Chapter 12
Shen Fei picked up all the rewards dropped by the boss.

The reward for the first boss killed in the big era game is also extremely generous.

Two skill books, one weapon forging blueprint, and a handful of wolf fur from a giant black-backed wolf.

One of them is the survival master's skill book "Towing Chains", and the other is the warrior general skill "Charge".The blueprint is the forging diagram of the long sword.

After Shen Fei picked up all the things, he looked up at Leng Qingqiu.

"Thank you for your help."

Shen Fei never expected that in the last desperate situation, this passer-by would actually stand up and save him.

You must know that saving him means entering a combat state. If you die, the next target of the boss's attack will be her.

If it were Shen Fei, he would never risk 10% experience and money loss to save a player he had never met before.

Leng Qingqiu's complexion has returned to normal, the appearance of the moonlight just now was indeed beyond her expectations, but it is also because she has something to depend on, so she came to fight the boss alone.

"You can kill the boss without me."

The majesty exuded by that ray of moonlight is unforgettable in the picture.

With this kind of hole card on her body, no matter whether she goes out or not, the opponent will definitely be able to successfully kill the boss, but it seems that she is a bit sentimental.

It's hard for Shen Fei to explain, he does have many ways to kill the boss, but in his opinion, there's no need to waste his hole cards for a level 6 boss.

not to mention……

It's one thing to be able to kill yourself, but it's another thing if the other party is willing to stand up and help.

Only then did Shen Fei see the woman's appearance clearly, she was about eighteen or nineteen years old, radiant, her eyes were shining like the Milky Way reflected on the lake, a long sword was stuck in her waist, and a volume with golden pages hung beside her, There is a heroic spirit in the beauty.

What impresses Shen Fei the most is that the whole person exudes a desolate and unearthly temperament.

Combined with the profession of Templars blessed by the Holy Light, it gives people an extremely holy feeling.

"It's one thing for me to fight, but another for you to save me."

It was difficult for Shen Fei to explain the matter of the moonlight just now, but he was grateful from the bottom of his heart for a stranger who could help.

Give gold coins as a thank you, there is not a single gold coin all over your body.

Shen Fei opened the backpack and took a look. Many things were obtained after entering the game for the first time, and many of them are life-saving cards in today's eyes.

After looking around, Shen Fei finally took out the forging blueprint of the long sword and applied for a transaction.

"If I said that I saved you because you were good at single-handed bossing and wanted to make friends, would you still give me something in return?" Leng Qingqiu asked with a half-smile.

"Ah, your question is embarrassing me!"

"Just add a friend after the transaction. If you need my help in the future, just contact me. I am a professional thug, and I will be on call. But I declare in advance that I will not give you a discount just because you saved me this time, little one." There is no discount in this sale."

Facing the person who might be the patron's father, Shen Fei always put on a very upright posture and squeezed a friendly smile that he thought was very friendly.

It's just that in Leng Qingqiu's eyes, this smile feels a bit...wretched?
When Leng Qingqiu asked this question, he just wanted to see what kind of attitude this guy had, but the answer was beyond Leng Qingqiu's imagination anyway.

Leng Qingqiu accepted the blueprint in a mess, and casually added Shen Fei's friend: "Okay, the matter of saving you will be settled, and I will contact you if necessary in the future."

After hearing this, Shen Fei let out a long sigh of relief, and finally let go of his hanging heart.

"that's it."

Leng Ling ran over from a distance, pouting her mouth fiercely: "My sister just kept saying that we don't care about other people's affairs, but in the end she went up to save you at the risk of being killed. Why are you so impersonal when you talk? .”

Shen Fei took a look at this half-sized... child?
Although he is not tall, he is wearing a copper armor. His eyes look very cold and clear, and his cheeks seem to be covered with flying clouds. The peachy color that seems to be absent is very cute. There seems to be sullenness between his eyebrows. A steel loli who represents love and justice, but seems to be... a little grumpy?
"Didn't I give you a blueprint as a thank you? This is the world's first blueprint that was dropped by killing the boss, so it's worth a lot, okay?"

"The favor has been paid back, so I'm not allowed to do a small business?"

When had Leng Ling ever seen such a person? When she was at home, she was taken care of by her sister. When she went to the company, her other brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts also loved her in every possible way, and she was loved by thousands of people.

"you you!"

"Leng Ling, please stop messing around." Leng Qingqiu interrupted, she originally wanted to help Shen Fei with the idea of ​​making friends, now that the goal has been achieved, if Leng Ling continues to talk, I am afraid that her favorability will decrease again.

Shen Fei didn't care, these two looked like ladies from a wealthy family, and they had never experienced the hardships of the bottom.

In Shen Fei's opinion, such a person is already very educated, anyway, he has seen too many ugly faces of rich people.

If you don't stay here for a long time, who knows when the five-member team of the Worriers will come back to life suddenly, and they won't be able to leave even if they want to.

In addition to using [Luna's Blessing] just now, the movement was quite loud, and he didn't want to be watched as a specimen.

Directly using the returning skill to return to Novice Village, the first thing Shen Fei did was to learn the skill [Tow Chain].

Pulling Chains: Survival Master uses his superb animal taming chains to bind the target, and pulls - himself to the target, while imprisoning the target for 3 seconds (mana cost: 20 points)
This is a skill that can be learned by survival masters at level 6. Just now, after brushing the boss alone, the experience has skyrocketed to level 7, which is just right for learning the skill book.

As for the other book "Charge", it is a general skill of the three fighters, there is no shortage of market at all, and it can be cashed out directly.

Shen Fei came to the trading square in Novice Village, where many players set up stalls.

Not in a hurry to set up a stall, Shen Fei first walked around and found that other people set up stalls to sell basic materials, and one or two sellers here and there were selling weapon blueprints and shouting loudly.

Shen Fei was the first in the world to kill the BOSS, so those players selling weapon blueprints should kill elite monsters or rare monsters.

Considering that currently only he, the Leng Qingqiu sisters, and the group of five known about the black-backed giant wolf's killing skills, no one should be able to kill the boss again within a few hours, so Shen Fei boldly bid 50 Silver coins, turned around and left after consigning the skill book.

Go back to the village head of the repeater machine and hand in the task, and get a drop in the bucket experience.

"Young warrior, you have proven your strength. But a penny is too much for a hero. You urgently need to learn a life skill to make a living. There are many people in the village who are good at different life skills. You can visit them learning skills."

However, what Shen Fei didn't know was that shortly after he left the consignment plaza, his consignment stall caused an uproar.

 Congratulations to [Pure Little Dragon] becoming the second leader of this book, thank you for the leader of Xiaolong, mua~ In addition, thanks for the rewards of the year, and the rewards of other friends, I love you, pen refill!

(End of this chapter)

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