my pet is boss

Chapter 13 Discount?You are afraid that you want to break a bone!

Chapter 13 Discount?You are afraid that you want to break a bone!
At this stage, players are simply unable to face BOSS. Almost all players sell are ores, herbs, and leather.

The few booths where the weapon blueprints burst out have become the focus of everyone's eyes.Just looking at the high price of a few silver coins at every turn, he was discouraged.

Unexpectedly, there is another stall selling skill books, and the price is [-] silver coins!

This is robbery!

Just looking at the skill book, countless men in plate armor knelt on the ground.

Warrior-type general skill book "Charge", a skill that can be learned at level 5, a warrior's iconic skill, none of them!

This is the skill that all warriors dream of, and it is now appearing on the consignment booth, but the high price seems like a natural moat, making it impossible for two people who love each other to combine.

"The system said before that Shen Fei was the first to kill the world boss, so he must have exploded this skill book?" Some thoughtful players have already analyzed the source of the item.

But of course, the price of fifty silver coins is completely sky-high!
Some players wanted to find Shen Fei to see if it could be cheaper, while some players remained silent and tried to find ways to raise money.

Warriors who have learned the skill "Charge" and fighters who have not learned "Charge" are completely different professions.

Shen Fei had just handed in the task on the front foot, and the system sent a bunch of messages confirming friends on the back foot.

Shen Fei was stunned, why so many friend requests all of a sudden?

Passed one at random, it was a guy whose ID was Rongchang Pig.

"Boss Shen, can you sell the "Charge" skill book for 25 silver coins?"

Shen Fei frowned, cutting off a person's fortune is like killing his parents, this time he would cut him in half, this is not revenge for killing his father! ?What's the difference between this and "eat lemons" directly when you come up?
Shen Fei didn't even bother to talk nonsense, he directly pulled Heijia to delete his friends, and took away a set of tricks.

When the player asked again, all he had was a bright red exclamation mark and a reminder that he was not a friend.

The rest of the friend requests were simply ignored, without even thinking about it, they all came to lower the price.

"I tried my best to fight the BOSS alone, and these guys actually want to lower the price, it's really insane!"

Shen Fei was sure, at least before today's rest, no one could successfully kill the boss.

Field BOSS also has a cooling time, and it will be refreshed again six hours after being killed.Some rare and rare wild monsters have a refresh time of more than twelve hours, and there are some unique bosses, which are only one, burn after killing, and never appear again. Naturally, the rewards are extremely generous.

Shen Fei comforted himself to calm down, and focused all his attention on the choice of life skills.

The life skills in "Big Times" are rich and varied.

Gathering skills are Mining, Herbal Medicine, and Skinning.

Crafting skills are Blacksmithing, Leatherworking, Tailoring, Alchemy, Enchanting, Engineering, and Jewelry.

Secondary skills are fishing, cooking and first aid.

These life skills cover almost all situations and needs that players can face in the game.

Although there are many types of life skills, Shen Fei doesn't have to worry about them at all.

His life skills have been learned when he entered the game 100 years ago, and they are the most original skills taught in this world.

Shen Fei clicked on his life skills, and was shocked to find that the god-level life skills he had learned before had turned gray.

After trying to click, the system prompts 【Please go to the life skills trainer to learn to unlock this skill】.


Shen Fei didn't think too much about it. When he logged into the game 100 years ago, the system was not perfect, and many things appeared step by step. The voice of the Creator's cold machinery in the sky would sound every once in a while, still in his ears.

After searching around Xinshou Village, Shen Fei found a blacksmith's shop at the west gate of the village, and before he got close, he heard the sound of tinkling and hammering.

In addition to pure life players will choose the collection function, forging is extremely popular among normal player groups.

Because the game does not have the setting of dropping weapons directly, all weapons need to be reproduced through forging.Players want to personally forge a powerful weapon and fight with it, so a large number of players are attracted to learn forging skills.

But Shen Fei is different, he has already learned the forging skills a hundred years ago, in a traditional saying - mastering the Taoist sect.

Shen Fei walked to the door of the blacksmith shop, and suddenly heard a burst of excited shouts from the forging area.

"Come out! I've unleashed a green weapon!" The man shouted excitedly, whistling with the hammer in his hand.

Immediately, the players in the entire forging area fell into shock.

"You can actually forge a green weapon, isn't this the first green weapon in the forging area?"

"This guy is really awesome, why don't you hurry up and make some friends now, and you can ask him to make weapons in the future."

"Go, go over and see what attributes the green weapons have."

When entering the game, the system will explain the game settings and content. There are six levels of weapons and equipment.

White stands for ordinary, green stands for excellent, blue stands for excellent, purple stands for epic, orange stands for legend, and dark gold stands for supreme.

Almost all the players in the forging area crowded around, some wanted to make friends, and some went to join in the fun to see the first green weapon.

There were so many players joining in the fun, most of them came out of the blacksmith shop to find out.

After all, at a time when almost all players can only create blank weapons, the sudden appearance of a high-quality weapon can definitely cause a sensation.

Shen Fei didn't go to join in the fun, it was just an excellent quality weapon, there was nothing to make a fuss about.

I remember that when he followed that great man to learn the forging technique, he witnessed the birth of the supreme weapon and the scene of resonance between heaven and earth.

It was the first supreme artifact, and it was also the only one that was absolutely perfect.

Shen Fei entered the blacksmith's shop and found the uncle who was wearing an undershirt and was forging in front of the fire.

"Hello, I want to learn forging."

"Forging is an art. It takes patience and persistence to master it. Can you do it?"

After the middle-aged NPC finished speaking, a dialogue box appeared on Shen Fei's side.

【May I ask if you decide to use forging as your only life skill】

Shen Fei chose yes without hesitation.

In the next second, the middle-aged NPC in charge of forging issued the first task - to create a pair of armor.

At the same time, the NPC also gave Shen Fei five pieces of ore to make armor.

This is an extremely basic task. The purpose is to teach the player how to forge. After forging, hand the armor to the NPC, and you will get ten points of primary forging proficiency.

After Shen Fei accepted the task, he didn't rush out to make the armor, but wandered back and forth in the blacksmith's shop, as if he was looking for something.

Finally, Shen Fei saw a wall chart on the wall behind the forging table.

Because of the age, the colors on the wall chart are almost mottled and faded, but one can vaguely see a young man with his upper body shirtless, forging iron in front of a forge, surrounded by a group of people watching.

Seeing this picture, Shen Fei's thoughts involuntarily drifted back to 95 years ago...

(End of this chapter)

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