my pet is boss

Chapter 112 The gold is gone, Boss Shen 【Subscription】

Chapter 112 Thousands of gold are gone Boss Shen 【Subscription】

PS: The leader of the pure little dragon adds more (1/3)

In Touk County, after a day and a night of searching, a soldier finally discovered the treasure left by Shen Fei when he was patrolling the bell tower as usual.

It was written on the big wooden box that all members of the security brigade must be present at the same time to open it.

Because this is the treasure left by Shen Fei, out of respect for Mr. Shen, the soldier lifted the wooden box down and found Jax, the new Chief of Guards.

Jax looked at the heavy wooden box, thought of Shen Fei's perverse behavior, and even felt that the box was a prank.

Jax could even imagine that everyone opened the box with great anticipation, only to find that there was a pile of bricks inside, and a note left by Shen Fei, which said—haha, you have been deceived!
Jax had no doubt that Shen Fei could do such a thing, after all, this guy is a greedy, sloppy, sharp-tongued guy!

Jax stayed up all day and night, and finally he couldn't figure out when he owed Shen Fei money.Jax finally calmed down and thought about it carefully, and finally couldn't help being shocked by Shen Fei's scheme.

This guy must have wanted to distract himself by framing him, and deliberately set up a treasure trove in Tuk County, so that all the soldiers' attention would be focused on finding the treasure, so that everyone would ignore Shen Fei's absconding with the money fact!

"Shen Fei, Shen Fei, you are so cruel! You keep saying that you treat the soldiers as brothers and save money for them. But in the end, you abscond with the money in the blink of an eye, it is inhumane!"

Jax gritted his teeth angrily, although he had already seen through the doubts of Shen Fei's subordinates, he could not tell the soldiers this, and even encouraged them to continue searching for the treasure left by Shen Fei.Otherwise, they knew that the respected Master Shen ran away with their money, and the feeling of being betrayed and deceived by their relatives was undoubtedly a fatal blow to these soldiers.

A soldier held the box and shook it, and there was a sound of gold coins colliding and clattering inside.

Jax saw bright smiles on the faces of all the soldiers, and their eyes were filled with anticipation.

The soldiers ask Jax for advice, and Jax nods for them to break the lock.

Jax closed his eyes, afraid to see the disappointed eyes of the soldiers as if they had been thrown cold water.He was even thinking about how to comfort these soldiers who were down in the valley later.

The soldiers found the ax excitedly, and slashed wildly at the lock of the wooden box.

There was only a click, and the iron lock broke into two halves. The soldiers couldn't wait to take off the iron lock. As the cover was opened with a creak, all the soldiers gasped, and then they couldn't make any more noise.

Jax heard the gasps of the soldiers, and could already imagine the endless disappointment on their faces.

"Don't be too sad, life still has to go on. If you really can't wait for this month's salary to be settled, I'll take you to the Jasmine Hotel for a drink."

This was the last solution Jax could think of. He gritted his teeth and used a month's salary to appease these soldiers, otherwise his work would be difficult to carry out in the future.

When Jax opened his eyes, he was suddenly blinded by the golden light in front of him.

"What is so bright!"

Jax covered his eyes with his hand, and it took him a moment to get used to the high-intensity light.

Slowly move the palm away, all the vocabulary I have learned in my life at this moment is no more than a "fuck" deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Jax had never seen so many gold coins in his life, and even all the soldiers present had never seen so many gold coins in their lives.

"Bring me a gold coin." Jax's voice couldn't help but tremble.This strong man, who had never yielded under Longwei, was scared to pee in the face of a whole box of gold coins.

To be honest, even looking at the golden box, Jax couldn't believe it was real, for fear that it was Shen Fei's prank.

The soldier hurriedly handed Jax a gold coin.

Jax reached out and took the coin, stuffed it into his mouth and bit it hard.

The gold coin is intact, just a bit chipped - true.

Jax managed to wake up, but now he is completely confused again. How many gold coins does this box cost?Did Shen Fei really leave them so many gold coins?

Jax also worked in the post of issuing passes. According to the picture posted by Shen Fei, each soldier can get about sixty or seventy silver coins, but now in the wooden box in front of him, there are at least four or five silver coins. A hundred gold coins, this...

"Check it out and count how much it is."

Jax suddenly felt his legs go weak, and he had lost all his courage in front of these gold coins.

Jax sat down on the chair decisively, lest his legs go weak and he would just sit on the ground later.The dignified weapon master, in the face of all kinds of extremely powerful enemies, did not show a trace of cowardice or retreat, but after seeing the box full of gold coins, he was frightened.

Money is a trivial matter, but with so much money, it really scared Jax into a daze.

Until now, I am still suspicious, wondering if it is some kind of trick.

"My lord, I have counted it. There are 700 gold coins in total, and there is a letter from Master Shen at the bottom."

"Give me the letter quickly, I want to see it!" Jax was shocked. Shen Fei, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, actually betrayed... ah no, he left seven hundred gold coins behind. Famous for being mean, is this crazy?

Fort Sentinel, under the mountainside dam.

In the past, Shen Fei would absolutely not be able to bear the loss of 10% of the gold coins.

But if there is no comparison, there is no harm. At this moment, Shen Fei is complacent about the decision he made when he left Tuk County.

If the soldiers were not given so much money, he would have nearly a thousand gold coins on him now, and he would lose nearly 100 gold coins once he died. Who could bear it?
Now he only has 280 gold coins on his body, even if he is killed by the huge waves, he will only lose 28 gold coins. Although Shen Fei is extremely heartbroken, compared to losing 100 gold coins, 28 gold coins are much less. Shen Fei even feels that he has earned.

Shen Fei saw a troop speeding up the mountain, the target was the high dam in front of them.

Seeing this scene, Shen Fei immediately felt at ease, at least General Ross still got Shen Fei's intention.

What Shen Fei was most afraid of was that he worked so hard to pull the Balrog under the dam, but General Ross didn't understand what Shen Fei meant at all.Fortunately, this general still has real materials, and he understood Shen Fei's intention at a glance, and immediately divided his troops to execute it.

What Shen Fei has to do now is to hang out with the Balrog under the dam for as long as possible, waiting for the dam to open and release the water.

But when Shen Fei turned his head, he was immediately stunned.

The four Balrogs rushed towards him aggressively, and the positions of the four Balrogs formed an arc, trapping Shen Fei in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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