my pet is boss

Chapter 123 The Holy City of Lions

Chapter 123 The Holy City of Lions
PS: Qin Beize's alliance leader adds more (2/3)

Shen Fei knew very well that if he wanted to gain power that did not belong to him, he would have to pay a price.

The holy water of the white elves is like this, the magic circle that can allow soldiers to continuously recover blood is like this, and the lake water under the black magic of the frost-cold orcs is like this.

"The lake water full of evil spirits will bring endless anger and strength to the drinkers, but also because of drinking the evil spirits, these frost-cold orcs can no longer rest and sleep. Once they close their eyes, they will be bloodied. The evil spirits in it woke up with a start, and in the end, because they could not sleep for a long time, they either died suddenly or completely went crazy, becoming the walking dead dominated by the evil spirits."

"The lake that has been enchanted with black magic is the Fountain of Youth. It is [-] kilometers north of Owendale. Even the Frost Orcs dare not set foot there, and it has become a ghost with only walking corpses left."

After Fat Tiger finished speaking, Shen Fei shuddered.

It would be easy for him to face Frost Orcs and the like, but it would make one's scalp tingle just thinking about it.

But for this rare suit, Shen Fei decided to wait until after the Holy City, and find a chance to visit the Fountain of Youth.

You must know that many settings in "Big Times" are still very conscientious. The more materials needed, the more complicated, and the more cherished, the better the effect and quality of the produced items will be.

Shen Fei really couldn't wait to see the set effect of the series [The Wealth of the Holy Light Sect].

"As for the remaining [Merovingia's Stabilizer] and [Aiken's Memoirs], I don't know at all. It sounds like two people from the name. You really need to go to the Holy City and find a way to find a special agency. Take a good listen."

Fat Tiger is still very clear about the composition of the human empire.Whether it is the light camp or the dark camp, there are creatures who believe in the four gods and practice the way of monks.In communicating with them, Fat Tiger has a certain understanding of many secrets or structural systems of both camps.

After all, faith does not distinguish between good and evil, it just depends on how you use this power.

Fat Tiger's proposal awakened Shen Fei a little bit. When he was in Tuke County, he got connected with MI[-].When it comes to finding people, there is no existence stronger than the secret service organization. When we reach the Holy City, we will find a way to contact MI[-] and see if we can ask them to help us find the remaining two clues.

Up to now, all doubts have either been resolved, or have a clear idea, Shen Fei is in a good mood.

Afterwards, General Ross's adjutant came to the hospital again, the accommodation had been arranged, and he made a special trip to pick up Shen Fei and Baihu Tianshen and his party.

Originally, General Ross planned to hold a celebration dinner for Shen Fei, to introduce Shen Fei to the soldiers and civilians of Sentinel Fort, and let everyone get to know this hero well.But after learning that Shen Fei is the master of the White Tiger God, he immediately dismissed this thought, for fear of offending Shen Fei, he dared not neglect food and lodging.

As for Shen Fei's request, isn't it just to go to the holy city by boat?He will arrange it immediately tomorrow!
It's not that General Ross drove people away, but that Shen Fei's identity is too sensitive!
It's just that the little prince or Grand Duke Ferdinand came to Sentinel Castle, and General Ross entertained him wholeheartedly.But Shen Fei's status is special, he is the master of gods, an existence beyond the mortal class, it is not an exaggeration to say "living gods", it really echoes the old saying - it is easier to invite gods than to give them away.

In terms of delicious food and drinks, this was the most comfortable night for Shen Fei to rest after entering the game.

It was either in Xinshou Village or Jasmine Hotel before, but this time in a good mansion, the bed alone is enough for five or six people to sleep together, and the decoration is extraordinarily luxurious and elegant. Heavy gold build.

What Shen Fei didn't know was that the place General Ross arranged for Shen Fei this time was exactly the palace where King Lucien lived when he came to visit Sentinel Fort. Everything was built according to palace standards. The window is the sea view, sitting in the supreme location, showing the royal grace and luxury.

Shen Fei went online again, and when he woke up, he found that Fat Tiger was sleeping next to him, snoring loudly like thunder.

After becoming a god, his strength did not increase, and his snoring became louder.

Shen Fei opened the curtains and looked into the distance, the sea and the sky were all shrouded in darkness, except for a faint light in the far distance - the dawn gradually turned pale.

Shen Fei frowned slightly, for some reason, he felt that the offline time had been shortened.

"Maybe it's because too many things happened yesterday, it's my own illusion." Shen Fei shook his head, and then woke up Fat Tiger and Fu Man.

As for Pei Qi, he didn't know when he woke up, lying on the beach alone to enjoy the sunrise, with a glass of red wine in front of him.It's quite a tasteful pig.

Don't ask how Pi Qi pours the red wine, other pigs want to know too.

After everyone got up, they tidied up a bit, and the adjutant had notified General Ross in advance that they were going to leave.

Shen Fei came out of the seaside villa, took another look at the Sentinel Fort, and found that the mine on the mountainside had been cordoned off.

According to Shen Fei's understanding, this Balrog's attack was not accidental, and now there should be a dungeon related to Balrog behind the blockade.

It's just that Shen Fei is currently out of shape and has no time to download the instance.

The most urgent task is to go to the holy city as soon as possible to investigate the reason for Er Gouzi's disappearance.

"Shen Fei, I have already arranged a ship to take you to the Holy City. This letter is a letter of introduction about your outstanding performance in Tuk County and Sentinel Fort. When you arrive in the Holy City, take the letter of introduction to Grand Duke Ferdinand, He will give you the reward you deserve."

Shen Fei put the letter of introduction into his backpack and took over the task.

"You triggered the normal task [Pillar of Talent]."

"Mission content: Your good performance in Turk County and Sentinel Fort left a deep impression on the two officers. They praised you in the letter and thought you were a pillar of the empire. Pass the letter of introduction to the Grand Duke Ferdinand, you can deepen the favor and trust of the high-level empire."

"Mission reward: 10000 experience, 50 prestige points of the human empire, 50 silver coins."

The rewards for this mission are very ordinary, even Shen Fei doesn't care much about the prestige of the human empire.With his status as the boss of Lucien, would he still care about this reputation?
With Fat Tiger by his side, he has the greatest capital.

When Fat Tiger left Tianshen Island, he did abandon his cultivation and godhood.

But then when he was on somersault cloud, Fat Tiger felt that he could still cultivate, and at the same time, the magic power from Tianshen Island continuously entered his body invisibly, although it was not much, it was indeed accumulating.

At this time, Fat Tiger probably knew that Gui Xianren and Yang must have done something to restore his godhead.

It does not have a godhead now, but only the people on Tianshen Island and Shen Fei know about this matter.

In the eyes of all outsiders, it is still the god who controls thunder and lightning.

This is a special boat.

Of course, even if Shen Fei didn't go to the holy city, the ship would set sail this morning, report the discovery of the Balrog in the Sentinel Fort to Fei Gong, and ask for the support of the mage troops.

Que Qi once again climbed to the top deck of the bow, and the person standing beside it was still Shen Fei.

Facing the rising sun, set off to the holy city of lions!

(End of this chapter)

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