my pet is boss

Chapter 106 Didn't expect it, I'm coming again!

Chapter 106 Didn't expect it, I'm back again!

Shen Fei hid all the joy deep in his heart.

After clearing the library copy this time, the reward experience points are enough to upgrade to level 20.

"Hello, is this Mr. Shen Fei Shen?"

Just when Jax was brewing a unparalleled aura and was about to go to the library with Shen Fei to start a massacre, suddenly a polite player came up.

Shen Fei looked at this player up and down, this person was wearing a leather armor, with a harmonica and a scroll pinned to his waist, he looked like a prodigal son.

"Bard, this profession is rare."

Even though the profession of bard sounds pretentious, very few people actually choose this profession.

How should I put it, this profession is a panacea.

It can deal damage, restore blood to teammates, and increase auxiliary effects.

Regardless of whether this profession can output or heal, the embarrassment is also in this place.Your output is not as good as those pure output occupations, and your healing is not as good as pure treatment occupations. You can say that you can do both, but you can't do both.Generally, a five-person team with a bard is equivalent to losing half of the output or half of the healer, so the selection rate of this profession is the lowest.

Only some local tyrants or pure life players would choose such a profession.

"Hi, I'm Zhiyuan Lin, the marketing manager of DowDuPont. This time I'm looking for cooperation with Mr. Shen. You can call me Xiaolin."

DowDuPont, the second largest chemical group in the Federation.

Because of the aggressiveness of the BASF Group, Dow and DuPont, two originally independent chemical groups, chose to reorganize and merge into one enterprise to resist the encroachment of the entire chemical industry by the BASF Group.

Just by declaring his family name, Shen Fei knew the purpose of this person's visit.

Apparently these people have heard about Minister Mao's embarrassment in front of Shen Fei, and they have also investigated and found out that the chief alchemist in the tree hanging building in the lower city is the key to learning the next step of alchemy.

The news from the dwarves and white elves is normal, and there is no violent player who can influence NPCs.

But the human side has already exploded. Almost all the top [-] companies in the Federation, as long as they choose human races to play games, have heard of Shen Fei's name now.

This is the first player to hold an official position in the game, and the first player to be able to influence the decisions of NPCs.

The communication between normal players and NPCs is limited to clues or tasks, and there is almost no friendship at all.After all, few people would treat NPCs as real people like Shen Fei.In the eyes of the vast majority of players, an NPC is an NPC, and even if they have a good relationship, it is because of interest factors.Who would be free to talk about feelings with a group of data?

Shen Fei looked at Lin Zhiyuan. Apart from his pretentious job, he didn't find any shortcomings in him.Shen Fei didn't speak, but he kept bowing slightly, with a friendly smile on his face and extremely sincere eyes, not at all as arrogant as Minister Mao.

That's the way to do business.

Shen Fei has always had a choice when attacking, and it is the rule not to attack ordinary players like him.

Shen Fei's decision seemed to be willful and reckless, but in fact it was all deliberate.

It is impossible for ordinary players to level up so quickly and come to Touk County in a short period of time.It is also impossible for ordinary players to buy dungeon passes with money in their pockets.

So as long as anyone who can appear in Touk County and has ideas about the dungeon, it is impossible for ordinary players to appear.

"What price do you plan to offer, is it also 10 silver coins?"

Lin Zhiyuan couldn't help laughing when he heard about the 10 silver coins, and immediately apologized to Fei Shen: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect Mr. Shen to be so humorous. DowDuPont came to cooperate with Mr. Shen with sincerity. , will never offer such an insulting price. The price Mr. Shen said is our price."

"What price will you all agree to?" Shen Fei laughed jokingly after speaking, as if he didn't believe that Lin Zhiyuan, a marketing manager, was qualified to decide the price of a transaction.

Lin Zhiyuan seemed to see through Shen Fei's joke, and said with sincerity: "Mr. Shen, please rest assured, this time the company sent me here, and has given me full authority to handle the matter. I have the right to set the price, and I am definitely not talking about it."

For these famous companies, especially the leaders in various industries, Shen Fei can know all about them.

After all, he used to aim to enter these companies as his goal.

Unfortunately, DowDuPont was also within Shen Fei's field of vision.

The company has 50 employees worldwide, second only to BASF in the entire chemical industry.

BASF Group and DowDuPont Group together account for more than 75% of the entire industry.It can be said that the commercial battle of chemical companies is between BASF and DowDuPont Group, and other companies are not qualified to join this magnitude of struggle.

"One silver coin is drawn for each employee." After speaking, Shen Fei looked at Lin Zhiyuan with a smile.

50 employees, if the light and dark camps are divided equally, the entire light camp also has 25 players, one-third of which choose humans, and the number is more than 8. The front-line employees are counted as 5 people, and each person is 500 silver coins. gold.

This price is a drop in the bucket for a Fortune [-] company.

Without further ado, Lin Zhiyuan stretched out his hand and said, "Happy cooperation!"

"In our Dow DuPont Guild, there are a total of 103284 human players, including 64325 first-line alchemy players, with a total of 643.25 gold coins. I can pay Mr. Shen in full now."

Lin Zhiyuan initiated a deal directly with Shen Fei, sending all the money to Shen Fei.

"It's comfortable to do business with the cool people. Let's get to know this Jax. This is the chief guard of Touk County in the future. If you encounter difficulties in Touk County in the future, you can go to the city hall to find him."

Shen Fei took this money without mercy, with this money, he now has a total of 980 gold coins on him.What's more, this is a win-win business.

DowDuPont and BASF Chemicals have been fighting for many years. This time, Minister Mao messed up things, causing all human players in the guild to be unable to learn the next formula of alchemy, which caused the progress to stagnate.

After DowDuPont heard the news, this time they almost had the idea that they were bound to win.As long as Shenfei is not asking for a lot of money, DowDuPont will win this cooperation at any cost, hoping that in the 100 years of the game, it can achieve a cornering overtaking in wealth and become the leader of chemical companies.At least now in terms of alchemy for human players, DowDuPont has got the priority, which is equivalent to getting the priority for the alchemy supply of the entire human empire.

For Shen Fei, this price is a win-win price.

There is no extravagant asking price, a reasonable price, and has established a cooperative friendship with DowDuPont, a Fortune [-] company. No matter how you look at it, you can make a profit.

After the entire cooperation, the worst thing is BASF Chemicals. I wonder if Minister Mao can still maintain his arrogance and self-confidence after hearing the news of this cooperation.

Before leaving Tuke County, Shen Fei completed another big deal, completed the accumulation of funds and contacts.

It seems that after getting all the blessings and two treasures together, his fortune is getting better and better.

Next, is the copy of the library.

After delaying for a while, Jax almost couldn't wait to rush into the library.

With a weapon, it is natural to get carried away.

As soon as he entered the door, he shouted to the Shengguang disciple who was studying the knowledge and admiring the beauty of the human body: "Hahaha, I didn't expect it, I'm back!"

In the next second, Jax was transfigured by the Holy Light disciple.

No sheep this time, no bleating.

Shen Fei looked at the green-haired turtle on the floor, subconsciously took two steps back, covered half of his face, didn't have the eyes to look any further, and just wanted to say: "Jax, please be more careful, be yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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