my pet is boss

Chapter 122 The Legend of the Fountain of Youth

Chapter 122 The Legend of the Fountain of Youth

PS: Qin Beize's alliance leader adds more (1/3)

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Starting point: Huawu Tianjiao, Master of the Second World, Fuda Affiliated Young Doudou Class Leader, Sniper Rifle Eliminator, Wang Genshuo
QQ Reading: It’s Weird, It’s Weird, Descendants of the Dragon, Shu Ai, Shi Qi

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Fat Tiger waved his hand. Anyway, he has also been a White Tiger God for 93 years. What high-end things have you never heard of?
This kind of good opportunity to pretend to be aggressive, I must perform well, try to make Shen Fei look at me with admiration, it is best to praise it, I am very excited.

"Tell me, what kind of material is it that worries you so much." Fat Tiger's words were not joking, thinking that it traveled all over the world with Shen Fei back then, and had never seen anything in the world.Fighting evil dragons, seeing the moon god, and fighting countless frost orcs head-on...

"Pure Holy Light Energy, Fountain of Youth, Merovingian Stabilizer, Aiken's Memoirs."

Shen Fei told Fat Hu all the four materials in one breath, and the confident smile on Fat Hu's face gradually faded until it became bitter.

It's over, now I'm pretending to be big!

"Emmmm, this pure holy light energy, you can ask Holy Light Archbishop Mailer when you arrive in the holy city, he should know."

Hey, this is different from not saying anything. Shen Fei also knows that he can ask the Archbishop for advice when he goes to the Holy City, but Shen Fei is not sure whether Archbishop Mailer is willing to give Shen Fei a hand after knowing that he personally killed one of his disciples, Fleck. provide help.

"I've really heard of this fountain of youth." Fat Tiger looked sincere, and this was the only one among the four materials that he could be sure of.

Shen Fei was only joking, after all, the names of these materials are too weird, even if you ask the well-informed Gui Xianren, you may not know all of them.

It's just that Fat Tiger actually knew one here, which provided Shen Fei with some clues and targets, at least Shen Fei didn't have to search around like a headless chicken.

"This fountain of youth should refer to the water in the fountain of youth. The fountain of youth is located north of Owendale." Fat Tiger said and paused here, believing that Fei Chen knew where the north of Owendale was.

Shen Fei took a deep breath, of course he knew that it was north of Owendale!

Owendale is the place where the human empire and the frost orc border meet.

Thousands of miles of Daxueshan Mountains completely isolated the human empire from the orc tribes.Owendale is the only place, at the top of the Daxue Mountain Range, there is an open canyon mouth, connecting the human empire and the orc tribe.

60 years ago, the Frost and Cold Orcs had extradited the army and traveled thousands of miles from the Frost and Cold Fortress, hoping to conquer the last hope of mankind - the Holy City of Lions.

Owendale is only [-] kilometers away from the holy city. Once the orc army is allowed to conquer the pass of Owendale, countless frost orcs will drive straight in, as if entering a land without people.That's why they chose to trek heavily and deal a fatal blow to Owendale.

During that time, King Lucian fought against the enemy with iron will for ten days and ten nights. In the end, the Frost Orcs fled in embarrassment because of logistical problems.The battle of Owendale became the most humiliating battle for the frost orcs.

Humans were lucky to win this victory, but King Lucian decided to strengthen the defense in Owendale to prevent similar situations from happening again.

Shen Fei has never been aware of this period of history, especially the brave Lucian who killed the enemy in the mouth of the fat tiger, and the cunning second dog with his memory who is greedy for petty gains.

"In 95 years, people will change!" Fat Tiger sighed, wagging his tail.

These words were like a hammer, hitting Shen Fei's chest deeply.

Fat Tiger's words reminded him that for him, these 95 years are just a flick of a finger, but for these creatures in the game, it has really passed 95 years, an extra 95 years. years of experience.

Shen Fei was a little scared, after he found Er Gouzi, he was still smiling foolishly and greedy for petty gain, or he had become an unsmiling king of a country, and he didn't like others to bring up his poor past and embarrassing things.

The fat tiger on the side seemed to see Shen Fei's sorrow, and put his fleshy tiger paw on Shen Fei's shoulder to comfort him: "Don't worry, Er Gouzi was also the one who sat on the throne step by step under my watch. He has become what you think, with great talent and boldness, and extraordinary heroism. But that is how he looks to outsiders, just like I am the White Tiger God in front of outsiders."

Fat Tiger didn't say a word for the second half, and now it reappeared by Shen Fei's side after 95 years, it no longer needs an answer.

With Pang Hu's explanation, Shen Fei's mood suddenly improved a lot. He pinched Pang Hu's round cheek and said, "Sure enough, some things still haven't changed. For example, your weight and Tsundere."

Fat Tiger used to be jealous with Xi Ya, but now he is jealous with Fu Man.

When it came to weight, Fat Tiger's eyes flickered, his breath became heavier, and he didn't have the confidence to be the king of the jungle when he spoke, he hesitated: "Why are you so innocent!" Then he blushed and argued : "The weight is not fat, it's spiritual energy! The spiritual energy on Tenjin Island!" Then came the difficult words, such as "I have been practicing for 93 years", "I didn't even eat a hot meal", etc. It caused Shen Fei, Fuman and even the complete set to laugh, and the atmosphere inside and outside the VVVVIP ward was full of joy.

Fat Tiger looked at the crowd angrily, slammed the hospital bed and said, "Do you still want to hear the legend of the Fountain of Immortality?"

Only then did Shen Fei restrain his smile, waiting for Fat Tiger to continue talking.

"At that time, the two sides were fighting very stalemate. After the Mingjin retreated on the ninth day, both sides believed that it could not continue, so humans and Frost Orcs each used their cards. On the human side, Archbishop of Holy Light Mailer and Archmage Jordan joined forces His subordinates have a magic circle, which is used to improve the recovery ability and strength of the soldiers. The price is the ten-year lifespan of the two outstanding figures, and this magic circle can only last for one hour, which means that on the tenth day, human beings can only burn their boats. There is no retreat."

"As for the frost orc clan, most of them are bloodthirsty and violent orc warriors and wolf knights. Because of the blizzard at the end, their food supplies did not arrive on time, and even reached the point where they had no rations. On the night of the ninth day, Frost Fortress A priest who studied dark magic used evil black magic to sacrifice the lives of half of the orc soldiers, and poured their blood and aura into a large lake next to the barracks. The remaining orc warriors drank the lake water, Become more manic and bloodthirsty, feel no pain, and have inexhaustible physical strength."

When Fat Tiger said this, Shen Fei almost felt that the lake water that released dark magic from Fat Tiger's mouth was the focus of this time - the Fountain of Youth.

"What's the price?"

"What is the price of gaining this power?"

(End of this chapter)

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