my pet is boss

Chapter 99 Blazing Dragon's Breath

Chapter 99 Blazing Dragon's Breath
The administrator thought very well, neither of these two people seemed to be the kind of person with strong mental power. When he recovered a little bit and took a breath of the dragon, both of them would die!
But Shen Fei didn't give him this chance at all, he said "******, it's none of your business!" and choked back.

Without saying a word, Jax rushed forward with the stone shield in hand, without giving the administrator a chance to breathe.

When he heard the librarian speak before, he knew he was delaying time.But Shen Fei didn't speak, and he couldn't act rashly.It's just that Shen Fei also saw through the administrator's plan to delay time at a glance, and simply made a series of quality three times, directly crushing the administrator's thoughts.

It has to be said that although Shen Fei's mouth is extremely poisonous, he has a strong grasp of the battle and his strength is unfathomable.

In fact, Shen Fei didn't think about delaying the time at all, he just wanted to kill the administrator as soon as possible and get the blueprint of the suit as soon as possible.

Shen Fei discovered that the rewards for clearing the dungeon for the first time are very generous, and basically good things can be revealed.

He has high hopes for this reward.Where is there still time to compare with you, an NPC, you can do it without talking.

The librarian was shocked. Who would have thought that this guy would speak dirty words, and he would speak with three consecutive words.What's more, he didn't expect that the opponent didn't accept his tricks at all, and directly launched an attack.

Following Jax's charge, Shen Fei also drew his bow and shot an arrow, and a "Snake Sting" struck the librarian first.

The moment Jax charged in front of him, the administrator spewed out a strong cold air from both hands, and even ice crystals directly wrapped Jax in the frost, turning him into an ice sculpture.

Shen Fei felt his scalp go numb, this kind of silent casting made people hard to guard against.


The ice sculpture made a crackling sound, cracking dense lines from the surface.

With Jax's roar, all the condensed ice on his body shattered and smashed to the ground.

The skills used by high-level mages like librarians are very powerful. If a mage player sees these skills, he can't wait to kneel down and call his father immediately.

Jax's skills and timing are textbook-style, and he even guessed the direction of the administrator's flash in the next second. He jumped directly and landed almost at the same time as the administrator.

The small secret room is simply a nightmare for mages in battle, especially when encountering a weapon master like Jax who is proficient in all skills, he is like a shadow.

Shen Fei stood in place and kept harassing with bows and arrows, dealing decent damage.

This kind of operation is very comfortable, there is no need to be afraid of attracting hatred, and you can output as much as you want.

When the librarian was in a PK with Jax's imperial city, and the winner was king, he used all kinds of magic, and the three magics of ice, fire and arcane were at his fingertips, and he seemed to be the best among elemental mages.

Shen Fei sucked in a breath during the output. It is indeed the ultimate boss of the 20th-level dungeon library. This boss has almost mastered all the skills of the Elemental Mage. If there is not enough healing in the fight, it will easily cause attrition.

The librarian and Jax seem to be "neighborly" for the time being. In this case, Jax obviously has the upper hand in the battle.

But when the player plays this copy by himself, the situation is reversed again.Because there is too little space to move around, many range skills cannot be avoided at all, and they can only be forced to eat. This will test the team's treatment even more.

But Shen Fei doesn't have to worry about these problems at all now, what he has to do now is to wait for Jax to show his power, kill the administrator, get the blueprint and reach the pinnacle of life!
The administrator was already exhausted just dealing with one Jax, and had no time to take care of Shen Fei.

During the fight with Jax, the administrator gradually regained consciousness, and even accumulated enough mana to release the ultimate skill while dodging and counterattacking.

With this blow, he wanted Jax and Shen Fei to be reduced to ashes.

The most quintessential part of the Secret Scroll of the Archbishop of the Holy Light, Mailer - the dragon's breath technique!

Although Archbishop Shengguang is a priest, after seeing the dragon with his own eyes, he recorded the dragon language and the dragon's breath, and then he and his best friend, Jordan, the greatest mage in the empire, jointly created a dragon that imitated the dragon's breath. breath surgery.

If you want to learn the dragon's breath technique, you must first learn the dragon language, and then analyze the method of learning the dragon's breath technique written in the dragon language from the secret scroll.

This trick is so powerful that it only exists in rumors. Few people have seen the Dragon's Breath Technique with their own eyes, or no one has ever been able to escape from the Dragon's Breath Technique.

The administrator used a silent spell to freeze Jax in place, and then a teleportation came to the center of the secret room.

Surging mana surged out of his body, rolling up the pages of the book on the ground.

"Let you see my favorite spell, you will all die in the raging flames!"

The dragon language cannot cast spells silently. The moment the administrator's dragon language sounded, Shen Fei saw his exquisite clothes start to emit green smoke. When the clothes were engulfed by flames, Shen Fei saw his red-hot lungs burning Continuously condensing and absorbing heat, even the entire chest cavity is expanding extremely.

Shen Fei already understood what kind of trick this guy was going to use, he had seen this trick before when he fought the evil dragon bravely in Gushan.

When the dragon gasped, all the air that entered its lungs turned into scalding flames.The fire in his chest, even through his throat and dragon scales, was emitting fiery energy.

Jax was frozen in the icicle, and now coupled with Longwei's suppression, he was completely unable to break free from the icicle.

Shen Fei immediately began to speak in dragon language, using his more powerful dragon power to break the opponent's suppression.

At this time, Shen Fei no longer knew what he was talking about, in short, he was speaking in Dragon Language.

"Your head, like a ball, kicked into a department store..."

The administrator's dragon power was completely suppressed, Jax broke free from the icicle with a roar, and jumped up from the air holding the stone shield with both hands.

Warrior's Leap of Faith!
At this moment, the stone shield in Jax's hand seemed to be transformed into a sharp axe, falling from the sky with a roar.

The administrator was suppressed by Shen Fei's Longwei, but at this moment the anger flames in his chest had become powerful, and the flames enough to melt rocks spewed out from his mouth, with the roar of a giant dragon.

Seeing this, Shen Fei immediately ran against the wall, the flames behind him devoured everything, all the books on the ground were reduced to ashes, and even the bricks and stones on the wall of the secret room were baked red under the gushing dragon breath.

The coverage of the dragon's breath technique is extremely large. When the administrator raised his head, the entire dragon's breath technique spewed into the air, and even burned the entire dome of the secret room red.

The stone shield in Jax's hand was in front of him, and the gray-white stone shield was gradually roasted red and hot.

The skin sizzled under the heat of the stone shield, but Jax wasn't about to let go.


The stone shield directly hit the administrator's face, and all the huge power was vented on the opponent. This weapon master's strongest attack "jumping" directly smashed the administrator into a puddle of mud.

The dragon's breath technique came to an abrupt end, and there were only countless ashes left in the secret room, which flew up from the ground under the tremendous force of "jumping and chopping", like black cherry blossoms.

(End of this chapter)

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