my pet is boss

Chapter 118 I'll settle this kind of trivial matter!

Chapter 118 I'll settle this kind of trivial matter!
PS: The old leader will be updated (2/3)

Just as Shen Fei was about to make a move, Fat Tiger's tail flicked over.

For some reason, Shen Fei only felt that the tail in his hand weighed hundreds of catties, and he couldn't lift his hands up, and was directly crushed by a tail on the bed.

Before falling down, Shen Fei saw the incomprehension and contempt in Fuman's eyes, even the ones on the side, and the flesh on his brows were huddled together. Don't move, it's a five!

Fat Tiger pressed Shen Fei on the bed with his tail, and said with a playful smile: "Don't be angry, don't be angry. At that time, the waiting time was too long. We were both very thirsty, so we took two sips when no one was around. Nobody found out!"

Shen Fei was pressed on the bed, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't lift the tail.

Fuman's expression was a little weird, he didn't expect that the extremely wise young master couldn't even lift a tail.

Hey, who told me that I have already sworn that I will follow and serve the young master for the rest of my life.Even if he is mentally handicapped, he has to do his best to help.

"Master, don't you want to lift it?"

Shen Fei froze immediately, as if he heard the torture from the depths of his heart.

Meeting Fuman's complex eyes, Shen Fei really panicked: "Fuman, it's not what you think, it's really not!"

Shen Fei tried to lift the tail again, the tail seemed to be filled with lead, it couldn't be lifted at all, it was thick and hard, and there was hair!

Fuman looked at Shen Fei sympathetically, pursed his lips and said, "Master, I understand, I understand everything!"

"You know a fart! If you don't believe me, come here and lift it up, see if you can lift it up!"

Fuman took a look at the fat tiger and found that it didn't seem hostile, so he stepped forward and pinched the tiger's tail.

It feels really good!

With a light pinch, the fat tiger's big tail was directly lifted up.

The pressure on Shen Fei's chest suddenly disappeared. Looking at Fuman who raised his tail with one hand, the two looked at each other and blinked.

Shen Fei was so wronged that he was on the verge of crying. Before that, he thought that Fat Tiger was back, and he would have a better life in the future.Now I finally understand, where is there an extra pet, it is obviously an extra ancestor!
The most important thing is that Fat Tiger is now directly displayed as a BOSS-level existence, the one that does not even display the level, and directly defaults to a skull. If Shen Fei wants to put Fat Tiger away, the system will directly prompt [Player level is too low , the pet cannot be dismissed].

Shen Fei: It's too real to despise even the system!
Shen Fei sat cross-legged on the bed, sighed and said: "No one is allowed to drink the holy water of Haishan. If you and Xiya drank the holy water secretly, we are probably the enemies of the elves."

Fat Tiger rubbed his beard with his front paws, quite disdainful: "Is it that serious?"

"Even the high priest of the Moon God Temple has never drank the holy water from Haishan, what do you think?"

"Fuck, you haven't even drunk Cuihua? Don't joke around and scare me, I won't scare you!" Now Fat Tiger was really confused, he thought it was pure water, but now it tastes a little sweet .

"The holy water of seamounts is the most original and most essential water that was born on the earth, and it contains a lot of aura. Now I probably know why the goddess of the moon and the turtle fairy found you. It must have been discovered that you drank the holy water, and your body had an essential change. Variety."

Cuihua, the high priest of the Moon God Temple, was the first creature to receive the blessing of the Moon Goddess.Shen Fei is the second one, so Shen Fei knows many elves' secrets, and also knows what holy water means.

About drinking the holy water, Shen Fei had asked the high priest before.

If an unblessed soul drinks the holy water, its soul will be cursed for eternity.

Only two types of beings will be safe.

One category is those who have received the blessings of the true God, such as the high priest and Shen Fei.

The second category is the true god itself...

Fat Tiger was also dumbfounded at this time, carefully recalled the 93 years of history, pointed to himself and said: "You mean that sip of holy water laid the foundation of my godhood?"

Shen Fei nodded and said: "At present, it should be like this. So I am wondering what mission the Moon Goddess has arranged for Xi Ya. Since you have become a true god, it stands to reason that Xi Ya should also be a true god now existence, but you haven't found any information about Shia before..."

The circles are different, and the information obtained is also different.

Fat Tiger already has a godhead, and the people in the circle who look up and down all day are a group of true gods. It is reasonable to say that it is very simple to investigate Xi Ya, who is also a true god.

Under such circumstances, Fat Tiger couldn't find any news about Xi Ya, and Shen Fei became more and more worried.

Fat Tiger's Wang character frowned, and a Wang character simply wrinkled into a three character, like three caterpillars.

He remembered that after he was brought back to Tianshen Island, he only learned the method of exhaling spiritual energy from Gui Xianren, and he directly condensed the godhead in less than ten days.In this way, it seems that it is really the credit of the holy water!

Of course, Fat Tiger still didn't tell Shen Fei a little bit.

In fact, he and Shia didn't just drink the holy water, they also jumped in and took a bath by the way...

Of course, Fat Tiger would never dare to tell Shen Fei about this kind of thing.Just drinking a sip of holy water will be regarded as an eternal enemy by the elves. If there is another bath, he and Shen Fei may be chased and killed by the elves for tens of thousands of miles.

"Then, do you have any solution?" Fat Tiger's voice was a little timid, it seemed that he had caused a big disaster!
Shen Fei scratched his head and said, "Actually, it's not impossible. Remember the little tree I planted by the holy water pool?"

Fat Tiger nodded innocently and said, "Xia and I have been waiting for you under that tree, but it's a pity you didn't come."

"As long as the tree is here, I will settle this kind of trivial matter."

This feeling is very good, Fat Tiger is now extremely powerful, and Shen Fei once had a feeling of wanting to sit and wait for death, relying on pets to reach the pinnacle of life.But with such a powerful pet, Shen Fei, as the owner, was far behind in strength, and it was a bit bitter.

Now that there are things that Fat Tiger can't handle, Shen Fei needs to come forward to solve them, and Shen Fei suddenly finds that he is still needed, this damn sense of existence!
Just after Shen Fei woke up, the medical staff of the hospital hurriedly notified General Ross.

General Ross, who was directing the post-war reconstruction on the front line, immediately put down his work and hurried over with his adjutant when he received the news.

General Ross came to the door of VVVVIP's room in the hospital. When he opened the door, he saw an unbelievable scene.

The white tiger god was lying on the bed, and the young man beside him was holding the god's tail and shaking it back and forth, laughing happily.

General Ross's legs went limp all of a sudden, and he knelt down on the ground, his mind blank.

The adjutant who was following was startled, thinking that even if the Sentinel Fort was saved, the general wouldn't have to do such a big gift at the first meeting, would he?

But when he walked to the door and saw the scene inside, his legs were frightened, and he fell to his knees on the ground with a plop.


Don't wait for the next chapter, Wanjun is going to bed, and I will write tomorrow when I get up~
(End of this chapter)

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