about Shen Fei now, and I will let you go." Jax looked down, with three-point scrutiny and seven-point disdain in his eyes.

Fuman was completely flustered now, and only one thought remained in his mind - he angered Jax, and he was going to die!
At this time, begging for mercy is useless, according to what the young master said, there is nothing worth bending over except money.

Fuman's own belief is the young master, and it is impossible for him to speak ill of the young master in order to survive!

Fuman was speechless, but he expressed his disdain in his own way.

Jax didn't expect that a fat cook could be so stubborn after releasing his murderous aura, and even fight back in the face of your disdain.

Jax has always believed that as there are followers, there are masters.

Fuman, a cook who has never read a book, can be so virtuous, and he has consistently implemented what is called loyalty.Then the stereotyped image of Shen Fei before is probably just a superficial appearance that he made deliberately.

Jax restrained his murderous intent, suddenly knelt down on one knee in front of Fuman, and slightly lowered his head to apologize: "Sorry, you taught me the right thing, I was fooled by appearances."

Fuman didn't expect Jax to apologize suddenly, he was not a fool and immediately realized that Jax must be testing him just now.

Seeing the novice instructor of the Holy Light Monastery, Master Weapon Kneeling on the ground and begging for his forgiveness, Fuman couldn't help but think: "This is what the young master always said about being coercive? It seems quite refreshing..."

(End of this chapter)

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