my pet is boss

Chapter 120

Chapter 120
General Ross's face was stiff, and he didn't know what expression to show at this moment.

"Baihu Tianshen, don't joke with us..." General Ross still couldn't believe it. He preferred to believe Shen Fei and Baihu Tianshen's old acquaintance. , It turned out to be someone else's pet.This news is really exciting!

"Do you think I am a god, and I have the time to joke with you?"

Fat Tiger has been enshrined by people all the year round, passing on the knowledge of believers, and has long developed the power of a god.In front of Shen Fei, he behaved the same as before. That was because Shen Fei was his master, the person who gave him wisdom, and also the closest person, so he naturally revealed his true nature.But for other people, Fat Tiger doesn't have that much patience to explain.

General Ross turned pale, and now he really believed it.

General Ross even smiled bitterly in his heart, thinking that Reed, you blind dog, handed over such a hot potato to himself.What can I do now?Even the White Tiger God is Shen Fei's pet, and his status is incomparably noble, how could he be so rare about being an official.And how to give this official position?
Lord of the gods, such a title is even more noble than the king of the human empire.If you appoint him another official position and be under the leadership of the king, this is completely subservient to others, not to mention whether Shen Fei agrees or not.The White Tiger God is more noble than the Human Emperor, how could he be willing to be ruled by the Human Emperor?What's more, King Lucian is missing now, and Grand Duke Ferdinand is still in charge of the country, which is another level lower.

"This trash, Reed, has given me another problem this time." General Ross was extremely depressed.After thinking about it for a long time, General Ross decided to continue playing football. He didn't want to worry about such things. Anyway, he wrote down all the righteous deeds of Shen Fei in Sentinel Fort. As for the rewards, let Fei Gong worry about it!

General Ross was out of place in this atmosphere, and later said that he would immediately send a battalion of soldiers to Tuke County, and then left under the pretext of arranging the mansion for Shen Fei and Baihu Tianshen.

After leaving the hospital, General Ross breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help applauding his wit.

Shen Fei is now in a weak state and must rest for a day to recover.

"You have completed the task [Request Support], task reward: 5000 experience points."

5000 experience points are better than nothing for Shen Fei, an increase of 4% experience points, not as high as the experience points of killing the four Balrogs just now.

There are only three tasks for Shen Fei to come to Sentinel Fort. The first is to move the rescuers, the second is to take the letter of introduction from General Ross to the holy city, and the third is to collect the necessary ore in Sentinel Fort.

It's just that Shen Fei didn't expect to give him such a big surprise when he got off the boat. First, the Balrog was raging, and then the fat tiger savior.

According to Fat Tiger afterwards, his original destination was Touk County, but when he passed the Sentinel Fort by Somersault Cloud, he saw the scene of the Balrog raging, and happened to see Shen Fei restraining the four Balrogs.

With Fat Tiger's eyesight of 5.0 on the left and right, he recognized Shen Fei at a glance, and then he rescued him without hesitation.

To be reasonable, I really have to be grateful for the disaster of the Balrog this time, otherwise Fat Tiger would not have found Shen Fei at all.

Under the arrangement of General Ross, the Sentinel Fort quickly resumed production and construction, and the market reopened, and everything was in order.

Shen Fei is now in a weak state, all attributes have been reduced by 90%, and now he is a weak chicken who can't even match up, and is a "people who don't move" in Fuman's eyes.It is not suitable to do anything in this state, so take advantage of today to quickly buy the materials you need, get a letter of introduction when you have a rest tomorrow, and go directly to the holy city.

You must know that it will take two or three days to take a boat from Sentinel Fort to the Holy City if the weather is good.

It was an unexpected joy to be able to reunite with Fat Tiger. Fat Tiger knew that Er Gouzi had become the king of the human empire, and Er Gouzi also knew that Fat Tiger had become the White Tiger God.

In the Holy City, the Wu Monk Temple is comparable to the Holy Light Cathedral in terms of location and status. This is Er Gouzi's respect for Fat Tiger and a commemoration of Shen Fei.Even the enlightened martial masters of the descendants of the royal family invited the highly respected Zen masters in the Monk Temple.At this time, many warriors who rode their horses on the battlefield and worked hard to study combat skills gritted their teeth and complained about His Majesty's partiality behind their backs.

The news of the king's unexpected disappearance shocked the entire continent. In addition, the news was not blocked, and the forces of all parties were ready to move.

Fat Tiger once used his power to spy on Tianshen Island, but found nothing.

"Fuman, you can go to the Sentinel Fort market later to inquire about these gemstones. It's best to go to a few more shops to compare the prices, and bring the cheapest ones together to me."

Shen Fei is now physically weak, and his legs will shake after walking for a while.He is also relieved to leave these things to Fuman.

Shen Fei handed the note written in advance to Fuman. Fuman was very excited to receive the task from the young master. It was finally his turn to show his strength. This time, he must do it well. Bright!

Fuman walked out of the VVVVIP ward with Qiqi, but just after taking two steps, Fuman remembered something and turned back.

"Why did you come back again? Is there something unclear?" Shen Fei asked curiously.

Fuman took off the backpack on his body, rummaged inside for a while, and suddenly took out a delicate wooden box, and handed it to Shen Fei.

"What is this?" Shen Fei took the wooden box and weighed it, there was still some weight, but he didn't remember when he gave Fuman such a wooden box.

Fuman scratched his head but did not explain, and said, "Master, please open it first and see if there is any ore you need inside."

Shen Fei didn't know what the hell Fuman was doing, but thinking about it, he would definitely not harm him.

Shen Fei opened the wooden box, and there were two square pieces of smelted ore laid out inside.

The silver-white texture looks extremely smooth, and each piece is as big as a palm.Shen Fei picked it up and weighed it. The weight was much lighter than iron. At this moment, the name of the item - Mithril also appeared on the interface.

This is exactly the Mithril that Shen Fei is looking for, it happens to be two pieces!

"Fuman, where did you get this thing?" Shen Fei had a look of disbelief, Fuman was by his side every day, and he didn't even know when there was an extra box.

Fuman scratched his head, although he didn't know what it was, but seeing the young master's reaction seemed very excited, it must be a good thing.

That's not right... Even if the young master picked up a copper coin while walking, he still has this expression...

Fuman said again: "Master, please don't get excited, the bottom of this wooden box can also be opened."

Shen Fei lifted the wooden box and looked at it, and found that there was a small drawer on the second floor.

Pulling it away casually, Shen Fei froze on the spot.

There are many exquisite gems in the small drawer.

Diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, moonstones, topaz...

Fat Tiger looked up, with a strong disdain on his face, these are low-grade gems, how can they be as powerful as the high-grade ores on their Tianshen Island, Shen Fei really has never seen the world, so he is so happy...

Fat Tiger looked at the foolish Fuman and felt that his status was threatened!

PS: Thank you Xianyujun for his silver lord, the local tyrant!

(End of this chapter)

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