my pet is boss

Chapter 115 This is the feeling

Chapter 115 This is the feeling
Shen Fei looked at the sky in shock, and split the Wanjun Water Wave into two pieces with one hand, this ability is beyond the reach of extraordinary people.

By the way, this guy just said that he is the White Tiger, the Lord of Thunder, the God of Gods...

Shen Fei suddenly remembered that when Zhuifeng and Zhuifeng met for the first time at the altar of Xinshou Village, Zhuifeng used "White Tiger Fury Thunder", and a white tiger statue appeared behind him, and he said that he believed in the four gods and did not worship the king.

Could this white tiger be the White Tiger God of Tenjin Island?

Although I don't know why the White Tiger God appeared here, the scene of splitting mountains and rivers with his palm really shocked everyone.

The wave fell in two sections, and the impact on the downstream was much weakened.

All the people were overwhelmed by such a miracle, prostrating deeply on the ground, their mouths filled with words of thanks and blessings.

It is difficult to see the gods in the human empire. Humans believe more in their own power, technology, or the invisible belief of the Holy Light.

When the human empire was established, the gods of the wilderness traveled across the ocean and returned to the huge island where the elves lived, or hid in the mountains and could not be hidden, leaving only shrines for offering incense.

A small number of believers travel through the mountains, looking for the shrines left by the gods, and receiving teachings through spiritual communication.

When the Sentinel Castle was about to be ravaged by the Balrog, the Lord of Thunder descended with a thousand thunders. In an instant, the angry thunder fell, and the evil spirits disappeared.He also split the sea tide to save the people from flooding.

The gate was closed again, and the adjutant led the soldiers to look at the top of the dam immediately, and saw the waves rushing along the river and into the sea.

"We succeeded?" The adjutant looked happy, looking down from the top of the dam, he saw a person standing under the dam, who was the brave young man who pulled the Balrog away.

Standing on the cloud, the white tiger was teetering. The thunderbolt half-moon slash just now exhausted all the mana accumulated in the past few days, and finally fell from the midair directly out of strength.

When the common people saw the god falling from the cloud, they were all startled, with panicked faces, and many even ran towards the dam.

General Ross beside the river never expected that the White Tiger God would fall directly from the clouds.

Including the adjutants and soldiers on the dam, they all opened their mouths.

The scene in front of them completely exceeded their cognition, and they never thought that the gods with boundless mana would also fall from the sky.

And it fell so suddenly.

There were shocking voices everywhere, and Shen Fei, who had narrowly escaped death, looked up and saw something smashed down in the sky.

Upon closer inspection, it was a handsome young man in white clothes, and Shen Fei instantly realized that this person was the White Tiger God.

It's just that this free-falling 720-degree turn followed by a 360-degree backflip pose doesn't look like it was done on its own initiative.

"What is this guy going to do? Could it be that he wants to touch porcelain?" Shen Fei looked at the white tiger god who kept falling from the sky, and even thought of this guy who fell down, stretched out four fingers and said something like "this shot is 400 gold coins" .

It is impossible for a majestic god to fall to his death.

Shen Fei dodged to the side, lest the boy fall and hit himself.

When the white tiger fell, the last bit of magic power to maintain its human form was also exhausted, and as the magic power collapsed, it turned into its original appearance.

Shen Fei saw that the Pianpian boy suddenly turned into a big orange spotted tiger, and he was stunned in place. Countless memories were dug out from the depths of the scene in front of him, flashing back in his mind non-stop.

Shen Fei rushed over subconsciously, and the moment the big orange tiger fell down, he jumped over to act as a cushion.

At the last moment of falling, Baihu squeezed the last trace of mana in his body, applied a slowing spell to himself, and then completely lost consciousness.

Shen Fei only felt the weight of hundreds of catties on his body, and he almost vomited out all the food he ate yesterday.

Painful tears flowed wildly, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, because he was so familiar with the feeling of falling down!

Both Shen Fei and Bai Hu fainted.

General Ross rushed to the scene with his soldiers first. Seeing the big orange tiger pressing on the young man, he felt that it was difficult to make a move.

Although I don't know why the white tiger god suddenly turned into a big orange tiger when it fell, but this is a real god.As mortals, they fiddled with the gods. If the White Tiger God woke up and got angry, the entire Sentinel Castle might not be able to resist the wrath of the gods.

Then General Ross sent someone to push the cart, and then sent Bai Hu and Shen Fei to the hospital in the city for treatment.

Countless people gathered around on the road to see the true faces of the two heroes, with tears in their eyes.Without Shen Fei and Baihu Tianshen, the entire Sentinel Fort would be reduced to flames.

"General, this time the Balrog was dug out of the mine. There has never been such a serious accident in Sentinel Fort before. We need to explain to the holy city, and we need to send some more magic support by the way."

The adjutant came down from the mountain and learned the whole story. The whole battalion thought they were the heroes who turned the tide, but they were embarrassed when they learned the truth.Fortunately, the White Tiger God took action, otherwise they would have become sinners in Sentinel Fort if they opened the gates and flooded the boy.

General Ross did not expect such a thing to happen.

The Black Gold Mountain Range has been mined for more than [-] years, and there has never been heard of the existence of Balrog deep underground.If this young man and the White Tiger God hadn't passed by this time, the entire Sentinel Fort would have been burned down.What's even more frightening is that these Balrogs can also split themselves. Who knows if they will summon other companions from the land of elements in the future. When humans want to take back the mine, they will definitely send troops no less than launching a war.

"When a country is in turmoil, there must be evildoers." General Ross couldn't help but sighed.

Now the empire seems to be prosperous and prosperous, but in fact there are undercurrents surging, and it seems that a pair of big hands are constantly persecuting the empire, driving the empire to a dead end.

"I will ask Fei Gong for instructions on this matter. The most urgent thing now is to rebuild after the war, collect the remains of the dead soldiers, stabilize the people's sentiments, and resume production and construction as soon as possible. However, the pit where the Balrog was dug out is completely sealed and no one is allowed to enter." General Ross was organized and organized.

Shen Fei gradually regained consciousness. The moment he opened his eyes, he suddenly got up and looked for something: "Fat Tiger!"

The big orange spotted tiger that Shen Fei saw before being knocked unconscious, as well as the way it hit him, were clearly exactly the same as the fat tiger, this was definitely not a hallucination.

Shen Fei looked left and right, but he couldn't find any trace of Fat Tiger.

After unplugging all kinds of instruments plugged into his body, Shen Fei directly jumped out of the Holy Light Nourishment Apparatus.

The medical staff immediately entered the room when they heard the movement, and when they saw Shen Fei getting up, they immediately advised: "Sir, your body has not fully recovered, and you can't get up yet."

After getting out of bed, Shen Fei's legs went limp, and if it wasn't for his poor eyesight and quick hands to put on the instrument, he might just lie down on the ground.

Only then did Shen Fei notice that there was an abnormal state of "weakness" on his body.

Weakness: You have been hurt by the flames of the Balrog, and your ribs have been crushed in the residual blood state. All attributes will be deducted by 90%, and the duration will be 1 day.

Shen Fei was dumbfounded. Is it so ruthless to deduct 90%?

He also focuses on big oranges!
PS: The ten winners of the first day have already come out. Please join the group and find the 80 Zhengtai management in Xijing to receive the red envelope. The group number is at the bottom of the introduction on the novel’s homepage.

Starting point: Huangchen Oni Sauce; Shu Ai; Speechless End; Shu Ai; Pass the sixtieth year ahead of schedule.

QQ reading: It's very strange; it's very strange; making dreams in the rivers and lakes;

(End of this chapter)

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