my pet is boss

Chapter 113 The White Tiger Descends! 【Subscribe】

Chapter 113 The White Tiger Descends! 【Subscribe】

PS: The leader of the pure little dragon adds more (2/3)

Now it was Shen Fei's turn to be embarrassed.

Although I saw the Balrog split into two just now, I never thought that it would become a four-headed Balrog after just running all the way.

Shen Fei scratched his head, and couldn't help complaining: "It's hard, Ma Fei!"

"Jie Jie Jie, you can't run away now!"

Shen Fei took a few steps back and glanced behind him.

He is still more than 100 meters away from the dam behind him. If he runs later, he can only run backwards to attract the four Balrogs, and then find an opportunity to use the "Wolf Walk" mobile burst skill of the shoes, from the flames. He found a gap in the demon's siege to escape, and opened the distance in the opposite direction.

Shen Fei can only pull the Balrog to run back and forth, running left and right will pull the Balrog away from the range of the dam.

Shen Fei did some calculations, he used "Wolf Walk" to explode first, opened the distance and waited for the opponent to approach, then used "Tuction Chain" to tie the one farthest away from him, pulled himself back in the opposite direction, and then used the swift potion to speed up. The explosion reopened the distance.Going back and forth should be able to save a lot of time. I just hope that the troops who open the gate to release the water can be faster. No matter how long it takes, Shen Fei really can't hold it.

Shen Fei squatted on the ground and re-buried a freezing trap. He will freeze one later to increase the distance between the Balrogs, and then use the "Drag Chain" on the return journey. Otherwise, the four Balrogs will rush over together. , Shen Fei pulls on a dog chain, he is really a strongman lock man, I am afraid that he will be burned to death by the hot flames in an instant

"You can see clearly, don't step on that trap, you will be frozen into ice!" Seeing that Shen Fei buried another trap, the Balrog who suffered a lot just now shouted, reminding other Balrogs Danger.

Shen Fei's face turned green. What about the low IQ of elemental creatures?
This bitch knows that what I planted is a trap, do you want to avoid it?
Is it really good that you elemental creature is so smart?Why don't you be a human being?
"Brother, this man is so stupid, he actually planted a trap in front of us, and even imagined that we would step on it!"

Now Shen Fei's face darkened directly, with an embarrassment that couldn't be concealed, if you know it, you know it, can we not say it?

Heartbroken, Laohuo!

What Shen Fei comforted was that although the trap lost its effect, he at least bought himself another ten seconds.

The four Balrogs rushed up directly, and Shen Fei didn't have to worry about it, and directly aimed at one of them with a poisonous snake sting, and then turned around and ran away.

The soldiers climbing up the mountain were panting. Originally, there was a mechanical elevator directly to the dam, but in the riots and explosion just now, the elevator was completely destroyed. Now the only way to get up to the dam is to climb the mountain by hand.

"Quick, go faster, this boy won't last long!" The adjutant looked at Shen Fei who was attracting the Balrog to run in the river, the key point was that the boy's speed was not as fast as the Balrog, and he couldn't last for too long.

The soldiers looked at the thin figure, and a wave of strength and faith surged in their bodies.

This boy put his own safety in their hands, how could they live up to it...

Shen Fei has already run under the dam, there is no way to escape.

The four Balrogs have ferocious faces, and their jagged teeth are made of fire elements.

The Balrog surrounded Shen Fei and let out a heart-stopping "Jie Jie Jie" laugh.

"Let me come, I want to tear this mortal like an ant to shreds!" As a noble elemental creature, he was trapped by a small human trap, and it was the most annoying freezing trap. It is too cheap for him to be buried in the sea of ​​flames directly up.

The Balrog, who was trapped by the trap just now, came out, it wanted to tear Shen Fei into pieces bit by bit with its hands full of flames, and complete this revenge amidst the small and cowardly wailing of human beings.

The encirclement of four Balrogs now became surrounded by three people, and Shen Fei instantly noticed the vacancy in the encirclement.

As the Balrog kept approaching, Shen Fei felt his face getting hotter and hotter, and the surrounding temperature also rose sharply, to the point where he couldn't even breathe.

