my pet is boss

Chapter 102 Friendly Communication Between Similar Kinds

Chapter 102 Friendly Communication Between Similar Kinds

The inexplicable debt of favor made Shen Fei very distressed.

But on the other hand, it also shows that Shen Fei knows how to do business. With only two skill books, he changed five green outfits and one blue outfit. This business is definitely profitable!
Now Shen Fei doesn't have a whiteboard item on him, and he is wearing a blue-green suit, which is quite domineering.

These six pieces of equipment added 4 points of strength, 5 points of agility and 8 points of endurance to Shen Fei.

What pleased Shen Fei the most was the effect of the blue high-quality leather boots, which gave him more possibilities for operations, and it was completely prepared for a lone ranger like Shen Fei.

[Wolf Fur Light Leather Boots]

Rating: 14
Quality: excellent

Armor: 10
+2 Dexterity
+3 Stamina
+20 movement speed
Wolf walk: 100% burst of movement speed for 10 seconds
Durability: 30/30
Manufacturer: lover women's clothing
The leather boots Shen Fei is wearing now are still the whiteboard that Ayou built last time, and the movement speed is only increased by 10 points.

The default movement speed of a player who does not wear any footwear is 15. The basic footwear and whiteboard footwear given by the system will increase the movement speed by 5 points. The leather boots made by Ayou for Shen Fei last time exploded by 5 points of movement speed , can be understood as the best in the whiteboard.

And this pair of high-quality leather boots, not to mention the dual attributes, actually directly increased the movement speed by 20 points, and it also comes with a burst skill similar to the swiftness potion, which can be called the ultimate in footwear!

After replacing all the equipment on his body, Shen Fei's movement speed reached 35 points. If he uses the wolf walking skill that comes with the leather boots, the speed can explode to 70 points!Shen Fei couldn't imagine this speed anymore. When most players' movement speed was still at 20 points, his movement speed of 70 points was no different from instant ejection.At this speed, as long as it is not a monster that can teleport, he can get rid of it directly.

This is why Shen Fei said that this pair of blue fine leather boots, worth 100 gold coins, will never be out of date.

This pair of leather boots can be used forever with this one active trigger effect alone.

Dressed in a blue-green outfit, Shen Fei's blood volume soared to 920 points, and with 8 points of stamina, he could break through the three-digit mark.

When most of the players still had three or four hundred blood, Shen Fei's blood was close to one thousand, which could even be described as terrifying.

Eat people with short mouths, and take people softly.

Shen Fei then thanked Leng Qingqiu with a message, and wanted to take them to the armory again, but found that Leng Qingqiu was offline.

Shen Fei's affection for Leng Qingqiu doubled, and the last time he gave them the skill book was also to get through the dungeon smoothly.Coupled with the trust and goodwill accumulated before, there is no need to compare every penny.As a result, Leng Qingqiu did not disappoint him, Shen Fei felt comfortable with these few pieces of equipment.As expected of being the helm of a listed company, it's just that this breezy style of acting deserves the fire!
After all the calculations, I owe Leng Qingqiu another favor, it really is...

Shen Fei shook his head helplessly, the two of them seemed to be "fighting", today I owe you a favor, tomorrow you owe me a favor, it seems that it will never end.

Shen Fei is not in a hurry, when Leng Qingqiu takes their guild players to open up a copy of the library, he will give them a first-hand fresh strategy.

The soul stone of Tuktata is not lit today, which means that the poisonous tarantulas are very good, and there are no spiders that have committed crimes today.

On the contrary, Fuman, after learning that Shen Fei woke up, ran over as if asking for credit, followed by a pig.

"Why do you still lead a pig?" Shen Fei said and glanced at the big white and fat pig, "Why does it look familiar?"

With a bright smile on his face, Fuman said, "I bought this pig back from the fat boss with my own wages. This is the pig we saw in the pigsty before who was not afraid of life and death."

Shen Fei suddenly realized that this was that maverick pig.

It's just that Shen Fei didn't understand. He didn't blame Fuman for spending money on his own initiative. After all, it was Fuman's hard-earned money earned by himself, and he could spend it as he liked.It's just that Shen Fei didn't understand why Fuman suddenly bought a pig back. Is this to kill the pig for the New Year?

Fuman chuckled, didn't say anything clearly, and was still practicing Tai Chi in the cloud: "Young master, you don't have to worry about it. Anyway, this pig will be my amulet in the future. I will feed it with delicious food and drink until it becomes white and fat." fat!"

Fuman still didn't say a word: so that when the young master is going to throw me to feed the poisonous tarantula, I can use this fat pig instead.

The reason why this maverick pig was chosen is because this pig is so obedient that it doesn't even need a rope.

The other pigs were very reckless, and Fuman was almost dragged away by the pigs with his body tied up.If you don't pull the rope, I'm afraid you will disappear in minutes.

Fuman ran back and forth to tease the pig, but this maverick pig lay on the ground with its front legs crossed, looking at Fuman calmly.

This scene made Shen Fei a little dazed, as if Fuman was the pig, and the one lying on the ground was a bored pig watcher.

"You still go to Jax at noon later. Today is probably our last day here. You should try to sell all the excess potions and food."

Hearing what the young master said, Fuman suddenly panicked: "Master, are we leaving Tuk County tomorrow?"

Shen Fei didn't hide anything: "I received the mission from the consul, and went to Sentinel Fort to rescue soldiers. After completing the mission, I didn't come back. I took a boat directly from Shuanggang to the holy city."

Fuman's expression was a little anxious, he nodded hurriedly and said: "The young master, can I take half a day off after I finish my work today, I need to pack my luggage." Fuman didn't expect the young master to leave Tuk County for a week, he was thinking about what to do It also takes a month.There are still many things in the house that have not been cleaned up properly, so I can only ask for leave in the afternoon to sort out and sell them.

Shen Fei resolutely approved the leave, and also said that Fuman should not be in a hurry, if there is not enough time, it doesn't matter if it is delayed for half a day or a day.

Fuman is not in the mood to tease the pig now, he pointed to the Jasmine Hotel and said to the maverick pig, "You go back first, I have something to do, and I will come back to pick you up at night."

Seeing Fuman talking to the pig in a serious manner, Shen Fei almost didn't laugh out loud.Communicating with animals is a unique talent of hunters. Fuman, a cook, wants to communicate with pigs. It is really a dream.

But before he could say anything, the pig lying on the ground seemed to understand Fuman's words. After getting up, he twisted his big fat buttocks and slipped obediently into the Jasmine Hotel. Fuman didn't need to worry about it at all.

Shen Fei was dumbfounded, is that okay?
Hunters can only communicate with their pets without barriers, and this tacit understanding is gradually cultivated after taming.

On the pet panel of all hunters, there will be a tacit value. The higher the tacit value, the higher the damage of the pet. At the same time, many pet skills need the tacit value to unlock.Only hunters and pets have a good enough understanding to order pets to attack with skills.

The key is……

Fuman is a cook who is greedy for life and afraid of death!

What kind of hunter is he, who can communicate with pigs without barriers!

and many more!

Shen Fei suddenly realized that maybe they were just a friendly exchange between the same kind?

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!


(End of this chapter)

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