my pet is boss

Chapter 121 I, Shen Fei, Are Such a Person

Chapter 121 I, Shen Fei, Are Such a Person

In this way, all the ores I needed for this trip were gathered.

After distributing most of the money, Shen Fei now only has more than 200 gold coins on him, and he is ready to collect the ore even if he bleeds.

As a result, Fuman turned around and gave him a box, which contained all the materials he needed, and let Shen Fei say something.

It's nothing more than a joy from heaven, right?

"Fuman, you probably stole this box while you were in the middle of the chaos, didn't you?"

Shen Fei remembered that before leaving Tuke County, Fuman did not have this box.All day and night on the ship, both of them had no contact with outsiders in the cabin.The only time they were separated was when the Balrog was raging. When Shen Fei went to join the battle, there was a brief separation of a few hours.It just so happened that Fuman mixed with the fleeing crowd at that time, so there was a possibility.

Shen Fei resisted the urge to accept it, and closed the wooden box.

If this wooden box was all the belongings of a certain commoner when he fled, how desperate he would be when he found out that his property was lost!
It's like scraping together 10 yuan for a life-saving surgery, but the money was stolen at the train station. How desperate would the person be when they found out that the money was lost?

Shen Fei has always believed that being poor is not a bad reason.

Do everything with a clear conscience!
Asking for money is also a good way to get it.

Since it is a picked-up item, the owner must be found and sent back.You can't treat it as your own just because you picked it up.

Seeing that the young master misunderstood, Fuman hurriedly waved his hands and explained: "Master, I only know that there are ores in it, but I don't know how precious it is. I saved an old man. He gave it to me as a thank you, and I didn't steal it."

Fu Man was so anxious that he almost cried. If he went to steal something with his body, he might be discovered before he got close.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Qi Qi, it was also there at the time."

Fuman pointed to Qi Qi, which was the only witness other than the person involved.

Pei Qi raised his head and moaned, indicating that it was indeed the case.

The crying Fuman found a stool and sat down, and told Shen Fei what happened after the separation.

Fuman mixed into the crowd with his kit, but Fuman had just arrived at Sentinel Fort, and he was not familiar with the place, so he didn't know where to hide for refuge, so he simply followed the large army of refugees along the way, and Fuman followed them wherever they went.

There are many small fishing boats by the Shuanggang harbor. On weekdays, many people fish for a living. Fearing that the army will not be able to resist the Balrog, the fleeing people simply rowed to the sea and used the sea to protect their safety.

Many people who rushed over first boarded the big boat. When Fuman was crowded by a group of people, there were not many boats left on the entire coast, and all of them were the smallest rafts.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Pei Qi ran quickly and jumped onto a raft, and Fuman, who was squeezed into the water, saw Pei Qi standing on the raft at a glance.

Fuman couldn't swim, but the black pot on his back saved his life. The strong buoyancy made him float on the water, and Puchi Puchi's hands and feet floated to Peiqi's side and climbed onto the raft.

Just as Fuman was about to paddle a kayak to get together with the refugee army, someone on the shore suddenly called for help.

But at this time, everyone had already fled by boat, and the rest of the people in Sentinel Fort locked their doors tightly, like a scene of empty streets.

Fuman hesitated for a while, and finally chose to take this uncle with him.

Later, when they were on the boat, Fuman and Uncle Lance learned that this was a jeweler who came to Sentinel Fort to do business, but this happened to him as soon as he arrived.After the Balrog was eliminated, everyone went ashore again, and the uncle Lance forced Fuman to give him a wooden box as a thank you.

After landing again, Fuman packed the wooden box in his big bag, and then went to inquire about Shen Fei's whereabouts.

After learning that the young master was injured and unconscious in dealing with the Balrog, Fuman immediately rushed to the hospital, and this was the beginning of the scene.

Although he only got along with Fuman for a week, because of the same experience, Shen Fei knew Fuman very well, as if he saw a fat version of himself in the mirror.Fuman's words were not adulterated or lied at all. It seems that this wooden box was really a jeweler's thank you for saving his life.

Shen Fei looked at Fuman quite proudly.

The name Fuman was given by him, and now it seems that this name is really the right one!
Fuman is amazing, and the person who named him is even more amazing!
There is also Fuman's kind-hearted character, everyone is in danger in the face of disaster, only he still wants to go back to rescue him, but this pure heart is enough to convince people!Of course, this has something to do with his precepts and deeds of Shen Fei, after all, Shen Fei is also such a person!

Shen Fei shook the dust off Fuman's shoulders, as if he was admiring the masterpiece he had created, with a satisfied face: "Fuman, this is a great achievement for you!"

Fat Tiger on the side smashed his mouth, he spent all his magic power to split the water waves for Shen Fei to save his life, and Shen Fei didn't see him thanking him.

Oh man.

Shen Fei handed the wooden box back to Fuman and asked him to put it in his backpack for safekeeping.

Shen Fei never expected that Fuman would bring him back so many ores even if he went to escape.What kind of luck is this guy!Not to mention saving Shen Fei a lot of money, it also saved a lot of time.

All the ore materials were complete, and Shen Fei looked at the three blueprints lying quietly in the backpack, and compared the materials in his hands.

"Making the Royal Ring", only a piece of pure holy light energy is missing.

"Making of Blessing Amulet" is similar to the stabilizer of old spring water and Merovingia.

"Making of Aiken's Necklace" is short of Aiken's memoir.

Shen Fei looked at the missing materials and scratched his head. The relatively simple materials were all assembled, and the remaining materials were all weird and weird. Where should we get them?

Shen Fei suddenly thought of Fat Tiger, this guy has been the White Tiger God for 93 years, so he should know a lot.

"Fat Hu, I need to find some materials here. See if you have any clues."

He only came to find himself when he needed it, and Fat Tiger expressed that he was angry.Lying on the hospital bed, rolled over, turned his back to Shen Fei, and obviously rejected Shen Fei's request.The whole movement was done in one go, and Fat Tiger started snoring again without saying a word, all the movements and performances of his body revealed only three words-coax me!

Seeing Fat Hu like this, Shen Fei pursed his lips and said to himself: "Fat Hu spent all his mana today to save me, and traveled a long distance for another week. He must be really tired."

"Fuman, I entrust you with investigating these materials!"

Hearing this, Fat Tiger, who was dozing off, opened his eyes instantly, rolled over from the hospital bed, glared at Fuman fiercely and said: "This is my mission, no one is allowed to compete with me!"

Fat Tiger showed a fierce look on his face, which startled Fuman.

Even Shen Fei said it was hard to find something, so it must be really hard to find.

But if it was given to Fuman, a fat man, he might be able to find it with his shit luck. Wouldn't he have lost a chance to claim credit?

(End of this chapter)

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