my pet is boss

Chapter 107 Want My Treasure?

Chapter 107 Want My Treasure?
It can be said that he didn't know the method of the disciples of the Holy Light last time, but the same problem appeared twice, it must be Jax's own problem.

After the sheep transformation is over, Jax regains his figure.Shen Fei stood behind and saw that Jax's entire neck had turned red like a spicy duck neck.This is a complete shame to Jax, and a shame that will never be washed away in his life.

The majestic weapon master was interrupted by the Transfiguration technique of the Holy Light disciple when he was speaking twice in a row in the library copy.

If it wasn't for Shen Fei being a player, who could be resurrected infinitely after being killed, Jax would even have the urge to kill and silence.

The warrior's rage originally had to be accumulated little by little during the battle before he could unleash terrifyingly powerful skills.But as soon as he entered the door, he was given a big gift. Jax was so angry that he rolled up the "weapon storm" with his double blades, and pushed it all the way in a simple and rough way.

When using "Weapon Storm", Jax is in a control immune state, and any stuns, slows or polymorphs have no effect on him.What's even more amazing is that Jax's anger seems to be inexhaustible. Even the No. [-] boss, Brother Maloof, was directly crushed to death by Jax.

Shen Fei watched Jax rushing into the long corridor with the wind all the way, and a lot of wonderful ideas popped up in his mind. In fact, Jax can completely set up a laundry shop in Touk County, relying on his own "weapon storm" ", you only need to replace the double blades with sculls, a single drum washing machine, one person can be better than ten people!

With Shen Fei's business vision, in a short period of time, it will definitely be popular in the entire Tuke County, and even radiate to the surrounding areas, forming a new trend. Even Tuke County can use the entire newspaper page to report. model.

Shen Fei even thought of the title - the Holy Light Monastery went bankrupt and closed down, the novice instructor was once unemployed, worked hard and was laid off to start a business, writing a new chapter in life!

Absolutely full of positive energy orientation.

Shen Fei originally thought that Jax holding a stone shield and Jax holding a weapon would have an increase of at most [-] to [-]%, but after seeing what Jax did in the library, Shen Fei understood what it means to be unscrupulous.

These Holy Light believers were like paper. They didn't even see Jax's figure, and they were directly riding on him.

It wasn't until the door of librarian Bezos' secret room opened and the dragon language appeared again that Jax's happy footsteps were stopped.

Seeing Jax fell on the ground struggling to resist Long Wei, Shen Fei decided not to make a move first, to let him wake up.

This guy was too happy just now, even the question marks in Shen Fei's mind couldn't keep up with Jax's footsteps.

It was a charge, a jump, a leap of faith, or simply a weapon storm, which disappeared directly from Shen Fei in less than two seconds.Even a mage who knows the flashing technique may not be so fast!

Jax was quite stubborn, so he didn't ask for help.With Longwei on his back, he is even trying to break free from this dual pressure of spirit and body.

In Shen Fei's view, this was a futile struggle.

Longwei has a natural restraint on fighters, whether it is physical or mental, it is difficult to get rid of this resistance.This is a pure suppression of lower creatures by higher creatures, and it is difficult to break this rule through personal willpower.

Jax was pressed under Longwei, feeling the changes in every part of his body, trying to find a way to break Longwei through groping.

Jax's gums were bleeding, and the scab on his right shoulder threatened to burst open again.

Shen Fei also knew that there was a limit to joking, so he immediately broke the coercion of the administrator Bezos with Dragon Language.

Jax freed himself from the dragon's power, and took all his anger out on the librarian.

Shen Fei was paddling beside him, trying to write down all Bezos' skills.

Jax kept suppressing the librarian Bezos throughout the whole process, and even the double blades in his hand could directly split the administrator's fireball and block his ice seal.

The administrator flickered to the center of the secret room to release the dragon's breath technique. This time, Jax didn't give him any chance, and directly slashed at the dragon's breath with a thunderous jump.

Flame cut!

Standing behind, Shen Fei saw the dragon's breath spewed out from the administrator's mouth, and it was chopped into two ends. At the same time, the two-handed sword in Jax's hand was also melted into molten iron in the scalding dragon's breath. .

"Hahaha, you don't have any weapons, what are you going to fight with me next?" The administrator looked at Jax, who was panting heavily with only the hilt in his hands, and laughed wildly.

Just the next second, the ferocious smile on the administrator's face froze, and a heart-piercing pain came from his body.

"This, how is this possible, your weapon is clearly..."

The administrator was terrified. Although Jax split the dragon's breath technique, the weapon in his hand was also turned into molten iron by the scalding flames. It was obviously impossible to hurt him.

Jax stretched out his finger and nodded towards the administrator's forehead. Bezos fell straight to the ground, and a golden light appeared on his body.

Sitting in a huge secret room with all kinds of secret books, he claims to have an infinite thirst for knowledge, but he just sneers at warriors who can only use anger and skills. Jax naturally has no obligation to answer the administrator's questions. Confuse.As long as you know a little bit, you will know that powerful weapon masters have a skill that can wield sword energy and cut iron like mud, which is specially used to restrain legal professions.

Shen Fei had already picked up the corpse unknowingly, this time it was completely black hands.A first-aid bandage making book was released, which taught players with first-aid skills how to make better bandages; a protective potion formula for alchemy was also released, all of which were used by auxiliary skills.The previous boss, Brother Maloof, only exploded one qigong master skill book.

Regardless of Jax's peaceful situation just now, the forced use of sword energy still caused great harm to him.

Now that the battle is over, the side effects are all starting to show.Coupled with the forceful confrontation with Long Wei just now, Jax directly fell to the ground with his limbs lost strength.

"Isn't this person too poor in physical fitness? After finishing the dungeon, he lost his strength and passed out..."

Originally, Jax wanted to use his last bit of strength to stop Shen Fei, but when he heard Shen Fei's words, he fainted from anger.

Shen Fei carried Jax all the way back to the dormitory of the security brigade, complaining all the way.Not to mention this guy's poor physical fitness, the two two-handed swords he bought with money were completely destroyed, and it was all money.

Jax, who fell asleep, seemed to wake up at least tomorrow.

It just so happens that he is already at level 20, and he will be leaving Touk County tomorrow, so Shen Fei needs to finish many tasks at hand.Panting, Shen Fei suddenly thought of a good way to take revenge on Jax...

At dawn the next day, Shen Fei and Fu Man embarked on the first large ship to go out to sea for trade.

Pai Qi is completely different from other pigs who are afraid of heights. He didn't know when he ran to the highest observation deck on the bow splint, and his two front hooves rested on the railing of the bow, like a great captain leading the fleet.The sea breeze is blowing, and the two big ears are still flapping.

When Jax woke up, it was already high in the sun, and when he came to the pier, he found that Fei Shen had already left.

Shen Fei left Tuke County and took away all the money he had collected for the pass.But Shen Fei told the soldiers in advance that he left the money to the new Jax.

Now the soldiers came to Jax asking for money, and Jax was in a daze, unable to argue.

"Master Guard, Master Shen asked me to hand this letter to you at the pier before leaving."

Jax couldn't wait to open the envelope, only a few words were written inside.

[As punishment for carrying you back and owing me money, I hid all the gold coins left to the soldiers. 】

【Want my treasure?Go ahead, I put it all somewhere in County Took! 】

After Jax finished reading the content, there was only one question left in his mind: When did I owe Shen Fei money? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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