my pet is boss

Chapter 101 Great Favor!

Chapter 101 Great Favor!
Shen Fei had a complicated expression at the moment, he shouldn't have asked Jax this question, accidentally let this guy pretend to be a big contest, and made a mistake, a mistake, a mistake!
Both the armory and library dungeons have been opened, Shen Fei is too lazy to walk, so he directly uses Back City to go to Jasmine Hotel, and then goes straight to the city hall.

The two dungeons have been completely opened, which shows that the corrupt power that has touched the void has been completely eliminated in Touk County.

When Consul Reed heard the news, he was ecstatic.

"I just said that I don't think people make mistakes. In the end, it was Shen Fei who completely solved the hidden dangers of Tuke County."

Consul Reed was very enthusiastic, and even pulled Shen Fei to sit down, pouring tea and water for him himself.

"Although the fallen bishop has been defeated by you, I am still worried that the two forces of the armory and the library will not be eliminated for a day. Who knows that one day they will come out of the monastery, and the cathedral will be in the downtown area again. I'm afraid that the entire Touk County will become a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood."

"Fortunately, you are here, and now the last worry has been resolved."

After handing in the mission to Consul Reed, Shen Fei directly rose to level 19.

What is Consul Reid writing again? This time the fall of the Holy Light Bishop put the entire Turk County in trouble. Afterwards, Reed also had a crisis. There is no force that can match it.If Shen Fei hadn't appealed to the warriors from Xinshou Village, I'm afraid this time the general attack on the cathedral would end in failure.

So Consul Reed decided to assign Shen Fei a task.

Consul Reid raised his head and asked, "I heard that you have always wanted to go to the holy city, right?"

It was no secret that Shen Fei wanted to go to the Holy City. Even the soldiers in Tuk County knew that Master Shen had always wanted to go to the Holy City.

In fact, not only Shen Fei, everyone wanted to have the opportunity to visit the Holy City in this life and see the most prosperous city in the empire.

Shen Fei nodded, and Consul Reed handed the envelope to him: "Then this mission belongs to you."

"Ever since the crisis, I've been thinking about it. With the current size of troops in Touk County, it is more than enough to maintain law and order. But if there is any major incident, the county's troops are still too thin. So I want you to go to Sentinel Fort to recruit troops!"

"Invite soldiers?"

Consul Reed nodded and said: "Yes, take this letter to Sentinel Fort and ask General Ross to send some soldiers to be stationed in Turk County. All food and clothing expenses during the stationing will be paid by Tuk County. I wrote it very clearly in the letter, you just hand it to him. After General Ross agrees to send troops, you can take a boat directly from Frost Harbor in Sentinel Fort to the City of Lions."

Shen Fei happily took over the task, and after moving the rescuers, he took a boat from Shuanggang to the Holy City of Lions.

After the night crisis was resolved, all the evil spirits attracted to the sea subsided, and the shipping industry in Touk County was reopened.Shen Fei can directly arrive at Frost Harbor by boat at the port.

After receiving the task, Shen Fei went offline directly to rest.

After Jax came out of the library, he returned to his cabin to rest.

"Wind of War" repaired all the damage in the battle between himself and the administrator, except for the wound pierced by the moon god's arrow.After all, this is the power of a true god with its own rules, and it is already a fortune teller without killing him with an arrow.

After drinking a cup of tea and just sitting down, Jax suddenly went blank: "What are you going to do in the library today?"

After a while, Jax remembered that the purpose of going to the library today was to read the books and investigate Shen Fei's true identity.

The result was good. On the way, he was provoked by Shen Fei's few words. After a trip to the library, he was seriously injured and even forgot the most important thing.

Doesn't it mean that his beating was for nothing?
It's not that there is no gain, at least he knows that Shen Fei is also a Dragon Whisperer, and his level of Dragon Whisperer is even higher than that of a librarian!

Dragon language is a very magical language, unlike the languages ​​of various ethnic groups or the common language, it has an extremely strict level setting.

Humans, dwarves, and white elves have their own languages, and the three races communicate with each other through the improved lingua franca of human language.These languages ​​all have the same pronunciation and measurement.But the dragon language is different. There are as many dragon languages ​​as there are dragons. The dragon language of each dragon is different. The dragon power carried by the dragon language is linked to the strength of the dragon itself.

From what he saw today, Jax can be sure that Shen Fei's dragon language is stronger than the administrator's, and can completely suppress the opponent's dragon power.

"What is the background of this guy?"

The questions hovering in Jax's mind were not only unanswered, but more and more.The blessing of the moon god has not been clarified yet, and now there is a dragon language, who is Shen Fei?

Jax decided to go to the library again tomorrow, and this time he must not let the administrator burn the books in the secret room.

Shen Fei's rest time ended soon, and when he woke up, he was reminded that there were several emails.

There is a mailbox for sending and receiving at the entrance of Jasmine Hotel, Shen Fei was still thinking about who sent him the email, when he went to the downstairs door and opened it, he found that six emails in a row were all sent to him by Leng Qingqiu.

Shen Fei directly brought out all of them in one breath, and found that they were five pieces of excellent quality leather armor, and one piece of blue excellent quality leather armor, and there was also a message from Leng Qingqiu.

【Thank you for the two skill books you sent me in the last dungeon. I entrusted players in the guild to make these leather armors. They were all made with level 10 blueprints. Please forgive me for the low level. 】

Shen Fei took a look at these leather armors, and his eyes immediately brightened.

Ordinary players revealed that the green high-quality equipment is very low. It is unknown how much resources Leng Qingqiu spent to produce this set of high-quality leather armor, but the price is definitely not lower than two skill books.

In particular, there is also a piece of blue leather armor of excellent quality.

Shen Fei took a glance, these six pieces of leather armor almost included all parts except weapons.

Helmet, breastplate, cloak, wrists, leggings, boots.

Shen Fei is relatively economical, except for a blueprint of leather boots that burst out in the Giant Wolf Crypt, and a blank leather boot made by Ayou, everything else on his body except weapons is a novice suit wrapped in a body , in addition to adding a little bit of armor, only the role of wrapping is left.Shen Fei never thought of replacing these.

From Shen Fei's point of view, his upgrade speed is very fast, and the cost performance of investing money in these equipment is extremely low.

After spending a lot of money to build a level 10 equipment for himself, he came to Tuke County for five or six days, and now the level is almost 20, so the equipment on his body is naturally about to be eliminated.

It would be different if it was given by someone else, all six pieces of equipment were replaced on his body, and Shen Fei's attributes increased a lot.

Among the five green outfits, there are two "extreme" green outfits with dual attributes, and the blue high-quality leather boots even have their own skills.

Shen Fei can guarantee that if this leather boot is hung on the market, it can definitely be sold for 100 gold coins, no matter how high the level is, it will never become obsolete.

Shen Fei scratched his head, with a complicated expression on his face.The experience of living alone since childhood taught Shen Fei to rely on himself in everything and never owe favors.

But this time, it seems that he owes him too much favor!
(End of this chapter)

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