my pet is boss

Chapter 117 Pretend for 1 minute, charge for an hour

Chapter 117 Pretend for 1 Minute, Charge for Ten Hours
PS: Thanks to the old student, Qin Beize's leader.Addition of the old leader (1/3)

Then Shen Fei spent a lot of energy before explaining to Fat Tiger that Fuman is a person, not a pig.As for the fact that Pei Qi is Fuman's pet, not his, he has no second thoughts about Fat Tiger and Xi Ya.

Shen Fei always felt that what he said was like a verbal guarantee made by a man who was stealing food outside after being discovered by his wife.

Fat Tiger still looked at Fuman and Peiqi vigilantly, always feeling that his status would be affected because of the existence of these two pigs.

Through chatting, Fuman found out that this big tiger turned out to be the young master's pet.

Fuman looked at the ladies lying on the side and thought that they were both pets, why the gap was so big.

Just as Shen Fei wanted to explain his disappearance for 95 years, Fat Tiger interrupted him by raising his hand: "I know, you are players, there is a saying that you are offline, right?"

This matter was also known to Fat Tiger some time ago, after all players entered the game.

Many people choose the way of monks and worship the four gods as beliefs.Fat Tiger learned from them that these players can be resurrected from the dead, but every day there is a saying that they will go offline, and they will disappear directly from where they are, and even the will of the gods cannot find out where they are.

Originally, with the ability of the Four Heavenly Gods, as long as players believe in the way of monks, the Four Heavenly Gods can perceive their specific positions with their will.But Baihu found that when the players who believed in the way of monks went offline, he could not perceive their existence at all.

So Fat Hu wondered if Shen Fei also went offline because of this and never showed up.

But Fat Hu remembered the impulse in his blood some time ago, and it was clear that it would only appear when Shen Fei called.So he condensed all his mana, and even changed the sky on the west side of Tianshen Island, just so that he could see the situation in the northwest through the fog of war for thousands of miles. I saw Shen Fei who hadn't seen him for a long time.

The magic power of 95 years of painstaking training, even the godhead of Tianzun and Fat Tiger can be discarded, and they can be discarded. They must try their best to leave Tianshen Island and travel thousands of miles to meet Shen Fei.

Although Fat Hu just said something lightly, Shen Fei knew how difficult it was for Fat Hu to make this decision.

"Are all your friends on Tianshen Island okay?" Shen Fei understood Fat Tiger, and what he valued the most was not his cultivation or godhood, but his feelings.

I have been with Fat Tiger day and night for five years, and those friends on Tianshen Island have been with him for 92 years. How can these relationships be easily let go, and they will be broken as soon as they are said.

Fat Tiger shook his tail, a little arrogantly: "Originally, I gave up all my mana when I left Tianshen Island, but when I was riding somersault cloud, I suddenly felt some of my mana came back. It's probably because Yang secretly gave it to Tianshen Island." The restriction was opened, Guixian simply pretended not to see it, I don't know about them..."

Fat Tiger smiled complacently. Finally, these guys still have a conscience, and they have been telling them stories for 92 years on the island.

Shen Fei kept stroking the tiger's tail, which felt very good to the touch, and promised with a straight face: "Fat tiger, trust me. I will take you back to Tianshen Island in an open and honest manner, and restore your godhead."

Fat Tiger gave up too much in order to come to see him.As a partner who has accompanied him for many years, Shen Fei must help Fat Tiger get back all the things he lost!

Now Baihukong has mana, but he doesn't have the godhead of Baihu Tianshen.

That is the godhead of the White Tiger God!

A monk has to worship the four gods to gain power. Fat Tiger is the current White Tiger, and he is the master of Fat Tiger. Doesn't it mean that he is the master of all monks?

If Fat Tiger can regain his godhead, then he can charge fees to monk players all over the world.If anyone refuses to give it, the fat tiger will be deprived of the ability to use the white tiger martial arts.According to Shen Fei's knowledge, the white tiger controls power among the four gods.Almost all harmful skills are born out of the power of the white tiger!

Shen Fei pinched the back of Fat Tiger's neck, Fat Tiger squinted his eyes comfortably, enjoying it immensely.

(= ̄ω ̄=)
This is not pinching the back of Fat Tiger's neck, this is pinching the back of the neck of all monk players!

Fuman looked thoughtfully at the enjoying Fat Tiger, and stretched out his hand to try the back of Pei Qi's neck, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he was bitten by Qi Qi in his mouth.

Fuman quickly covered his mouth with his other hand, for fear that his screams would disturb such a harmonious scene.

Why are they all pets? The difference is so big!
Fuman suppressed the pain and squatted down, and said to Bi Qi: "I won't touch it anymore, you should let go first."

After Qi Qi let go, with a disgusted expression on his face, he hid a little away, and found another place where the noble lady lay down.

There is still some seriousness in matching the lower mouth. It can ensure that Fuman will cry out, but it can also ensure that the skin and bones will not be broken.

"Fat Tiger, how do you calculate your mana now?"

Fat Tiger tapped the colorful patterns on his body with his tail and said: "There are 33 patterns on my body. Every time one turns white, it means that my mana has increased a little. When all 33 are full, the mana is equivalent to full recovery, except for those who do not have the godhead. , it’s no different from being on Tenjin Island.”

Shen Fei rubbed this guy's soft fur, and exclaimed: "That's equivalent to a large power bank!"

"Then how many patterns did you save when you struck the Balrog with lightning and cut the waves with your palm?"

Fat Tiger flicked his tail and thought for a while: "I set off from Tianshen Island and arrived at Sentinel Fort just seven days ago, and I accumulated a pattern of mana."

The magic power of a single pattern can split mountains and seas. If this is a fat tiger in its heyday, it will be so awesome!
But one mana per week...

It will take more than half a year to restore the strength of the heyday!

Is this the legendary 1 minute of pretense and ten hours of charging?

"Fat Hu, do you know where Xi Ya has gone?" Shen Fei hurriedly asked about Xi Ya's whereabouts.From Fat Tiger's mouth, Shen Fei knew that after he left, the two pets stayed in Haishan for three full years waiting for him to come back.Three years later, Guixianren came to Haishan and picked up the heartbroken Fat Tiger.

"Xia and I waited together, but one day the goddess of the moon appeared and said that she had something to tell Xia, and then Xia never appeared again, and then I was taken away by the turtle fairy. After becoming the white tiger god, I I went to the goddess of the moon and asked about Xi Ya's whereabouts, but she just said that Xi Ya shouldered an important mission and went to carry out the mission..."

Shen Fei frowned slightly, the goddess of the moon actually went to find a lizard to do the task, and said that she had an important mission on her shoulders, you must know that Xi Ya is just a child!

It seems that the trip to Haishan is inevitable.

Now there are three major events before Shen Fei.

Go to the Holy City to investigate the cause of Ergou's disappearance, and see people and dead bodies.

Bring Fat Tiger back to Tenjin Island, and regain his godhead.

Go to Haishan to find the goddess of the moon and ask about the whereabouts of Shia.

"After I disappeared, did you cause any trouble?" Shen Fei asked.In the past, these two guys loved to cause trouble, and Shen Fei would often follow behind to wipe their buttocks. At that time, Shen Fei could only comfort himself by saying that they were still young and ignorant, just children.

Fat Tiger stroked his beard with his big tail, and said earnestly: "Is it considered to be stealing the holy water from Haishan..."

"My day, I want to enforce the family law today!"

(End of this chapter)

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