my pet is boss

Chapter 114 Thunderbolt Half-Moon Slash 【Subscription】

Chapter 114 Thunderbolt Half-Moon Slash 【Subscription】

PS: The leader of the pure little dragon adds more (3/3)

Accompanied by the extremely domineering words, thunder clouds rolled and thunder and lightning broke out, and the whole world changed color at this moment.

The four Balrogs raised their heads at the same time, and when they saw the silhouette of the tiger in the thundercloud, the flames on their bodies started to tremble, and even their voices trembled.

"Isn't the Four Heavenly Gods unable to leave Tenjin Island? Why does it appear here?"

"What is this guy going to do? Why do I always feel that there is a pair of eyes staring at us?"

"Brother, no, let's withdraw first..."

"Before leaving, let me kill this guy first, and then we will return to the land of elements immediately."

The four Balrogs chirped each other, setting the tone for the next action.

Although I don't know why the White Tiger God appeared here, it should have little to do with them.Wouldn't it be nice for them to flee directly to the land of elements after they killed Shen Fei?Anyway, I was awakened from the ground this time, and I have played enough, it is time to go back.

All the people in Sentinel Fort lay at the windows and watched the thunderclouds tumbling endlessly above their heads.

Although they didn't know what the White Tiger was, everyone knew that it was definitely a god-like existence based on the phrase "Lord of Thunder, God of Gods".

"God has come to save us!"

"White Tiger God, please destroy the Balrog and save us!"

All the people hiding in the house ran out, and many people knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the sky.

Light rain began to fall in the sky, and the electric snake kept dancing wildly in the clouds.

General Ross, who built fortifications on both sides of the dam, was also completely dumbfounded.The common people only know that there is a god in the cloud, but they don't know what the god Baihu Tianshen is, but he knows it well.

It is rumored that there was an ascetic monk who traveled thousands of miles to realize Taoism, traveled thousands of mountains and rivers to Tenshen Island, and met four gods on the island.

The four gods have their own strengths, and every gesture contains the most reasonable.

The ascetic monk worships the four gods as his teachers, and practices with one of the masters every year. After four years, he finally masters the highlights and strengths of the four gods and becomes the first monk.

This ascetic monk later created the way of monks, and was honored as the ancestor of martial arts by countless monks in later generations.

The way of monks is to understand nature and communicate with the four gods.A powerful monk can even be able to wander outside the world. No matter where he is, as long as he sits down and meditates, his soul will appear on the island of the gods and listen to the teachings of the four gods.

The warrior's belief is courage, the knight's belief is the holy light, and the monk's belief is the four gods.

This white tiger is one of the four heavenly gods, who is in charge of the thunder and thunder, and represents bravery and strength.

General Ross looked at the dark clouds in the sky and was extremely shocked: "It's not that the four gods never leave the island of gods, but this..."

There are also many outstanding monks in the empire. The one who taught the little prince his boxing and kicking skills is Master Lanchan of the Imperial Monk Temple. General Ross has also listened to the master's teachings before, so he knows these secrets about monks and gods.

The light rain did not affect the Balrog.

Ordinary water vapor is difficult to suppress fire elements, it just makes them feel very uncomfortable, unless a huge amount of water can swallow and offset these flames.

"Brother, kill him quickly! The water vapor here is very uncomfortable!"

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

When the Balrog was chattering, Shen Fei didn't give up, and kept looking for opportunities to escape.

But the four Balrogs directly formed a semicircle, trapped him in the middle, and even connected the flames on his body into a thread, just because he was afraid that Shen Fei would escape again.

In the future, whoever wants to say that elemental creatures have low IQs, Shen Fei will definitely be in a hurry with him!
This teamwork, this IQ, apart from being a little forgetful and talkative, where is it low?

It is said that the villain died because of talking too much, this group of guys babbled for a long time, why no one can punish them?
The Balrog said that he was about to do something, and even said to Shen Fei: "This time I'm taking advantage of you, and I can't tear you apart, so just dig out your heart!"

