my pet is boss

Chapter 111 Flooded Balrog 【Subscription】

Chapter 111 Flooded Balrog 【Subscription】

General Ross, who fell on the ground, had closed his eyes and was ready to die for his country, but the next second, the two Balrogs screamed and moved away from them, and everyone clearly felt the hot flames around them moving away.

Shen Fei glanced at the speed of the two Balrogs, this damned elemental creature actually moved a little faster than him!
If Shen Fei hadn't learned the "Eagle Eye" skill book after level 20 and increased the shooting range by 10 meters, he might be overtaken by the two Balrogs soon.

Shen Fei's current movement speed is 35 points, and it is estimated that the movement speed of these two Balrogs is at least 40 points, or even more!
Shen Fei's idea was to attract a Balrog that hadn't been stabbed by a poisonous snake into the freezing trap buried in the bushes and freeze it for 10 seconds, then use all the firepower to output a Balrog first to reduce the pressure.

The two Balrogs showed that they were both level 25 elite monsters. With Shen Fei's current blood volume of 960 points, even if he was approached, he could still carry them a few times.There are still a few bottles of the blood bottle and swift potion that Leng Qingqiu gave him before, plus the explosive skill of the shoes and the traction chain, there is still room for manipulation.

Shen Fei made a rough estimate, because the blood bottle and the swift potion each have a 1-minute cooldown time after use, so during this 1-minute gap, Shen Fei must use the walking and the explosive skills of the shoes to get out of the way.The cooling time of the shoe's wolf skill is 10 minutes, so Shen Fei can hold back for 3 minutes at most.

After 3 minutes, Shen Fei was in a situation where he was low on health and had no skills to use. At that time, he would be overtaken by the two Balrogs and beaten to death.

How to deal with these two Balrogs, Shen Fei hasn't figured it out yet.

It's just that General Ross' situation is critical and there is no time for delay, so Shen Fei can't allow Shen Fei to think about it.

Shen Fei originally wanted to lure the two Balrogs to a place with water on the pier, but the Frost Harbor Wharf is a place with dense crowds, if the Balrogs were lured there, the consequences would be disastrous.

There is a dam in the upstream river, and Shen Fei can lure the Balrog to the bottom of the dam, and then ask General Ross to open the gate to release the water, and directly use the huge waves to wash the two Balrogs into the sea.

These are all useful information captured by Shen Fei running all the way, Shen Fei now only hopes that General Ross can understand his intention.

"Brother, this person seems a little different. His attack makes me feel very uncomfortable."

"It's okay, brother, we'll burn him to death!"

The two Balrogs chased after Shen Fei who was the most threatening, and the soldiers of the Third Legion were all bewildered. This young man with a bow and arrow didn't seem to be a soldier in their regiment.

General Ross was helped up by the adjutant, looked at the archer who suddenly appeared, and asked, "When did we have such a powerful figure in our army, why didn't I know it before."

The adjutant frowned slightly. The Third Army had a total of 5000 people, including 500 from the Musketeer Battalion, 500 from medical logistics, and 4000 from infantry.The musket battalion is full of new muskets. He has never heard of archers, and he knows everyone in the army. He never remembers such a person in the army.

"General, this young man is not from our Third Legion..." The adjutant was dumbfounded as he watched the young man lure the two Balrogs away by himself.None of them could hurt the Balrog in the slightest. The boy only used two arrows to successfully attract the firepower of the Balrog and save everyone present.Otherwise, the flame of the Balrog thrown down just now, together with him and the general, would be burned into coke.

Shen Fei made a small circle, the first Balrog followed him around for a while, and the other one chased up along a straight line, just passing the bushes where Shen Fei buried his trap.

Flame is the representative of violence and fury, so the IQ of these two Balrogs is not very high.

The Balrog stepped on the freezing trap, and the cold fire on the trap exploded instantly, directly freezing the Balrog into ice cubes.

It is rare to see such a strange scene. In the azure blue ice block, there is a Balrog engulfed in flames.

The other Balrog saw that his brother who had split from his body was frozen, he was furious, and the fire element on his body became more violent.

Throwing out a ball of flames in his hand, the place where Shen Fei's front feet just ran turned into scorched earth in an instant, and if he was slower, he would be burned.

The flame of the Balrog is the purest fire element, and the power of this flame is even comparable to the breath of a giant dragon.

When Shen Fei was kiting the Balrog, he also discovered that the special effect flame arrows of his [Gale Wind] bow and arrow had no effect on the Balrog at all, and all the flame arrows would prompt "immunity to this type of damage".

The most troublesome thing for Shen Fei was the two Balrog chatterboxes, the shrill voice was like the noise of fingernails scratching glass, which made people so upset that they almost collapsed.

The distance between Balrog and Shen Fei was getting closer, and Shen Fei could even feel the scorching flames coming from behind him, and the temperature rose.

A ball of flames brushed past Shen Fei, and scattered flames ignited the shoulder pads.

A sharp pain suddenly came from Shen Fei's shoulder, and at the same time, an abnormal state appeared on his body.

Ignite: Balrog ignites the target with fire from the elemental world, dealing 30 damage every second for 10 seconds.

Shen Fei couldn't help but gasped, he was only contaminated by sporadic flames, and would cause a total of 300 points of damage.If the flames of the Balrog hit the bull's-eye, they would probably be burned to death.

Shen Fei's armor only has a physical reduction effect, and has no resistance to elemental damage, so the damage caused by Balrog is equivalent to real damage.

Shen Fei immediately used the swiftness potion to open the distance, and while running, turned his head and made up a poisonous snake sting.

General Ross watched the boy monopolize the two Balrogs, and led the Balrogs farther and farther away. Suddenly, he seemed to understand something, and hurriedly said: "Hurry up and send someone to the dam, this warrior wants to lure the Balrogs to the dam. The dam opened the gate and released the water, directly washing the Balrog into the sea."

Water overcomes fire, this is the most original principle of nature.

No matter how strong and tyrannical the Balrog was, he would never be able to fight back against the vast sea.

"Send people to Frost Harbor quickly, transfer the people, and make defenses against the impact of the flood. I only give you 10 minutes!"

The adjutant of the [-]rd Corps then assigned the task. Among them, the Musketeer Battalion and the [-]st Infantry Battalion followed General Ross to catch up. The [-]nd and [-]rd Infantry Battalions rushed back to Frost Harbor to transfer the masses to build defenses. The [-]th Battalion went to the dam and waited for orders. Responsible for opening and releasing water.

The corps of thousands of people received orders, split into parts in an instant, and rushed to their mission locations.

The Balrog, who was frozen into ice by the freezing trap, broke free from the trap and let out a heart-piercing scream.For Balrogs, water and ice are the things they hate the most, and they are also their greatest enemies.

"You, dare, deal with me with frost!"

"You are dead!"

The Balrog's body became unstable again, splitting into two smaller Balrogs in the surge.It's just that this is smaller than the previous Balrog, each body is more than three meters high.

"Yo, we have another helper, my brother licks him!"

"Obey brother!"

After absorbing enough damage, the Balrog that was chasing Shen Fei stopped its pursuit and began to split.

At this moment, Shen Fei had already run under the dam, looking at the [-]-meter-high dam, gasped.

The impact of the water flow from this height is no less than a landslide.In this case, even tons of water waves could directly kill people.

"Forget it, don't you just lose 10% of your experience, bear with it!"

Even Shen Fei was a little bit ecstatic, because before leaving Tuk County, he distributed a lot of money to the soldiers and hid it on the clock tower of the city hall. This time, he was killed by the waves, and he could lose a little less money .

(End of this chapter)

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