Shen Fei is still clenching his teeth and persevering, if he endures for a second more now, the delay will be one more second.

"Hurry up, open the dam to release the water!" Deep in Shen Fei's heart, he kept looking forward to the opening of the dam at this time, and the monstrous torrent of water would fall from the sky, submerging the four Balrogs.

The adjutant led the soldiers to the dam, and everyone came to the control room, and several soldiers joined forces to push the valve.

As long as the valve is opened, the dam will be raised, and water will fall from the sky, destroying these raging Balrogs.

It's just that everyone pushed it together for a long time, and the valve made a creaking sound, but there was no movement.

The inspecting soldier rushed back, "It's not good, when the explosion happened just now, something blocked the gear, and the gate can't be opened now!"

The adjutant's eyelids twitched wildly when he heard the report, and there was a problem of gear blocking at this critical moment.

Behind the valve is a gear belt, and the rotation of the valve drives the entire winch and gear to rotate, thereby lifting the gate of the dam.

Now that the gear is caught by a foreign object, the gate cannot be lifted, and naturally the water cannot be released.

"Quick, leave four people here, and the rest will go with me to clean up the foreign objects!" The adjutant immediately led his people there.

The soldiers in the lower reaches have transferred all the people, and quickly built a flood embankment with sandbags and sundries, ready for battle.

When the Balrog's claws approached, there was wind under Shen Fei's feet, and the "Wolf Walk" skill exploded. The 10% movement speed bonus for 100 seconds allowed him to walk like flying, bypassing the Balrog in an instant, and killed along the gap in the encirclement.

Before the other three-headed Balrogs had time to react, Shen Fei had already escaped, and quickly opened the distance.

"Kill you! I'm going to kill you!" The angry Balrogs also immediately chased after them. The Balrog who wanted to torture Shen Fei accidentally stepped on the frozen ice that Shen Fei had buried on the ground while chasing. trap.

The three-headed Balrog looked back helplessly.

Obviously this guy reminded us that there was a trap, but in the end he just killed a return trip and forgot that there was a trap.

Shen Fei glanced back, feeling ecstatic in his heart, as expected, the IQ of elemental creatures was still lacking.It was just a back and forth, and the previous trap was completely forgotten.

When the Balrog caught up with Shen Fei again, Shen Fei directly used the "Traction Chain" to pull the Balrog following Thaw.

Although the Balrog is fixed in place, his hands can still be moved.When Shen Fei was pulled in front of him, he ate a shot of elemental fire steadily.

The flame's damage was beyond Shen Fei's expectation. After landing, he used the swiftness potion to distance himself, and then tapped the blood bottle to recover his blood while running.

When Shen Fei ran to the bottom of the dam again, there was no other way.

"Hurry up and open the gate to release the water!"

The four Balrogs surrounded him again, and Shen Fei's blood volume at this moment was only a pitiful 100 points.If he hadn't had a lot of blood just now, and the blood returned from the blood bottle, he might have been taken away by the flames of the Balrog.

With this amount of blood now, Shen Fei couldn't resist the attack.

And this time the Balrogs learned to be smart.

It still needs to be torn by hand, but this time the four Balrogs surrounded them together, not giving Shen Fei any chance to take advantage of the loopholes.

Now Shen Fei was not so nervous, all his skills had been handed in, and the Balrog's defense made him unable to find any chance to escape.

Now he only hoped that after he was killed, the gates of the dam could be opened quickly to drown all these Balrogs.

The temperature surrounded by the four Balrogs was higher than before, and Shen Fei's hair even became curly.

"I didn't expect that the first time I was killed, it turned out to be thumped by the four flame demons..."

Just as Shen Fei was laughing at himself, a group of dark clouds suddenly condensed in the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun, and countless lightning bolts stirred in the dark clouds.

Thunder and lightning illuminate the cloud, and the silhouette of a tiger appears in the cloud.

Everyone in Sentinel Fort raised their heads and saw an incredible scene.

"I am the White Tiger, Lord of Thunder, God of Gods..."

(End of this chapter)

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