my pet is boss

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

Jax fell to his knees and pulled the stone shield from his arm against the excruciating pain.The hot stone shield came off and ripped a layer of skin from Jax's arm.

"I didn't expect this guy to have learned the most powerful fire spell, Dragon's Breath." Jax was terrified. If he was a little careless just now, he would really be buried in the flames and turned into ashes.

This time, I really want to thank Shen Fei. If I came to the library alone without him, I might fall here.

"Come on, let's go, let's go."

Shen Fei rubbed his hands and looked at the glowing corpse of the administrator, with a hint of unhappiness in his joy.

Why didn't Jax wink at all, didn't you see that he wanted to touch the corpse with red hands, and he was riding the administrator who had turned into a puddle of mud? Is this a pose or a show?

You have to speak clearly to know how to get out of the way. I really have no eyesight.

Jax was full of grievances. If he hadn't used his stone shield to "jump and hack" to kill the librarian just now, both of them would have died in the flames.

But Jax didn't say anything, because he won't give Shen Fei another chance to pretend.If he said this, Shen Fei would definitely say that he used Dragon Language to decipher Longwei twice.If Shen Fei hadn't cracked Longwei, he wouldn't have had the chance to break free from the icicle, let alone the next ultimate jump.

Thinking of the severe pain I endured just now, the skin on my left arm was all scalded...

Huh?Why did the burnt skin heal?

Jax was completely speechless, the battle was too fierce, he himself forgot that when the blood volume of the weapon master is too low, he will stimulate his own potential, trigger the blood recovery effect of "Wind of War", all the wounds on his body will heal automatically, and the health value will be reduced. Also recovered to more than 50%.

"This damn self-healing ability!"

Jax wanted to cry, and now he had no last reason to complain.

The librarian exploded a total of three items.

The first piece is the last piece of the wealth set of the Cathedral of Light - the Aiken Necklace.

【Aiken Necklace Production Drawing】

Type: necklace

Rating: 20
The blueprint for creating the wealth suit of the Holy Light Sect. After making it, you can get the Aiken Necklace. The quality and effect are random.If equipped with other wealth suit parts of the Holy Light Sect, the suit attributes can be activated.

Materials required for crafting: Aiken's Memoirs (1), Rusty Necklace (1).

The second item is a skill book "Eagle Eye", which is common to level 20 hunters. This skill book makes Shen Fei salivate, wishing he could reach level 20 immediately and learn this skill. Although "Eagle Eye" is a skill book, after learning it, it will have two effects, active and passive.

The passive effect is to increase the range of the hunter by 10 meters. (Before everyone reported that they were not familiar with the unit of code, and they will all be changed to meters in the future to facilitate everyone's understanding)
The active effect is to summon a falcon, which can be manipulated to detect the eagle eye, and lasts for 1 minute.

This skill is too important for Shen Fei, the Falcon is extremely fast, and within 1 minute, it can almost detect the boundary of a five-kilometer radius from a macro perspective.

It's simply wild magic!

The third item is one of the raw materials of the Aiken necklace, the rusty necklace.

The materials needed for the first two construction drawings are weird but at least understandable.

The material for the third Aiken necklace only needs two materials, the rusty necklace boss has already been exposed, but for the other "Aiken Memoirs", Shen Fei is at a loss and can't figure it out at all.

What does a necklace need a memoir?
According to the known conditions, this Aiken must also be a member of the Holy Light Sect, otherwise it would be impossible to drop production materials on the librarian.

"Jax, do you know a man named Aiken in the Holy Light?"

Jax shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of it, at least there is no such person's name in the Holy Light Monastery in Turk County."

If you want to find Aiken's memoirs, you must first know who Aiken is, but now the clues are cut off.

A level 20 dungeon, with enough rest experience, Shen Fei's experience bar increased by 175%, and he could directly rise to level 19 if he missed it.

Shen Fei did the math, he only needs to brush the armory and library again to be able to upgrade to level 20.

Seeing the secret room that had been turned into ruins, Shen Fei couldn't help sighing, the librarian is completely worthy of his title, and indeed no one who can be a librarian is just for nothing.I bring a level 17 boss, and it's so difficult to fight, so if five players form a team, they can't be destroyed?

Just talking about the last dragon's breath technique, I'm afraid the whole team will be wiped out.

In such a dungeon, even if all five members of the team have reached level 17 or 8, it will be difficult to beat the bottom boss.

After leaving Novice Village, the difficulty of the dungeon skyrocketed.

Shen Fei originally thought that Jax in the Armory was already difficult enough to fight, but he didn't expect that the big game was yet to come.

Now if someone asked Shen Fei to bring a copy of the library, he would not even dare to accept the order.

"This dungeon is really difficult, so it seems that the librarian is better than you, Jax." Shen Fei patted Jax on the shoulder, directly making Jax stunned.

What about Nima?
As the final boss of the armory, I only let you hit 50% of the blood volume and you will pass. The librarian is completely killing the intruders. How can this be compared?
"This is not a dungeon mode. The librarian in the dungeon mode only has nine skills in total, and three skills in each of the Ice, Fire and Arcane series. After using them, he can only fight with bare hands. He is completely useless without any challenge. Can use the forbidden technique of dragon's breath. This is a special mode we are playing now, and the NPC has [-]% intelligence, so don't treat him as a monster."

Shen Fei was completely stunned, what Jax said was completely beyond his expectation, and opened a new door.

It turns out that these NPCs know that they are NPCs?

Do you know the identity of their players?

What dungeon mode and special mode, 100% smart?

Seeing Shen Fei's sluggish gaze, Jax finally felt that he had regained some face, and said quite complacently: "If you come in as five players, then what you are facing is the dungeon mode, but because I, an NPC, is involved, so It is directly identified as a special mode, and you can also understand it as a story mode. In this mode, all NPCs have [-]% intelligence, and you can’t be regarded as a robot in dungeon mode, which is programmed to play cards.”

Shen Fei was dumbfounded at the moment: "You know that you are an NPC and I am a player?"

Jax's expression was indifferent: "Isn't this obvious? You can resurrect infinitely after death. We only have this ability in dungeons."

In other words, if the NPC is not in the instance, then he only has one life.

Death represents the ultimate elimination of data.

"Then do you think it's unfair? Our players can be resurrected infinitely, but you only have one life." Shen Fei can be regarded as the first person to have deep contact with NPCs, and in Shen Fei's eyes, they are not regarded as a bunch of data at all.During Shen Fei's loneliest period, it was these so-called cold data that made him feel the warmth of his relatives and friends.

Jax smiled, no disappointment in his eyes.

"If you can spend your whole life studying weapons skills, you will die without regret!"

(End of this chapter)

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