my pet is boss

Chapter 108 Seems to be teasing me!

Chapter 108 Seems to be teasing me!

Everything was within Shen Fei's plan.

After Shen Fei left, the security brigade of Tuk County immediately set off a treasure hunting activity.The soldiers were extremely enthusiastic, and this was a matter of their happiness for the rest of their lives. Only Jax stayed in the office all day long, thinking about the first sentence of the envelope Shen Fei gave him, and he still didn't think he owed Shen Fei anything. money.

In the stinking ditch in the lower city, Minister Mao was completely reduced to a joke in the guild circle.

Dow DuPont successfully won the exclusive rights of the chief alchemist in Tuk County. Every day, under the leadership of Lin Zhiyuan, employees come to learn to unlock new alchemy formulas and professional tasks.On the other hand, the progress of BASF Chemicals has completely stopped. When the senior management of the guild realized Mao Wen's mistake and wanted to find Shen Fei to make up the relationship again, they found that Shen Fei had left Tuke County.

After Leng Qingqiu went online, she received a thank you letter from Shen Fei.It's called a letter of thanks, and the content is actually about the library copy process, points to pay attention to, and some suggestions from Shen Fei himself.

With the establishment of more and more guilds, the importance of dungeon clearance time began to be reflected.

Each dungeon has a customs clearance time leaderboard, which will retain the names of the ten fastest team members.If the team members are all from the same guild, the guild name will be additionally displayed in front of the team.

The nature of this customs clearance list is somewhat similar to a billboard showing strength.

Whether a company is good or not, the most important thing is to learn to show its muscles.This is why many companies place advertisements or sponsor teams.Whether it is a football team, basketball team or e-sports, this means that the company has strong financial resources and capital.

The current customs clearance leaderboard has the same effect.

Since the rules formulated by the federal government are that during the 200-year voyage, everyone will spend in the "big era", then these companies will naturally follow the rules and start to compete within the rules.This is true for all companies that choose to enter the game and form guilds.

If you just treat it as a game, then the vision is too short-sighted.

The setting of this leaderboard is also very interesting. It will only record the time of the first customs clearance. No matter how many times you swipe in the future, it will not appear on the leaderboard.And the player level of the team can only be less than or equal to the recommended level of the dungeon.If the level exceeds the recommended level of the dungeon, it will also not be recorded on the leaderboard.

Leng Qingqiu knew how important such a customs clearance process was to them.

Although Leng's Enterprise is a listed company, there are too many such enterprises in the entire Ark, and it is not ranked at all.What's more, now that Leng's enterprise is falling apart, the number and scale of the company are only one-third of what they used to be.Such a guild can't even attract old employees, let alone attract new players to join.

But Shen Fei's dungeon strategy undoubtedly brought a glimmer of hope to Leng Qingqiu.

Shen Fei and Pei Qi stood on the top of the deck together, looking at the endless sea in the distance.

When leaving Tuke County, Shen Fei handled everything beautifully.

Although he left Tuk County, everything was still under his control.

Jax must be leading a group of soldiers searching the city for the treasure he left behind; in the Human Empire, DowDuPont’s alchemy competitiveness has far surpassed that of BASF Chemicals; As long as it is reasonably configured, it should soon be able to leave a place in the leaderboard of the copy of the library.

Shen Fei leaned on his chin, looked at the endless sea, and sighed: "Hey, a handsome and wise man like me, even if he leaves Tuk County, they will all be under my plan..."

Pei Qi on the side hummed a few times to express his agreement.

Shen Fei had studied the map before setting off.

From the port pier in Tuk County to Frost Harbor, the terrain is similar to the Red Sea Bay on Earth. It is necessary to sail [-] nautical miles from the narrow gap, and then follow the coastline to the southwest for [-] nautical miles to reach the Frost Harbor Wharf.

Sentinel Fort is located at the intersection of the Black Gold Mountain Range and the Daxue Mountain Range. Because of the junction, a wide variety of ores have been formed here under the influence of time squeezed by the long mountains. It is one of the few rich mineral deposits in the human empire. One, this important resource point of the empire has always been heavily guarded.

At the wedding banquet of the Lawrence family before, Shen Fei learned that several kinds of ores he needed were in the Black Gold Mountain Range.

After studying the map yesterday, I discovered that Sentinel Fort, Black Gold Mountains, and Frost Harbor all refer to the same place.

The Black Gold Mountains produce all kinds of rare ores. Sentinel Fort is the place where the empire deployed troops in the mountains. Because of the mining and collection of ores, it gradually drove some surrounding villages and attracted more people, gradually forming an ore processing, forging, metallurgy dominated town.

Frost Harbor is the transportation end of the entire mineral industry chain. All mined and processed ores are successfully made into exquisite handicrafts, cold weapons or jewelry, and are transported along the coastline to the center of the empire a thousand nautical miles away - Lion holy city.

Shen Fei didn't intend to stay long when he came to Sentinel Fort this time.

Find General Ross, the supreme officer of Sentinel Fort, and successfully invite rescuers.After finding the few kinds of ores and gemstones he needed, he went directly to the lion holy city by boat to meet his eldest nephew.

For the [-] nautical mile journey, Shen Fei took the boat for a whole day and night.

It wasn't until the end of the game time of the day and after going online again that Shen Fei entered Frost Harbor Bay. The lush mountains and forests stretched continuously on both sides. Shen Fei could even see the towering mountains, which were divided into two distinct parts by a river on the mountain.

The snow-capped mountains in the north are the Daxueshan Mountains, and the black-grey Heijin Mountains in the south.

"Huh, it's finally here!"

Shen Fei let out a mouthful of turbid air, and couldn't help but want to complain that the game was too real.Taking a boat from Tuk County to Frost Harbor, I was actually delayed on the boat for a day and a night. If it was a game on Earth, how could it take such a long time? A loading progress bar of more than ten seconds would solve the problem.

According to this time, the journey from Frost Harbor to the center of the empire would take at least two days.

Before getting close to Shuanggang, Shen Fei could see thick smoke rising from the forest, and there was also a booming explosion sound from the mountainside of the mine. According to Shen Fei's understanding, it should be an explosion of the mountain to open a mine.

"It's still Sentinel Fort. Well, you can feel the enthusiasm before you get close." Shen Fei stood on the deck and couldn't help but praised. Touk County only felt this lively feeling when work was over in the afternoon.

As the ship docked at the port of Frost Harbor, Shen Fei saw the same situation as at six o'clock in the afternoon in Touk County during the night crisis.

All the pedestrians were running wildly, the whole pier was in a mess, and the soldiers rushed against the crowd towards the thick smoke.

The chaotic situation is even more terrifying than Tuk County!
After getting off the boat, Shen Fei quickly grabbed a passer-by by his side and asked, "What happened? Why are everyone running?"

Passers-by panicked and pointed to the smoking place in the forest: "Something has happened! A Balrog was dug up from mining in the Black Gold Mountains! Run for your life!"

Shen Fei was dumbfounded, he was just boasting that the Sentinel Fort was in full swing and energetic, but when he got off the boat, he encountered the Balrog?

"One more question, do you know where General Ross is?"

A passer-by pointed to the smoking forest: "When I was escaping, I saw General Ross gathering troops and preparing to fight the Balrog. By this time, he had probably arrived."

Shen Fei: ...

Shen Fei wants to cry but has no tears, General Ross, you must not die!
What broke Shen Fei even more was that after his one-day and one-night voyage ended, he was told to fight the Balrog as soon as he stood on the ground of the Sentinel Fort. Could it be more embarrassing?
(End of this chapter)

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