my pet is boss

Chapter 110 The Balrog of the Black Gold Vein 【Subscription】

Chapter 110 The Balrog of the Black Gold Vein 【Subscription】

Apart from helping in the past, Shen Fei had no choice.

If General Ross died, his mission would face failure.If the Balrog cannot be subdued, the entire Sentinel Fort will be wreaked havoc by it, and Shen Fei will not be able to go to the holy city if the Frost Harbor is shut down.

"Fuman, take Paiqi with these refugees and find a place to hide." Shen Fei glanced at Fuman and Qiqi calmly. If it was any other pig, he would have been frightened by the refugees by now. .

"What about you, young master? Aren't you going to hide with us?" Both Fuman and Pei Qi were looking at Shen Fei, and they seemed to hear some meaning of the arrangement from the young master's words.

Shen Fei frowned. Originally, he planned to go directly to the Holy City after spending two days relaxing in the Sentinel Fort, but he encountered such a thing as digging out the Balrog just after getting off the boat...

"I'm going to support General Ross. After the matter subsides, we will return to the pier to meet."

"Master, I can also go over..."

"Go find a place to hide, this is an order!"

Before Fuman finished speaking, he was roughly interrupted by Shen Fei.This time it's not a fallen bishop or a highly poisonous tarantula, this time Shen Fei is going to face an evil underground elemental creature like the Balrog, even Shen Fei himself is not sure.

Players can be revived after death, but Fuman has three ups and downs, how does Shen Fei explain to his father Sean?

The same is true for General Ross. If he dies, this mission will not be completed.Not to mention the entire Sentinel Fort being ravaged by the Balrog, and the port shutting down, his trip to the Holy City will be indefinitely...

"This damned Balrog, today I must kill the people!"

Fuman wiped away tears, his voice choked up: "Master, let's go!"

"Go away, go away!"

^(* ̄(oo) ̄)^=3=3=3
Soon, Fuman and Peiqi disappeared into the vast crowd.

Shen Fei took out his bow and arrow, and followed the soldiers upstream to the mine on the mountainside.

The Black Gold Mountain Range is just one of the many resource points of the empire. The Third Army of the Empire led by General Ross is stationed here. It is an army composed of infantry and musket battalions. It has no other heavy weapons and no magic members.Moreover, since the day when the ore vein was discovered, it has never been attacked. The more role of the legion is to protect and transport precious ore.

Strategic units such as mages or heavy weapons are usually placed in more important positions, such as Owendale at the junction of the human empire and the frost orcs.

On the top of Owendale, there are fortresses and mage towers that are easy to defend and difficult to attack, monitoring every move of the Frost Orcs day and night, and guarding against their sneak attacks.

No one expected to mine in the Black Gold Mountains, and as the excavation penetrated into the ground, the terrible Balrog was dug out.

Elemental creatures cannot be resisted by the flesh and blood of infantry and musketeers. With the composition of the third legion alone, it is completely wishful thinking to fight against the Balrog.

General Ross now just wants to lead the soldiers of the legion to last a while longer, to buy more time for the miners and the people in the town to escape, and at the same time order some soldiers to transport all the ore and jewelry mined before to the ship.These are the assets of the empire, and they must not be burned with this riot.

Horrific elemental creatures, even if many people hear about them in epic stories, they are still terrified, let alone seeing them with their own eyes.When mortals face these elemental creatures, they will even lose their courage directly, let alone fight with swords.

Before Shen Fei approached, he heard the sound of fierce fighting.The air was filled with a strong and pungent sulfur smell, and it was unclear whether it was the evil flames from the Balrog's body or the ammunition erupting from the musketeer's guns.

The soldiers' screams mixed with the Balrog's sharp screams turned the mine into a hell on earth.

Shen Fei went around to the back and saw the back of the Balrog.

This is a Balrog with a height of more than ten meters. The whole body is burning with dark red hell flames, and thick smoke is constantly billowing from under his feet.

Seen from the back, this guy has a hunched back, and his slender fingers are all made of fire elements, just like the front paws of a huge dinosaur, and his whole body is in the shape of an inverted drop.

The flames were constantly thrown out from the hands, and they fell on the ground and spread into a ball of flames. After falling on the soldiers, they were scorched black and lost their vitality.

General Ross stood on the first front, waving his long gun and commanding the musket battalion to shoot.

The lead-filled bullet hit the Fire Elemental, and it was difficult to cause damage. All the bullets were sucked into the body by the Balrog, and as the hands opened their teeth and claws, they turned into a puddle of liquid metal and overflowed from the body.Not to mention the infantry charging into the battle, the sword and the body will only crack a hole, and then it will be filled with flames again.

The soldiers of the Third Legion had no experience in fighting elemental creatures, so they didn't know what to do now, and they weren't even sure if they had caused any damage to the Balrog.

The infantry trapped the Balrog from the outside, dodging the flames thrown by the Balrog in embarrassment.The three-stage continuous fire of the Musketeer Battalion only had the sound of bang bang gunfire, but it was hard to see any results.

"Jie Jie Jie, tiny ants, is this all you can do?"

Balrog's shrill laughter was like a nervous clown, and his whole body began to twist as he spoke, as if something inside his body was about to struggle out.

The Balrog suddenly split, the whole body was divided into two halves, each forming a complete Balrog.

The two Balrogs were slightly smaller than before, but they were still six or seven meters tall.

"Taste the fear!"

"Taste the fire!"

The two Balrogs said something each, and rushed directly towards General Ross.

"Protect the General!"

The infantry immediately formed a phalanx to protect General Ross in the center, and the three-stage continuous fire of the Musketeer Battalion was even more ferocious. This time, they even added explosive lead bullets.

"Let's fight! The harder you fight, the more I will have!"

"General, retreat!" The adjutant next to General Ross was deeply desperate. The current firepower could not cause damage to the elemental Balrog. According to Balrog's words, if we continue to fight, more Balrog will be split. .

The two hideous Balrogs rushed directly towards General Ross.

The infantry with shields formed an army formation to resist the Balrog's attack, but in the next second another Balrog rushed over and found a flaw to destroy the army formation.

The general and personal guards were all knocked to the ground by the huge force.

"Brother, kill them, the entire Black Gold Mountain Range is ours, and then we can transform this place into a world of flames and summon the boss!"

"What a great idea, brother!"

The flames had gathered in the hands of the two Balrogs, and General Ross was about to be killed in the next moment.

Shen Fei buried a freezing trap in the bushes under his feet, and then jumped out with a poisonous snake sting and hit the Balrog directly.

The toxin damage from the poisonous snake sting began to take effect, followed by the ear-piercing scream of the Balrog, and the two Balrogs immediately gave up on General Ross who fell on the ground, and came straight to Shen Fei...

PS: It’s still an old tradition, anyone who has read Wan Jun’s book knows it.The leader adds 3 chapters, and the monthly pass exceeds 200 plus 1 chapter.Wan Jun's goal - to squeeze out your lucky money!
(End of this chapter)

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