Because there was a god above their heads, the Balrogs also wanted to get rid of Shen Fei as soon as possible and leave, tearing them into pieces and listening to Shen Fei's endless screams and wailing, there was no chance for this kind of VIP-level service.Simply blow his heart out, let him experience the feeling of burning inside.

"Hahaha, I can finally see whether the blood was sprayed out or vaporized directly after the heart was drawn out!"

Hey, this Balrog has a scientific spirit.

Shen Fei was speechless, what were these guys thinking about all day in the Elemental Land?
The Balrog stretched out his hand, and slowly approached Shen Fei's chest.The raindrops on Shen Fei's leather armor evaporated instantly, and he could even feel the heat through the leather armor.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning fell from the cloudy clouds and hit the Balrog who stretched out his hand.

In just an instant, the power of thunder and lightning directly decomposed the fire element of the Balrog, and the Balrog who was about to attack was smashed into ashes and disappeared in place.

Seeing this, the other three Balrogs trembled with fear, never expecting that the white tiger would attack them.

"Too, too scary!"

"Flee, let's run away!"

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go!"

Just now a flash of lightning landed in front of his eyes, causing Shen Fei's eyes to turn pale and he couldn't see anything, and he heard the conversation of the three Balrogs wanting to escape while his brain was buzzing.

Immediately, three thunderclaps came again.

Immediately afterwards, everything became quiet, Shen Fei could only hear the rustling sound of drizzle, and the restless and chattering sound finally disappeared.

The soldiers in the dam were still trying to clean up the foreign objects in the gears. They heard the voice of the god above them and the thunder, but they didn't know what happened outside.

As the last piece of twisted iron rod was removed from the gear, the order was quickly transmitted to the control room with a roar, and the four soldiers turned the valve in unison.

chug chug...

The dam gate moved and gradually began to lift.

Immediately afterwards, the thunderous water waves galloped endlessly, and the gushing sound seemed like ten thousand horses stamping their hooves at the same time.

General Ross, who was originally celebrating the elimination of the Balrog, had a frozen expression, but he forgot that his adjutant led a battalion of soldiers to open the gate to release the water.

It so happened that after the Balrog was wiped out by the White Tiger God, the gate of the dam opened.

Tens of thousands of tons of water waves crashed down from a height of [-] meters, and its momentum was overwhelming!

"It's over!"

General Ross's expression froze. The boy under the dam couldn't escape the waves of the turbulent water, and was crushed to death by the waves.

Shen Fei heard a turbulent sound, and even the air was turbulent. When his vision recovered, he immediately looked up and saw the huge waves above his head. He had countless MMPs to talk about in his heart.

If the dam doesn't open sooner or later, the gates will be released after the Balrog is killed, this is playing me!

Hundreds of thousands of tons of water waves fell from a height of [-] meters. I am afraid that a copper ball could be smashed directly, let alone a person.

Shen Fei no longer has the ability to move, even if he had it, he would not be able to move a hundred meters in an instant.

Shen Fei was even thinking that it would be better to be pierced through the heart by the Balrog just now after being hit by this kind of wave until there is not even a scum left...

A gust of wind blew up in the sky, and the white tiger appeared in the form of a human in the clouds, and countless wind blades and lightning condensed in the palm of his hand.

"Thunder, Banyue, cut!"

The thunder and blast in his hands turned into a half-moon slash, which slashed straight at the falling waves of hundreds of thousands of tons.

On this day, whether it was the soldiers of the Third Legion or the residents of Sentinel Fort, they all witnessed an incredible scene, a true miracle.

The white tiger who turned into a young man cut the hundreds of thousands of tons of water waves in half with a wave of his empty hand.

Standing against the wall, Shen Fei saw a neat cut in the water waves in the sky.

The first half of the water wave directly hit the river heavily, and the moment it landed on the ground, Shen Fei's ears burst into tinnitus, the ground trembled violently, and the ground shook like a doomsday.

The other half of the water wave was suspended in the air as if stagnant, and it collapsed after a while, and fell heavily along the trajectory of the previous water wave.

On the other hand, Shen Fei was close to the wall, except for the wind that rushed towards him like a knife, not a single drop of water fell on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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