my pet is boss

Chapter 116 Shen Fei, You Are Behind My Back Outside...

Chapter 116 Shen Fei, You Are Behind My Back Outside...

Shen Fei grabbed the nurse's sister's hand, with an eager expression on his face: "Miss sister, I have something very important to ask you."

The nurse's cheeks were flushed.When the patient was sent over, General Ross personally ordered that this is the warrior who saved the lives of countless people in Sentinel Fort, and must use the best medical equipment.

Although he was a bit caught off guard, this young man has a handsome face and the halo of a warrior. If he sees what he wants to find, it's not impossible...

"You, you can ask." The nurse's sister was pinched by Shen Fei with one hand, and the other hand pinched the corner of her skirt, her eyes dodged and she dared not look at Shen Fei directly. Be courteous.I have never seen such a straightforward situation at first, and there is a strange emotion in my heart...

Shen Fei slowly approached, and the nurse was suppressed by Shen Fei's breath and sat directly on the hospital bed, her heart was in a mess.

Could it be that he wants to kiss directly?

This is still my first kiss!
He is approaching again!It's getting closer!My heart is beating so fast, should I hide for a while?
Seeing that he is handsome and pretty, it seems that giving him his first kiss is not a loss.

The distance between Shen Fei and the nurse was less than ten centimeters, and the nurse even felt Shen Fei's breath gently spraying on her neck, making her whole body numb, and she lost all strength in an instant.Feeling flustered in his heart, he had no choice but to close his eyes shyly and let Shen Fei do whatever he wanted.


Shen Fei's voice was a bit magnetic, the little nurse involuntarily clamped her legs when she heard it, and her body reacted, she really wanted to clamp the quilt at this moment...

"Have you ever seen that big orange tiger on top of me?"

The nurse's eyes widened immediately, and the old lady's eyes were closed. How dare you ask this?Don't you know what to do with such a grown-up person?

"Stinking rogue!"

The nurse lady left the ward angrily with her legs crossed, leaving only Shen Fei covering her face in astonishment.

Shen Fei felt his face was hot, looking at the nurse's angry back, Shen Fei fell into deep remorse: "Did I forget to say 'please' just now?"

Walking out of the nursing room, Shen Fei asked another medical staff, and finally asked where Fat Tiger was recuperating.

The sign at the door says VVVVIP Nursing Room.

Fat Tiger's nursing place is three V higher than him!

Shen Fei stretched out his hand and pushed the door open, feeling extremely complicated, and wanted to ask many questions.He thought that Fat Tiger and Xiya were still waiting for him in Haishan, and he was going to find a chance to inquire about their whereabouts after arriving at the Holy City of the Empire. Unexpectedly, Fat Tiger appeared in Sentinel Castle and became the White Tiger God.

Shen Fei now has a lot of things he wants to ask it.

Shen Fei pushed open the door and saw Fat Tiger lying on the hospital bed with his back turned to him.

The moment Shen Fei opened the door, he vaguely saw Fat Tiger's tail still dangling, but when he opened the door, he found it drooping on the hospital bed.

Shen Fei rubbed his eyes, thinking that he was hallucinating in a weak state.

Looking at the chubby back, Shen Fei felt extremely complicated.

For him, 95 years is just a moment when consciousness is restarted, but for Fat Tiger and Xia, these 95 years are really a minute and a second.

"Fat Tiger..."

Shen Fei softly called Fat Tiger's name, but Fat Tiger on the hospital bed didn't respond, instead there was still snoring.

"You stupid fool..." Shen Fei couldn't help but joked and scolded in a low voice.There seems to be a tacit understanding between them.

In the past, when Shen Fei needed Fat Tiger's help, this guy fell on the ground and pretended to be asleep, and snored decently. In the end, Shen Fei had to kick his feet twice to get up begging for nothing.

Shen Fei moved his wrist, and then slapped Fat Tiger's fat butt with lightning speed.

The flesh on the butt trembled like jelly, full of rhythm.

It's just that Shen Fei's smile gradually froze, Fat Tiger didn't respond to a slap, and was still lying on the hospital bed with his back turned to him.

Shen Fei didn't believe that Fat Tiger wouldn't react at all, he obviously didn't want to turn around and see him now.

The corners of Shen Fei's raised mouth slowly retracted and drooped.

"Are you complaining about why I abandoned you? Did you wait so long alone?"

Shen Fei's heart was full of bitterness. He himself did not expect that the freezer had malfunctioned. After sending him into the game ahead of time, he would be able to repair himself successfully, and suddenly freeze him offline without even a single notice.

If he had been notified in advance, Shen Fei would have had the opportunity to make arrangements in advance, but no one expected that at the critical moment before the establishment of the Sanshan Council, he would lose the chain, resulting in the wartime alliance agreement of the three clans not being signed, leaving only a fragile piece of self-righteousness. trade agreement.

Fat Tiger still didn't respond, and even his breathing was extremely steady.

"Master, master, Fuman is here!" There was a rumbling sound of running in the corridor, followed by shouts and curses from the medical staff.

"No noise is allowed in the hospital!"

Fuman suddenly pushed open the door of VVVVIP's room, and the moment he saw Shen Fei, he rushed forward.

"Master, it's great that you're fine! You don't know how worried I was when I heard that something happened to you!" Fuman burst into tears, and after hearing that Shen Fei passed out, he felt that the sky was about to collapse.

Fuman didn't feel relieved until he rushed to the hospital and saw the young master who was still panting.He also felt the young master patting his back to comfort him constantly.

Shen Fei patted Fuman's back frantically, and squeezed out a voice with difficulty: "If you don't let me go, I'm really going to die..."

Seeing the young master who was about to be strangled to death, Fuman immediately gave away his hand.

Fat Tiger was watching from the side, his eyes were watery and full of grievance: "You bastard, I practiced hard on Tianshen Island, and you actually raised pigs outside behind my back!"

Shen Fei turned around in astonishment, wondering when Fat Tiger turned over and stood on the bed, looking at Shen Fei and Fuman's eyes, it was clearly a pair of dogs and men caught in bed, unbelievable, unwilling, wronged...

Shen Fei looked at Fuman, and then at Fat Tiger. I haven't seen him for 95 years. How could the good-looking Fat Tiger be blind?
Fuman's eyes were as big as copper bells, and he actually saw the talking brain axe!

It's fine for this tiger to scold him, but he even scolded the young master, he couldn't bear it!
"Master, this tiger calls you a pig!"

Shen Fei:? ? ?
Fat Tiger:? ? ?
Shen Fei's brows were full of helplessness, as if he had to face it squarely, Fat Tiger was right.

Pei Qi also slowly slipped in from the corridor, not acknowledging his life, and not being afraid to see a tiger, so he found an open space and came to a "lady's party", watching the three of them continue to perform.

Fat Tiger took a deep breath, and felt that his position was not guaranteed for a moment, and his tone was crying: "One end is fine, but you actually found two!"

In the current scene, Shen Fei felt that no one was normal except him.

(End of this chapter)

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